c) free variants of the same morpheme?
1) start ed – stopp ed – open ed; 2) stop s – stopp ed – stopp ing; 3) learn ed – learn t;
Literature: 1. Блох М. Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. — М.: Высш. школа, 1983. – C. 6-37. 2. Rayevska N.M. Modern English Grammar. – Kyiv: Vysca Skola Publishers, 1976. – P. 21-30, 37-45, 60-66. 3. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В.. Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. – М.: Высш. шк., 1981. – С. 4-20. MEDIEVAL LITERATURE G.Chaucer “The Canterbury Tales” 1. The historical background. Study the information about the special features of the epoc.
2. Geoffrey Chaucer – a biographical sketch and the style of writing.
3. "The Canterbury Tales": a) Read The General Prologue and The Knight's Tale from Geoffrey Chaucer's set of tales. Compare the English and the Russian versions of the General Prologue. Answer the following questions which can help you feel the spirit of the Chaucer's England.
4. The General Prologue 1) What is the setting of the Tales? What was the purpose for the pilgrims to gather?
2) What idea did the Host suggest to the pilgrims?
3) Name the characters which took part in G. Chaucer's Tales. Which character do you like the best? Why?
4) Which of the professions below were not introduced in G. Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales": a carpenter, an engineer, a nun, a journalist, a lawyer, a physician, a merchant, a shop assistant, a lifeguard, a bullfighter, a sheriff, a fashion designer, a skipper, a pardoner. Split the professions into the groups, filling the table below:
5) Which of the pilgrims' professions or trades have survived in society today? Which of them were transformed into similar professions which exist nowadays? Which of the professions do not have any contemporary equivalents? Fill in the table, following the example (try hard to mention all Chaucer's characters):
6) Are the nominations of all the professions rendered into Russian adequately? Would you suggest some better variants?
7) Chaucer's pilgrims come from a cross-section of medieval society and they include three important groups. Fill in the table, categorizing the pilgrims into the groups suggested:
Which group is the largest? What can this information prove?
8) Match the quotations from the poem with the characters they describe:
9) In describing the pilgrims, G. Chauser paid particular attention to some aspects which could help the reader reveal each and every character's personality, biases and values. One of those aspects was the way the pilgrims were clothed, what were the rest?
10)G. Chaucer is considered to be a master at using physical details – eyes, complexion, hair, body type – to reveal the character. Can you justify this statement, dwelling about at least one character? \ 11)In the Tales there are some contrasting characters which were introduced by G.Chauser to satirize the Church of his time. What are the characters? Why did G.Chauser tend to satirize the Church?
12) What are the women characters introduced in the Tales? How many women took part in the pilgrimage? Compare these travelers, considering the following elements of G. Chauser's characterization: - Appearance; - Clothing; - Manners and personality; - Tastes; - Social position; - Life experiences.
13) Compare the modern English version of "The Canterbury Tales" by the British scholar N. Coghill and the Russian variant of it rended by I. Kashkin and O. Rumer. Which variant, you think, could have been more to G. Chauser's liking? Which do you like best? ^ Learn the extracts of "The Canterbury Tales" in the table by heart