I Look up the following word combinations in the dictionary; find the sentences where they are used; translate them into Russian
The government’s licensing board To advertise goods or services Noncommercial public broadcasting Congressional appropriations Appeal to an audience Wide diversification in programming To be affiliated with smth. To win high audience ratings To subscribe to cable television A satellite dish To beam down onto smth. Conventional television To retain audience II Answer the questions about the text: a) Who has the right to become a radio or television broadcaster in the US? b) American broadcasting system is a commercial system. Prove the statement. c) What kind of programs do radio and television stations offer? d) How do networks operate? e) Why do you think people subscribe to cable television? f) Is the range of cable television programs wide? g) Do you think satellite television is the main competitor for conventional television? Why? h) What are the hotly debated questions concerning television?
III Fill the gaps with prepositions: a) It is supported … money … businesses that pay to advertise goods or services … the audience. b) Commercial broadcasting is a huge industry bringing … profits of about 1,8 billion dollars annually. c) The funding … public broadcasting comes primarily … congressional appropriations, grants … foundations. d) The network is paid by advertisers to insert commercial announcements … the programs. e) Because networks are commercial systems dependent … advertising, they compete … each other … viewers. f) Cable companies can program different channels, providing viewers … many specialized programs.