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Telephoning 105

Position of adjectives 95 Describing 105

Comparative and superlative adjectives 95 Probability and certainty 105

Using comparatives and superlatives 96 Talking about ages, heights and weights 105

Comparisons with as 96 Formal and informal language 105

Asking about English 106

Dates 106

Writing formal letters 106

Special verbs: be and have (got)




Present tense
I am (I'm) you are (you're) he is (he's) she is (she's) it is (it's) we are (we're) you are (you're) they are (they're) am I? are you? is he? is she? is it? are we? are you? are they? I am not (I'm not) you are not (you're not I you aren't) he is not (he's not I he isn't) she is not (she's not I she isn't) it is not (it's not I it isn't) we are not (we're not I we aren't) you are not (you're not I you aren't) they are not (they're not I they aren't)


I'm from India.

I'm sixteen. (I have sixteen.)

'Are you English?' 'Yes, I am.' ('Yes, I'm.')

Her name's Ann.

'Is Susan an engineer?' 'Yes, she is.' (!.¥es, she's.')

Are your brothers at school? (Are at school your brothers?)


Past tense
I was you were he/she/it was we were you were they were was I were you? was she etc.? were we? were you? were they? I was not (wasn't) you were not (weren't) he etc. was not (wasn't) we were not (weren't) you were not (weren't) they were not (weren't)


'When you were a small child, were you happy?'

'Yes, I was.' 'No, I wasn't.'

Were your parents poor? (Were poor your parents?) We weren't poor, but we weren't rich.


Stress and pronunciation

I was /waz/ hungry. Yes, I was /wuz/.

I wasn't /wuznt/ happy.

We were /wa/ poor. Yes, we were /w3:/.

We weren't /w3:nt/ happy.


There is



Present Perfect and Future


I have been ill for the last few weeks. Where has John been all day?

Tomorrow will be cold and wet.

I'll be back home about six o'clock.


Present and past tenses
there is (there's) there are is there? are there? there is not (isn't) there are not (aren't)
  there was there were was there? were there? there was not (wasn't) there were not (weren't)


Stress and pronunciation

There's a big table in my kitchen. (/Oaza/)

Is there any milk in the fridge? (liz Oar 'eni/)

Yes, there is. (/Oar '1z/)

No, there isn't. (/Oar '1znt/)

There are some apples. (/Oar a sam/) Are there any oranges? (/'a: Oar 'eni/) Yes, there are. (/Oar 'a:/)

No, there aren't. (/Oar 'a:nt/)

There was some coffee on the table. (/Oa waz sam/) There wasn't any ice in her glass. (/Oa 'wuznt/) There weren't any potatoes. (/Oa 'w3:nt/)

Present Perfect and Future

There has been an accident.

Have there been any phone calls for me?


There will be snow at the weekend. There won't be a meeting tomorrow.


Have (got)


Have got (possession, relationships, etc.)


Present tense
I have (I've) got you have (you've) got he etc. has (he's) got we have (we've) got you have (you've) got they have (they've) got   have I got? have you got? has she etc. got? have we got? have you got? have they got?   I have not (haven't) got you have not (haven't) got he etc. has not (hasn't) got we have not (haven't) got you have not (haven't) got they have not (haven't) got


You've got beautiful eyes.

'Have you got any sisters or brothers?'

'Yes, I have. I've got two sisters.' 'No, I haven't.'

'Has your mother got any sisters?' ('Has got your mother aHy sisters?')

'Yes, she has. She's got two.' 'No, she hasn't.'

We've got a new car.

They haven't got any money.


1. flave got tf!dttJS the same as have; we use them both to talk"about pQsses Sion" and relationships. British people prefer have got when they speak and write mformally. Americans more often use have without

" gtit.

2. With had, we do not use got so often. We often use did: to make past questions and negatives (see below).

3. Have can also mean eat,take,etc. (see below). With these meanings,

'we do not use got, and we use do to make questions and negatives.

4, We also use hatJe to make the perfect tenses of other verbs (see below). We do not use got or do in this case.


Have(= eat, take, etc.)


Present tense
I have you have he/she/it has we have you have they have do I have? do you have? does he/she/it have? do we have? do you have? do they have?   I do not (don't) have you do not (don't) have he/she/it does not (doesn't) have we do not (don't) have you do not (don't) have they do not (don't) have


What time do you have breakfast?

She always has a bath in the morning.

Have a good holiday.


The past of have got and have


I had did I have? I did not (didn't) have
you had did you have? you did not (didn't) have
he/she/it had did he/she/it have? he/she/it did not (didn't) have
we had did we have? we did not (didn't) have
you had did you have? you did not (didn't) have
they had did they have? they did not (didn't) have

When she was young she had long fair hair. We didn't have a car when I was a child. We had a wonderful holiday last summer.

What time did you have breakfast this morning?

Present Perfect and Future

I have had a lot of problems this year. How long have you had that car?

I think I'll have a bath now.

I don't know if we will have time to see your mother.

Have and be


We use be, not have, with hungry" thirsty, hot, warmand cold; and to

talk about age, size and colour. ·

I'm hungry. (I haYe hungry.) He's 27. (He has 27.)

Are you thirsty? (Have you...?) What size are your shoes?

If you're cold, put a sweater on. What colour is her new car?



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