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Match the words and phrases (a-f) with the pictures (1-6).

a single room  d family room 

b double room  e en suite room 

c twin room  f dormitory 


2 The receptionist (R) at the Hotel di Lago is taking a telephone reservation from a guest (G). Read the first part of the dialogue below. How many functions (a-f) does (R) do, and in what order?


a Ask when the reservation is for. 

b Ask for the guest's name. 

с Give the price of the room. 

d Ask how many nights the guest is staying. 

e Give the name of the hotel. 

f Ask for a credit card number. 

R Hello. Hotel di Lago. Can I help you?

G Hello. I'd like to make a reservation, please.

R Certainly. When is it for?

G For the weekend of 25th and 26th June.

R OK. How many nights is that for?

G Three nights - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

R Is that a single or a double room?

G A double room, please. With a bathroom.

R All our rooms have a bathroom. That's 120 euros per night, including tax.

G That's fine.

R Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room? G Non-smoking, please.

R OK, so that's a double room, non-smoking, for three nights, from Friday 24th to Sunday26th June.

G That's right.

3 Look back at the things a receptionist needs to do when taking a reservation. Can you add to the list?


Complete the second part of the dialogue with the words in the box.

confirmed ■ credit card ■ expiry date ■ name

R Can I have your___________, please?

G Yes, it's Dowling, Anita Dowling.

R Sorry, can you spell that, please?

G Yes, it's A-N-I-T-A, Dowling, D-O-W-L-I-N-G.

R OK. Can I take your details?

G It's a Visa card, number 4838 1867 3324 0089.

R Let me just check... 4838 1867 3324 0089.

G That's right.

R And what's the_______?

G It's 09/05 - September 2005.

R OK, that's all for you, Ms Dowling.

We'll look forward to seeing you on 24th June.

G Thank you very much. Goodbye.



- Work in pairs. Read the telephone dialogues in
Exercises 2 and 4 aloud

- Work in pairs. Read the reservation form
and role play a dialogue between a guest and
a receptionist

Hotel Dubrovnik Customer reservations

Arrival date 16 March

Departure date 18 March

Room type single, non-smoking

Guest's name Tony Jamieson

Telephone no. (00 44) 020 8769 7883

E-mail address tdjamieson@totalize.co.uk

Room rates Single 125
Double 150

Credit card details

Type of card

(Visa, Amex, etc.) Mastercard

Cardholder's name Mr T. Jamieson

Card number 5432 6172 2351 9846

Expiry date 11/04

II. Read the dialogue between the receptionist (R) and Mr. Brolin (B). Check your answers to Exercise 1.

To be learnt by heart

R Good evening.

B Good evening. My name is Lars Brolin.

R Welcome to London, Mr. Brolin. Do you have a


B Yes, I do.

R Let's see... a single room for three nights?

B That's right.

R Can I see your passport, please?

B Yes, of course.

R Thank you... Can you sign here, please?

B Sure.

R Here's your key. You're in room 415 on the fourth floor. Breakfast is from 7 a.m.

B Thanks. Oh, where's the swimming pool? I might have a swim later.

R It's in the basement. Would you like any help with your luggage?

B No, I'm fine, thanks.

R The lift is just over there, on your left. Enjoy your stay.


III. 1. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

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