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Revision F


1 Vocabulary revision and extension. Can you match the pictures and the games?


badminton baseball basketball bowling cricket football ice-hockey rugby snooker table tennis tennis



2 Put in there is/are, there was/were, there has/

have been, there will be or there would be.

1. Do you think.................. people on other planets?

2. I don't think.................. ever.................. so many

people unemployed.

3................... sunshine in most parts of the country


4. When I got to Anne's place.................. two police

cars outside.

5. I don't believe that.................. life after death.

6................... a phone call for you last night.

7. Hello. Is that the police?.................. an accident in

Station Road.

8. If people behaved sensibly,.................. no more wars.


3 Write suitable answers to these offers.

1. Shall I make some coffee?

2. Would you like to go and see a film?

3. Would you like to dance?

4. Can I take your coat?

5. Would you like me to put the lights on?

6. I'll close the door, shall I?


4 If you have Student's Cassette B, find Revision

Lesson F, Listening Exercise 2. Listen to the song

and write down the verbs. Check on Student's Book



5 Read this with a dictionary.




What does a seagull

know about being a seagull? What does it feel

as it hangs above the cliff edge adjusting its wings to the wind, turning its bright yellow eye

this way and that?


Watching it hover

then fall away sideways and, gathering speed, glide so effortlessly down to a gleaming wet rock,

we are moved by its movement. We feel it like music.


But what of the seagull?


(Bob Rogers)




"just think, I'd have been an old man by now if I'd ever grown up.";



6 Try the crossword.


2 I




1. You put a letter in it.

4. Have you got some.................. for cleaning windows?

8. I usually................. up at 6.30.

9. I usually wait until my hair is too long before

Igo to the...................

14. You can use this for frying.

15. I am.

16. The opposite of false.

17. Can you.................. this letter into French for me?

20. Would you prefer tea.................. coffee?

21. I first met her ten years..................

22. And we're................. friends after all this time.

24. He's been looking for a................. since he

left school, and he still hasn't found one.

27. Could you pick................ those bits of paper?

28. 'Good music.' 'I don't................... I think it's terrible.'

29. You can fly in this.

30. The opposite of beginning.

31. Elephants eat grass and leaves, don't..................?




1. Four twos.

2. Value Added Tax (abbreviation).

3. You use this to hear with.

5. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


6. Money you pay to travel.

7. Between your wrist and your shoulder.

9. Not hers.

10. Not.................. birds can fly.

11. The last thing you will do.

12. Keep.................. on until you get to a crossroads and then turn right.

13. France and Poland are in.................., but Nigeria and Japan are not.

14. 'Shall I take your coat?' 'No thanks, I'll keep it...................'

18. Like a mouse, but bigger.

19. I'll tell you as soon.................. possible.

22. Stuff to wash with.

23. If you don't know a word, you can.................. it up in a dictionary.

24. The month before the month after the month before July.

25. Shall I.................. the door for you?

26. You can do this in 29 across.





"About what time does the 9.20 leave?";







"Was the train very crowded, dear?";

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