Things have changed
1 Complete the table of irregular verbs. INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE 3 Put since or for into the gaps. 1................... 1968 2................... twenty years go become break dream drink eat fall feel find get hit learn lend lie meet nng nse spend take eni;..... go?../..P.... 3................... Monday 4................... three days 5................... two months 6................... August 7................... three hours 8................... ten o'clock 9................... a long time 10................... yesterday 11................... my birthday 12................... two weeks 13................... last year 14................... a few minutes
4 Match the beginnings and ends (you can use a dictionary) and write out the complete descriptions. Example:
tell wear wm
2 Look at the pictures. What has happened to the man and woman since they were young? A graduate is An adult is
A champion is
A casualty is
A ruin is Ice is A failure is A flood is An orphan is somebody who has grown up. somebody who has beaten everybody else at a sport. somebody who has had an accident. somebody who has finished university. a child who has lost both parents: water that has covered the land. a building that has fallen down. water that has frozen. somebody who has not succeeded in life.
see? Find out the names of five more things and learn them.
Do you feel strongly about any political question? Have you ever done something that surprised your family or friends? Have you changed very much in the last few years? How important is cooking and eating food to you? Is there a certain sort of music, or book, or other entertainment, that you like very much? Were you happy or unhappy as a child? Have your parents been an important influence in your life? Have you ever been in love?
15 What do you say when you •? • • •
1 Put in one of the expressions from the box. (More than one answer may be possible in some sentences, but you must use all the expressions.) 3 Look at the pictures and write some things that the people could be saying. Example:
a few a little any enough how much no some too how many too much
1. Let's have a rest for.................. minutes. 2. Can you turn down the TV? It's.................. loud. 3. There isn't.................. soup for four people. I'll have to make.................. more. 4. This tea isn't sweet.................., and there isn't .................. milk. 1
6. Could I have just.................. more bread? 7................... languages can you speak? 8. There hasn't been.................. snow this year. 9................... money do you need? 10. Half the people in the world haven't got.................. to eat, and half of the others eat................... 11. There are.................. buses from our village on Sundays.
Can you think of any more typical expressions for the four situations? And what are the situations? Begin your answer like this: Group 1: Situation 0!1..tb.:W ph9..e..,..............
I'm afraid he's on the other line. Could I see the wine list? Take-off is delayed for three hours. Is that Andrew? This is Paul. Can I try it on? Would you like a little more sauce? Have you got it in a larger size? Would you ask her to call me back, please? How much is it? Which platform for Liverpool? You can only take one piece of hand baggage. Could you give him a message? Is everything all right? We have to go through a security check. Could I have the bill, please? Nothing to declare. Can I look round?
4 Write the adverbs. Examples: cold.1-4...... .. l-;.1.. qmet 9;-W· ···'J··· easy careful happy tired complete
j 30
·only the first five conversations are recorded here). Write down one or more of the conversations.
6 Read this with a dictionary.
When the spacecraft Apollo X was coming back to earth, it reached a speed of 24,791 miles per hour A man with one leg jumped 2.04 metres in 1981. A man swam 1,826 miles (2,938km) down the Mississippi (39,897kph) - the fastest speed at which human beings in 1930. p·r-, t:..,. -..,-:·":-....-,_,...( had ever travelled. In 1977, a New Zealander ran 5,110 miles (8,224km) in under 107 days. In 1979, an American ran 50 metres in 18.4 seconds on his hands. Also in 1979, a New Zealander ran 100 yards (91.7m) backwards in 13.1 seconds. In 1978, a blind English runner ran 100 metres in 11.4 seconds. In 1931-2, an American walked backwards from California to Turkey. In 1984, 16 Japanese cyclists rode one bicycle at the same time. The 24-hour record for walking backwards is 84 miles (135.18km). The record for 1 mile (1.6km) on snowshoes is 7 minutes 56 seconds.
The record for nqn stop balancing on one foot is 34 hours. The non-stop crawling record is 28.5 miles (45.87km). A Russian fell 6,700 metres (21,980ft) from a plane without a parachute in 1942, and lived. A British flier jumped from a burning plane without a parachute in 1944, fell 5,500 metres (18,000ft), landed in a tree and a snowdrift,. and was not hurt. · · · ·
Some more records: dropping eggs without breaking them 650 feet (198m); throwing eggs without breaking them 96.9 metres; non-stop guitar playing 300 hours; non-stop talking 240 hours; making a suit 1 hour 34 minutes 33.42 seconds from sheep to finished suit (Australia 1982).
(Information from The Guinness Book of Records)
. f\!g...\gJ. '-·
2 3 4 5
7 8 9 10
2 Answer these questions with since or for. Example:
How long have you been married? .fQr....m.r:".th..-../.§i_ ·:J.. --- r.;. P...-.... 1. How long have you had the shoes that you are wearing now? 2. How long have you lived at your present address? 3. How long have you been at your present school? 4. How long have you known your English teacher? 5. How long have you been learning English? 6. How long have you had this book? 7. How long have you been doing this exercise? 8. How long have you known your doctor? 9. How long have you had your watch? 10. How long have you known your best friend?
3 Underline the stressed syllables. Examples: wtta.t have you been 22ing? loiJ.g.have you been king?
1. What have you been talking about? 2. How long have you been learning English? 3. Where have you been staying? 4. Why have you been crying? 5. The President has been visiting America. 6. John and I have been playing with the children.
4 Look out of the window. Can you write down twenty words for things that you can see? Find out the names of five more things and learn them. 5 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 16, Exercise 1 (only the second half of the news broadcast is recorded here). Read the following text and listen to the recording. Can you find fourteen differences?
The heavy rain which has been falling steadily for the past two weeks has caused widespread flooding. The River Fant has just burst its banks in West Milltown, and parts of the city centre are under water. The bad weather has ruined many vegetable crops, and food prices in San Fantastico have been going up steadily for the last week. The Minister for Consumer Affairs has just announced that price controls on vegetables and fruit will come into effect tomorrow. Foreign exchange. The Fantasian grotnik has risen to its highest level against the Outland dollar since last July. The exchange rate is now 1.23 grotniks to the dollar. The fire which has been burning in Grand South Station for the last five days is now under control. The origin of the fire, which started in the station toilets on Monday, is still unknown. Three more firemen were overcome by smoke during the night, and have been taken to hospital. And now the weather. Light rain will continue in all parts of Fantasia,...
6 Write the text for a short news broadcast, using some of the following sentence-frames. (You can make some changes if you want to.)
The.................. which has for.................. has..................................... has just.................., and...........
.................. has just..................................... has.................., and...................
The.................. has.................. since..................................... ts now...................
Three.................. (siMPLE PAST) yesterday. The Minister.................. has.................. that.........
A.................. has in.................. since
The Prime Minister I President has just................... He/She has
.! ...: .; ILI "Fifteen years we've commuted together on this train: fifteen years all we've ever said to each other has been 'Good Morning'- I'd just like you to know, I love you."