New Trends in Modern English Lexicology Course Summary
New Trends in Modern English Lexicology Lecturer: Anna Novikova English Philology Department (Room: 1-301) New Trends in Modern English Lexicology Course Summary
The importance of English lexicology is based not on the size of its vocabulary, however big it is, but on the fact that at present it is the world’s most widely used language. Lexicology not only gives a systematic description of the present make-up of the vocabulary, but also helps students to master the literary standards of word usage. The correct use of words is an important counterpart of expressive and effective speech. The aim of the course is to give a systematic description of the correct use of modern English words and neologisms, to teach students to be word-conscious, to be able to guess the meaning of words as well as to be able to recognize the origin of different lexical units. Course prerequisites:English History, Latin, Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language, English Lexicology, Practical Courses in Grammar and Phonetics of the English Language. The course consists of 14 lectures and 4 seminars. To pass the course students MUST attend lectures, take part in discussions at seminars, do the tasks suggested for individual work (write a scientific project, make notes of one of the articles and write progress tests and module tests successfully.