Have you ever
1 Put the correct verb form in each sentence. • • •?
1. When I was a child, I.................. cheese. (never eat) 2................... you ever.................. alone? (live) 3. Thousands of women.................. in factories during the Second World War. (work) 4................... you ever.................. a passport when you were a child? (have) 5. Jaime lives in Venezuela; he.................. snow. (never see) 6. When your mother was at school,.................. she .................. to wear a uniform? (have) 7. I.................. to England in 1980. (come) 8. I.................. here ever since. (live) 9. What.................. your father.................. you for your last birthday? (give) 10. Shakespeare.................. to university. (never go) 11................... Napoleon.................. to China? (ever go) eaten, played.
3 Write the contractions.
1. It is too hot. lt.. --- 2. The car will not start. 3. She has never been to Europe. 4. She is nearly eighteen. 5. I think John is hungry. 6. I will tell you tomorrow. 7. I would like a holiday. 8. Pat has not telephoned. 9. I cannot understand it.
Write the full forms. 1. It doesn't matter. 4.9.g.§.. f.l9.t.... 2. Alan's six feet tall. 3. She's very thirsty. 4. He says he'll pay. 5. I won't go alone. 6. She's never met him. 7. We'd like a table for two.
4 Can you fill in the labels with words from the box? Use your dictionary to help you.
ceiling chair curtain picture
5 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 13, Exercise 1 (only answers band e are recorded here). Listen, and try to write down what you hear.
6 Read one or both of these texts, and do the exercise(s). You can use a dictionary. A (Dick Francis writes thrillers - novels about crime and violence -
, ember learning to ride: it Dick Francis cant rew s learning to walk. Born came to him as n tura Joa he was a child star at in South Wales m 19 ix years' service in t e horse shows and after World War, he madhis RAF during the Second teur rider, becommg a entry into r cing sa:ntjockey in 1948. He professional NatwnaM ther and in 1953-4 was rode for the Queen o When you have read the text, put the pictures in the correct order. Champion Jockey.. became . Dick FranciS racing Retiring m 1957' Sunday Express and began correspondent forth blished that same year' writing. His firt boo 'pu The Sport of Queens, was his autobwgraphy, revised and updated. which has recently been mber of thrillers, the This was followd bheagleaned principally material for which F rfeit was awarded the from the racing world.. ze for the best crime Edgar Allan Poe Myste y rWIhip Hand won the
m. Associatio d D r agge 1980 Crime Wnters d d the Edgar Allan Poe award. Reflex was awar e
·f Mary who
'th his WI e ' WI helps 'th the research. WI
h ell s by Dick Francis) 1................... 2................... 3................... (Blurb from t n er 4. 5.
Bernard and Franc;:ois Baschet are brothers. They live in Paris and work with new sounds and shapes for making music. They haven't always done this, though; for a long time Bernard managed a factory and Franc;:ois ran a business in Argentin;:t. Then, about 30 years ago, they took their s'aV.inc.gcs and began the work they do now. First they learnt all about how classical musical instruments were made, and then they began inventing their own instruments. Now their lives are quite varied. They are still inventing new instruments; but Bernard has begun working with children as well. He helps them to discover music without haVing to read written notes. He sometimes travels, too, giving concerts on his instruments with other musicians. Franc;:ois also travels - sometimes to set up exhibitions, sometimes just for the pleasure of arriving in a new place. Bernard's main complaint? The telephone. 'When an artist is working,' he says, 'and he has to run to the telephone, something is broken inside. I agree with the sculptor who said that freedom for the artist means having a secretary.'
Which is the most accurate summary of the text?
1. Bernard and Fran<;ois Baschet have spent a large part of their lives making new kinds of musical instruments. 2. The Baschet brothers both work at inventing new musical instruments and teaching children to play them. 3. Bernard and Fran<;ois Baschet have recently begun working with new musical instruments: they invent them, teach children to play them, give concerts and set up exhibitions.