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Things are different


1 Write your own ends for these sentences, using as or than correctly.


1. Maths i'> less interesting...

2. Maths is more interesting...

3. English is not as easy...

4. English is more useful...

5. A bicycle is less expensive...

6. A bicycle is not as fast...

7. A bicycle is more expensive...

8. I'm happier/older/taller...

9. I'm not as happy/old/tall...

10. This country is not as...

11. This country is less...

12. This country is...er/more...

13. My friend... is less...

14. The teacher is...



2 Write two sentences to compare each of the following.


a mouse and a cat

A...mo e...is... SMP.....lliA!\..Q.... (Q..t..

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1. Britain and your country

2. the United States and the USSR

3. a car and a bicycle

4. men and women

5. yourself and another person



"There goes a car with exactly the same number as ours.";

3 Look at the two pictures. They are not quite the same. For example, in picture B the man's hair is longer. Can you find ten more differences?



4 Choose the correct words to fill in the gaps in the sentences.

1. Your English is much.................. than mine. (better/ best)

2. The.................. whisky comes from Scotland. (better/best)

3. We've had much.................. rain this year than last year. (more/most)

4. The place that gets the.................. rain in the world is a mountain

in Hawaii. (more/most)

5. In the 'Cheap Round the World Race', the winner is the person

who spends the.................. money getting round the world. (less/least)

6. I don't know much, but she knows even.................. than I do. (less!


7. Which month has the.................. days? (fewer/fewest)

8. There are.................. Jews in Israel than in New York. (fewer/fewest)

9. 'Are you any good at tennis?' 'I'm the.................. tennis-player in

the world.' (worse/worst)

10. 'How's your headache?' 'It's getting...................' (worse/worst)

11. 'I'll get you an aspirin. That'll make you feel...................' (better/best)

12. People say that Rolls-Royce cars are the.................. in the world.



5 Strange but true! Read this with a dictionary.


The population of Mexico City is twice as big as the population of Norway. Tortoises live longer than people; some bacteria live longer than tortoises. Some

trees live for over 3,000 years.

In the 18th century a Russian woman had 69 children.

The world record for water-skiing is faster than the world record for downhill skiing.

The Olympic weightlifting champion Paul Anderson lifted 6,270 pounds (2,850 kilos) in 1957, in a 'backlift.' This is as heavy as three football teams plus five

more men.

The nucleus of a hydrogen atom, multiplied 100,000 times, would be as big

as this dot: •


6 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 10, Exercise 1 (only A

and B are recorded here). Listen, and write down as much as you can.


II Stuff for cleaning windows


1 Put in suitable words or expressions.

1. I'd.................. a shampoo for dry.................., please.

2..................., medium or small?

5 Read this with a dictionary and then answer the questions.



3. 'How.................. is that?' '65p.'

4. Can I.................. round?

5. 'Can Ihelp you?' 'I'm.................. served, thank you.'

6................... Ihave.................. aspirins, please?

7. '.................. else?' 'No, thank you. That's...................'


2 Match the things and their descriptions.

1. shoe polish A. things for keeping hands warm

2. skis B. stuff for sticking things

3. gloves C. a thing for taking pictures

4. glue D. stuff for cleaning shoes

5. camera E. a thing for shaving

6. razor F. things for moving on snow


3 Write descriptions (like the ones in Exercise 2)

of these things.


a knife; soap; toothpaste; shaving-cream; a tin-opener. Write descriptions of a few more things.

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HOUSEWIFE Mrs Fay Funnell saved for months to buy a fur coat in the summer sales. Then after queuing for nine days she setfiretothecoat, valued at£795and bought by her in the sale for £79.

Astonished crowds, queuing outside Deben­ ham's in Oxford Street, London, watched as 36- year-old Mrs Funnell burnt the coat.

As every woman's dream

disappeared in smoke, she said:'I am highly delight­

ed. I hate the fur trade be­

causeit c;:ryeltoanimals.

150 miiikS have died to make this jacket.'

for fur Applic fromn appoir Lectm tenabJ, Octobf cessfu: requir twelvE prefer• to tho resear Frencl stipen' scale J depenc and qt Furtht be ob Princi1 lege,

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4 Find out the English names of ten things that you have bought recently. Learn them.



"Yeah, they're all right, I'll take 'em.";


1. The text talks about Mrs Funnell in four different ways: Housewife Mrs Fay Funnell; she; her; 36- year-o/d Mrs Funnell. The text also talks about

her coat in four different ways. Can you find

them and write them?

2. Do you think Mrs Funnell was right to burn the coat? (Write two or three sentences.)



6 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Lesson 11, Exercise 3. Listen to the sentences and practise the pronunciation.


I. 22


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 1031. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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