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Comprehension check

B Say if it is true (T) or false (F).

1 The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 70 circuits.

2 The municipal courts are courts of the first instance.

3 The Municipal Judge cannot hear the case alone.

4 The decision of the Municipal Judge can be appealed to the court of the subject of the RF.

5 The Specialized Military Courts jurisdiction is different from the jurisdiction of the Municipal courts.

6 The Arbitrazh courts settle economic disputes.

7 The Arbitrazh courts do not consider disputes that pertain to the criminal sphere of legislation.

8 In all courts cases are tried in closed session.

9 Judges are dependent and subordinated to the President.

Language focus

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find and correct it.

One of the reasons that arbitration is frequently preferable to litigation is that the dispute can be submit to an expert for decision. Architects can be used decide disputes about construction.

This use of experts are especially important in labor-management relations. Arbitration is the technique use in collective-bargaining contracts to settle grievances of employees against their employers. Arbitration is able to resolved disputes arising out of labour contracts without resorting to judicial intervention. It is quick and efficient and minimize disruption in the workplace. Labour arbitration has attract a large number of experts – both lawyers and academicians.

Arbitration provide for decision making by experts with experience in the particular industry and with knowledge of the customs and practices of the particular work site.

Vocabulary tasks

A Match the following English terms with their Russian equivalents.

  circuit a государственная тайна
  district court b зал заседаний суда
  criminal jurisdiction c экономическая деятельность
  powers d судебный округ
  contract law e самостоятельный предприниматель
  economic activity f полномочия
  individual entrepreneur g договорное право
  courtroom h уголовная юрисдикция
  state secrets i районный суд


В Match the two parts to form sentences.

  All claims addressed to a debtor are considered by   a the highest bodies in such courts.
  Individuals are entitled to file a constitutional claim on   b connected with the state secret.
  The parties may determine a court’s jurisdiction   c immediately after holding.
  The Supreme Courts are the first instance courts for the cases   d as a supervising body.
  The Rulings of the court of the subjects of the Russian Federation come into force   e a court at the location of the debtor.
  Presidiums of the courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation are   f infringement of their constitutional rights.
  Presidiums of courts of this level act   g upon their mutual consent.

C Complete the following text with the words and phrases from the box.

evaluate legislation function commercial disputes activities legal system examine significance implementation body influence



Opening remarks at Meeting with the Judges of the Russian Court

December 9, 2005.

President Vladimir Putin:

“The Constitutional Court plays a very important role in our country’s life, despite the fact that it does not directly 1) ______ criminal cases or 2) ______. But as a 3) ______ that has the power to interpret and 4) ______ the law the court, both directly and indirectly, defends the interests of Russia’s citizens, and this is a very important 5) ______.

The court is also having the power to initiate 6) ______ and participate directly and indirectly in the legislative process. The 7) ______ the Constitutional Court has on the legislators is visible and is of great significance.

Then there are also the Constitutional Court’s international 8) ______. The 9) ______ of the provisions of international law and the application of basic legal norms in Russia give particular 10) ______ to the Constitutional Court’s decisions and to our entire 11) ______, which is without question a part of the European legal system”.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-01; просмотров: 697. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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