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Summary E


1 Write sentences to say what these things are made of. Use a dictionary if necessary.


I think the boot is made of plastic.



vase playing cards




2 Put in me, you, him, her etc.; myself, yourself, himself, herself etc.;

each other; somebody else.


1. 'Mary's going to marry a Japanese.' 'Good heavens! How will

4 Do you prefer to do these things by yourself or with somebody else?

they understand..................?'

2. I often talk to.................. when I'm alone.

3. 'I don't like these flowers.' 'Well, give them to...................' 'Who?'

listen to music go shopping have lunch

go to the cinema go on holiday

go for a walk

4. 'Why are you walking like that?' 'I hurt.................. playing football.'

5. 'Who went with..................?' 'Nobody. She went by...................'

6. Stop looking at.................. in the mirror - you're not as beautiful as all that.

7. 'Who does the cleaning for old Mrs Collins?' 'Nobody. She does it...................'

8. Little Joe is only two, but he can dress...................

9. He never listens to.................., and she never listens to...................


3 Match the nouns and the adjectives. Use a dictionary if necessary. disco music (a diamond) -@. soft strong

helium lightning a whale loud quiet big

lead a mouse Superman small wide narrow a tortoise an atom butter tall light heavy

the Amazon the Bering Strait fast slow

a Californian redwood tree


What other things do you prefer to do by yourself or with somebody else?



5 Translate these into your language.

1. Most paper is made from wood.

2. English is spoken here.

3. He asked me where I worked.

4. It must be true.

5. It can't be true.

6. Children should do some of the housework themselves.

7. Do you think that people who are in love should tell each other everything?

8. They're talking about themselves.

9. They're talking about each other.

10. He's not going to marry Judy; he's fallen in love with somebody else.

11. We both read the newspaper every day.

12. Neither of us has got a cat.

6 Here is some of the vocabulary from Lesson 30. Write a short story using at least ten of the words and expressions - more if you can.


housework; clean; cook; decorate; iron; mend; shop; wash; wash up; employ; think about; look at; feel sorry for; visit; photograph; fall in love with; marry; hurt; choose; teach; learn; free; married; honest; somebody else; each other.



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"All right- what have the Wright-Pattersons got now?" "Hello, George- remember you said that although

I was going to marry Martin fames you'd always be waiting for me if ever I should change my mind?";


"Mr Jepson said that while I was sending out for coffee he would like a hamburger. Mr Willis said that he thought he would like a hamburger, too, medium with no tomato. Ms Lester said that that sounded

good and that she would like a hamburger, too, rare with a side of French fries. Mr Anderson said that if everybody else was going to have something to eat he might as well have a meatball sandwich and a piece

of apple pie. Mrs Colby said she'd like a slice of anchovy pizza and a bag of Fritolays... "



"We have a description, sir: the grey-blue eyes were steady but cold, the mouth hard and cruel with an arrogant curl to the upper lip, while the deep lines running from the almost Roman nose to frame the wilful chin spoke of selfishness and passion.";



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