I hadn't seen her for a long time
1 Can you write the names of the cardinal and ordinal numbers? 1 o e.......... f.ir.s.t:........ 1 11 21 2 12 30 3 13 100 4 14 1,000
2 Can you pronounce these words with the right stress? Look in your dictionary or vocabulary index if you are not sure.
afternoon cmema difficult directions examme family goodbye language realise recognition repair reserve restaurant silence someone suitcase 3 Can you complete the list? January, February,... Do you know the days of the week? 1. What is the day after Thursday? 2. What is the day before the day before Tuesday? 3. What is the day after the day before Sunday? 4. What is today? 5. What was the day before yesterday? 6. What is the day after tomorrow? 7. What day is your birthday on this year?
4 If you have Student's Cassette B, find Lesson 32, Exercise 2. Listen to the song and write down one or more verses.
5 Read the text (use a dictionary for the most difficult words). Some of the words have been left out: you will find them in the box. Write the correct word for each blank.
I and but had has have shall was were I