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Завершите предложения. Используйте something, anybody, nowhere, everything, etc.


Студентка I курса гр. 103-ЮД

Стрепетова Вероника


1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

a pages, a benches, a cuckoos, a monkeys, a cliffs, a carp s , a women, a Chinese s , a phenomenon e s (я рекомендую – phenomena в качестве множественного числа для phenomenon), a grown-ups, a ladies, a swine s .

4 mistakes

2. Исправьте возможные ошибки.

1. I heard the man’s voice.

√ 2. Have you met Tom s' (Tom’s) friend?

3. Their husbands' names are Nick and Bob.

4. Do they sell the women’s clothes?

5. She won't spend a month's salary to buy that dress.

6. Ted's aunt's daughter is a doctor.

√ 7. Sandy____ (Sandy’s) husband is a millionaire.

8. I can't find Tomas' book.

√ 9. These girl's dresses are fashionable.

3 mistakes

3. Перефразируйте, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

the flat of my sister My sister’s flat the room of these people These people’s room
the son of her mother Her mother’s son the food of those dogs Those dog ’s food (Those dogs’ food)
the name of this man This man’s name the hobby of these gentlemen These gentlemen’s hobby
the mark of our student Our student’s mark the voice of this singer This singer’s voice
the work of those men Those men’s work the friend of Susan Susan’s friend ’s
the sister of my friend My friend’s sister the foot of the animal Animal’s foot
the parents of that boy That boy’s parent s parents the ball of my child My child’s ball
3 mistakes

4. Вставьте необходимый артикль, если необходимо.

1. Would you like __an___ apple?

2. Could you close __ the ____ door, please?

√ 3. We live in _ the ____ small flat near ____the__ centre of the city.

4. Have you finished with __the___ book I lent you last week?

√ 5. We went out for _ the ____ meal last night. ___The___ restaurant we went to was excellent.

6. Did ____the___ police find ___the__ person who stole your bicycle?

7. This is a nice house. Has it got ___a___ garden?

8. It was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit in __the___ garden.

√ 9. This morning I had ___ the ___ boiled egg and toast for breakfast.

10. ___The____ President of the United States is elected every four years.

√ 11. As I was walking along the street, I saw a £10 note on _ the _____ pavement.

12.1 went into the shop and asked to speak to __ the ____ manager.

13. 'Have you got __a___ car?' 'No. I’ve never had ___a__ car in my life.'

√ 14. There's no need to buy any milk ________ milkman brings it every morning.

15. I'm __the__ company's chief accountant.

16. ____The____ companies joined forces on ___the_ project.

√ 17. _____ company's earnings fell off in _the__ second quarter of 1998.

√ 18. There is _ a __ white and __ a __ brown bread on __the__ table.

19. _The___ English king Richard the Lion Heart was __a__ tall, strong man.

20. In __the__ fifteenth century ___ people knew only three continents: __ Europe, __ Asia and __ Africa.

8 mistakes

Поставьте плюс рядом с предложением, которое является более правильным из двух предложений.

a This is my brother's wife.


d The government should listen to the people's problems.

f What's the baby's name?


g The roof of the house needs to be mended.

j Isn't that Sylvia's mother?

l John's leg is broken.

n Buster is Steve and Liz's dog.


о Frances writes children's books.


q I love the Italian's passion for good food.

t Ladies' clothes are on the second floor.

1 mistake

Подчеркните правильный вариант.

a There is something wrong with the ear of the rabbit's ear.

b I can't wear that! It's a girls' jacket!

с Charles's and Janet's son is working in Canada for a year.

d Don't put your fingers in the monkey's cage! They'll bite you.

e What was the name of the film we watched last night?

2 mistakes

7. Закончите предложения. Используйте in, on или at.

a I'm seeing the doctor....on......Friday morning.

b Jack woke up.....in.....the night. He had a bad dream.

с Fenelon Castle was built.....in.....the fourteenth century.

d What are you doing....at......lunchtime?

e It's very nice here.... on......the autumn.

f Come and see me......at....half-past two.

g Let's meet up... on.......Easter.

h Nick often works....at......night.

i Where will you be..... at.....New Year's Eve?

j I'm going on holiday..... on.....the first week of July.

4 mistakes

8. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в начавшемся разговоре. Используйте in, on или at.

Cookie says: What are you doing on tomorrow? …………………….on

√ Cricket says: I'm busy. I've got a meeting on 11.30.

√ Cookie says: Do you fancy going out at Friday?

Cricket says: No, I can't. I'm working IN the evening that day.

√ Cookie says: Oh, OK. What are you doing on the weekend then?

Cricket says: Well, there's a football match ON Saturday afternoon.

Cookie says: How about meeting IN the morning?

Cricket says: No, sorry. It's the 15th. I have a meeting ON the 15th of every month.

Cookie says: Are you free at all IN December?

Cricket says: Not really. I don't go out much IN the winter.

Cookie says: Where will you be AT Christmas?

√ Cricket says: At Christmas Day, we're going to my parents. We go every year.

√ Cookie says: So you're not free on next week?

√ Cricket says: No. I'm afraid not. And actually ON next year I'm pretty busy too.

√ Cookie says: You said the same thing IN last year!

7 mistakes

9. Напишите рядом с предложением необходимый предлог. Используйте in, on или at.

a Catherine's in the United States at the moment.

b What's that black thing in the ceiling?

с 'I can see Tom in the garden but where's George?' 'He's at the cinema.

d Have you read the article on page 16?

e Get the 9.15 train from Paddington and change in Oxford.

f Can you call back later? Myles isn't at his desk right now.

g Cool! I've just found €20 in the pocket of my jeans.

h The ancient town of Luxor is in the Nile.

i He left all his shopping in the bus.

j Your homework's still in the car.

4 mistakes

a Guess who I met __ in __ the train?

b Please put the books back __on___ the shelf.

с Turn left __ on ___ the traffic lights.

d She's lived _in___ this village for about ten years.

e Who's that __at__ the door?

f Help! There's a spider ___on__ the wall!

g Kenya is __on___ the equator, isn't it?

h There's a funny mark ___on___ the carpet.

i Mum's __ in ____ the supermarket. She'll be back by four.

j Luckily no one was ___on__ the ship when it sank.

3 mistakes

10. Завершите предложения. Используйте both, all, each, every, either or neither.

a ___Both____ of my kids go to the same school. Theo is in Class 3 and Rosie is in Class 1.

b My husband likes peaches and I like apricots, but ___ both ____ of us likes plums.

с ____ Each ____ boy in the class passed the exam.

d Sheila read two books by Martin Amis but she didn't enjoy ___ n either_____ of them.

e ___ Each ____ animals need water in order to live.

f Mary had two bridesmaids at her wedding ___each____ girl carried a bouquet of roses.

g ____Every____ person in the audience stood up and clapped when the play ended.

h _____ Both ____ of Sam's two children likes eggs.

i Shall I buy the red one or the blue one? I really like them _____both_____

j ____ Every ______ members of the leisure club must carry their membership cards.

6 mistakes

Завершите предложения. Используйте something, anybody, nowhere, everything, etc.

a I looked __everywhere_______ for my wallet but I couldn't find it.

b There's ___ anybody __________ at the door. Could you see who it is?

с Has ___ nobody __________ heard of the poet Polly Clark?

d _____Nobody__________ ever listens to me.

e ___Somebody__________ told me. I can't remember who.

Sp f 'Where are you going?''. _____ H owhere (Nowhere)_____ I'm staying here.'

g Bill needs ________ anyone ________ to stay for the night.

h We've got ______nothing_________ to eat. Let's order a pizza.

i Well done! ____Everybody (Everyone)___________ passed the exam.

j Is there ____anything___________ to drink? I'm thirsty.

3 mistakes

Дата добавления: 2015-10-02; просмотров: 716. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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