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Revision A


1 Is or has?

1. She's 37.

2. It's late.

3. He's 1m 85cm tall.

4. What's he done?

5. She's got blue eyes.

6. He's wearing a dark suit.


2 Put in one of these words.


7. She's hungry.

8. He's cold.

9. He's married.

10. What colour's your new car?

11. She's gone to London.

12. She's tired.


4 If you have Student's Cassette

A, find Revision Lesson A, Listening

Exercise 2. Listen to the story and decide whether these sentences are true or false.


1. You're walking along a beach.


2. It's a cold day. (False)

3. You're walking quite fast.

4. You sit down on the sand.

5. You throw four stones into


somebody something somewhere


anybody anything anywhere


everybody everything everywhere


nobody nothing nowhere

the water.

6. You walk into the water.

7. An old man walks out of the


8. He's got beautiful long hair.

1................... can speak all the languages in the world.

2. I think there's.................. at the door.

3. 'Where are my keys?' 'I've seen them.................., but I can't

remember where.'

4. Have you got.................. to eat?

5. Does.................. know where I put my glasses?

6. You can find Coca-Cola...................

7. I need.................. to read- have you got a paper?

8. I'm bored - there's.................. to do.

9................... needs love.

10. He and his wife always tell each other...................

11. 'Come and see a film with us.' 'I don't want to go...................'

12. 'Where can I find a good job with plenty of money and no

work?' '...................'

13. 'Mary's here.' 'I don't want to see...................'

14. They're a very loving couple. They go.................. together.

15. 'Do you know Sid?' 'Yes,.................. knows Sid.'

16. 'Is.................. all right?' 'Yes, thanks- no problems.'

17. I can't find my coat...................

18. 'Did.................. telephone yesterday?' 'No,...................'

19. I can't understand.................. she says- not a word.

20. 'What would you like?' '.................. just now, thank you.'



3 Put in the correct verb forms.

1. Look! It.................. again. (rain)

2. It always.................. when I want to go for a walk. (rain)

3. 'What.................. you..................?' 'I.................. a letter.'

(do; write)

4. 'What.................. you..................?' 'I'm an electrical engineer.' (do)

5. '.................. you.................. fish?' 'Not very much.' (like)

6. 'Have you got a cigarette?' 'Sorry, I...................' (not smoke)

7. 'What time.................. you.................. up?' 'At seven o'clock,

usually.' (get)

8. 'Would you like to play tennis tomorrow?' 'Sorry, I..................

with Bill.' (play)

9. I.................. most Saturday mornings. (work)

10. 'Is your father here?' 'No, he...................' (shop)

9. You close your eyes for a few minutes.

10. You see him walking away.

11. You go to a large house.

12. When you wake up you see the man again.




"That funny noise is getting louder.";


5 Read the text. Use a dictionary if it is really necessary. Then decide which picture shows the woman's dream.


(This is from a science fiction story. A woman who lives on a distant planet, millions of miles away from the earth, is talking to her husband.)


"I dreamed about a man." "A man?"

"A tall man, six feet one inch tall."

"How absurd; a giant, a misshapen giant."

"Somehow"- she tried the words- "he looked all right.

, In spite of being tall. And he had - oh, I know you'll think it

Silly= he Kad blue eyes!"

"Blue eyes! Gods!" cried Mr K. "What'll you dream next? I suppose he had black hair?"

"How did you guess?" She was excited.

"I picked the most unlikely colour," he replied coldly. "Well, black it was!" she cried. "And he had a very white

skin; oh, he was most unusual! He was dressed in a strange

uniform and he came down out of the sky and spoke pleasantly to me." She smiled.

"Out of the sky; what nonsense!"

"He came in a metal thing that glittered in the sun," she remembered. She closed her eyes to shape it again.


a coin thrown in the air, and suddenly it grew largand fell down softly to land, a long silver craft, round and alien. And

a door opened in the side of the silver object and this tall man stepped out. He looked at me and he said 'I've come from

the third planet in my ship. My name is Nathaniel York-'"

"A stupid name; it's no name at all," objected the husband.

"Of course it's stupid, because it's a dream," she explained softly. "And he said, 'This is the first trip across space. There are only two of us in our ship, myself and my friend Bert."'

"Another stupid name."

"And he said, 'We're from a city on Earth; that's the name of our planet,'" continued Mrs K. "That's what he said."

Mr K turned away. She stopped him with a word. "VII?" she called quietly. "Do you ever wonder if- well, if there are people living on the third planet?"

"I dreamed there was the sky and something sparkled like (from The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury)



6 Try the crossword.




1. May I.................. myself? My

name's Sue Carter.

5. Her hair is the same colour

.................. mme.

9. Dogs, horses, tigers and elephants are all..................s.

10. Not long.

11. Sally and Phil love.................. other very much.

14. 1.6 kilometres.

15. Would you like.................. dance?

19. The strange creature's holding

a.................. and pointing it at me.

20. How do you.................. this word?

22. You and I.

24. Hello.

26. That man.

27. Goodbye.

29. Perhaps.

30. The opposite of white.

32. I usually work.................. home.

34. 'It's getting very late.'

'.................. what?'

36. The same as 26 across.

37. Not square.

39. Negative answer.

42. A bad thing to happen when you're driving.

45. What's the.................. between

strange and foreign?

46. 'I hate golf.' '.................. do 1.'

47. Not wet.


1. Not outside.

2. She's very pretty. Her eyes are a bit small,...................

3. How.................. do you travel by air?

4. Without a job.

5. He's.................. architect.

6. Please.................. down.

7. A kind of 9 across.

8. What's he like,..................?

9. 'Nice to see you again,

John.' '.................., my name's


12. by.................. = by plane.

13. coat, trousers, blouse, pants, shirt, etc.

16. Are you doing anything

.................. Tuesday?

17. Excuse...................

18. All the people.

21. I'm sorry. I didn't.................. your name.

23. 'How did you get here?'

'.................. train.'

25. I am.

27. A kind of food.

28. You've got one on each side

of your head.

31. You can open things with


33. 'What's the time?' 'Twenty

.................. three.'

35. 'How often do you see

Harry?' 'About.................. a week.'


38. You can............ a dictionary if necessary.

40. Would you like tea.................. coffee?

41. We live.................. a small flat on the third floor.

43. The same..... 5 across.

44. 34 across is the same as 46 across, and................. is 44 down.




"Poor Fred, we just stopped to take a photograph, and it was love at first sight.";

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