Give 3 main objectives of Аdvertising, Marketing.
3. Translate into English: 1) Реклама – «двигун прогресу», як стали казати в останні 10 років. 2) На рекламі можна зробити непогану кар’єру, якщо мати знайомства з потрібними людьми. 3) Маркетингові операції дуже дорогі. 4) Маркетинг включає дії, що пов’язані з рухом товару від виробника до споживача. 5) Ми повинні розробити план виробництва нових продуктів. 1) Ми можемо дивитися фільм 5 хвилин, а рекламу 15 хвилин – це стало нормою. 6) З яких частин складається маркетинг? 7) Виробник повинен уміти передбачати нові тенденції в сфері бізнесу. 8) Реклама має великий вплив на споживача. 9) Вивчення ринку допомагає передбачити загальні напрями попиту. 4. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence, translate its (marketing, distribution, predict, influence, research) 1) Often marketing is called...... 2) The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think about...... 3) Sometimes it is difficult to.......... through advertising. 4) A producer wants to........... the new trends and then tries to influence them. 5)......... includes product development and pricing among other things. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence, translate its (go up, schedule, packaging, competitor, price leader): 1) If the price on this product.........., nobody with buy it. 2) This company is the....... in this field, they can sell this product at the lowest price. 3).......... influences the desire of a customer to buy. 4) They should......... some tests and pass result. 5) Our.......... has become the price leader in selling computer programs. TEST 5 1. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на наступні запитання: 1. What laws did Newton discover? 2. Can you formulate the Law of Universal gravitation?
ISAAK NEWTON Isaak Newton was born in 1642 in the family of a poor farmer. The boy began his first scientific experiments at school. While studying at Cambridge University, Newton formulated the binomial theorem. In 1662 Cambridge was closed because of the plague and Newton returned to his native village. For the next two years he devoted himself to scientific experimentation. Newton's great discovery was the law of decomposition of light. The scientist proved that the white light of the sun is composed of rays of light of all colours of the rainbow. He also discovered the Law of Universal Gravitation which states that "every particle of matter is attracted by every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart". Newton applied the principle of gravitation to prove that the power which guides the moon around the earth and the planets around the sun is the force of gravity. Another application of the law of universal gravitation was Newton's exploration of the tides. Newton was highly honoured by his countrymen and in 1703 he was elected President of the Royal Society. Sir Isaak Newton died in 1727 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 2. Перекладіть в письмовій формі абзаци 3, 4. 3. Заповніть пропускання відповідною активною або пасивною формою дієслова та перекладіть речення українською: 1. Newton (was performed, performed) many experiments with light. 2. When Cambridge (was closed, closed) in 1662, Newton returned to his native village. 3. Mass (is measured, measured) in grams or kilograms. 4. Перекладіть речення українською, звертаючи увагу на інфінітивні звороти: 1. My parents want me to become a chemist. 2. He is believed to be a very talented person. 3. Newton is considered to be one of the greatest English scientists. 5. Визначте функції інфінітива та перекладіть речення українською: 1. То carry out this experiment will take you a lot of time. 2. The experiment to be carried out in our laboratory is very important. 3. He forgot to register the results of the experiment. 6.Поставте дієслово-присудок речення в Past Indefinite Tense (минулий неозначений час), використовуючи модальні дієслова can, may, must та їхні еквіваленти: 1. Не must work hard to finish his experiment. 2. I can devote myself to scientific work. 3. You may repeat your experiment. 7.Заповніть пропускання неозначеними займенниками some, any, no: 1. The Metric System has (some, any, no) advantages over the English System. 2. Do you remember (some, any, no) facts from Newton's biography? 3. The young engineer had (some, any, no) experience in such work. 8. а) Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Виконайте завдання після тексту. The two most common types of engines are the petrol engine and the diesel engine. Petrol engines are lighter and smaller than diesel engines. That makes them cheaper, and that is why most cars and motorbikes use petrol engines. On the other hand, diesel engines use less fuel and last longer than petrol engines. They are also safer and less dangerous. They are widely used in large vehicles such as trucks and trains. б) Заповніть пропускання відповідною активною або пасивною формою дієслова та перекладіть речення українською: 1. The engine (cooled, is cooled) by water from the radiator. 2. Most cars (use, are used) petrol engines. 3. The electricity (stored, is stored) in the battery. в) Перекладіть речення українською, звертаючи увагу на інфінітивні звороти: 1. Rudolf Diesel is known to be the inventor of the diesel engine. 2. We expect them to buy a new car. 3. This motor car is considered to be safe. г) Поставте до наданого тексту три спеціальних та три загальних запитання. TEST 6 1. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на наступні запитання: 1. What was the boy interested in? 2. Which of Faraday's discoveries do you know?
MICHAEL FARADAY Michael Faraday, English experimental physicist, was born in 1791 in a poor family. The boy began to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder's shop at an early age. One day a man entered the shop and found the boy studying an article on electricity. The man was surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and gave him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions. The boy went to the lectures and made notes of what he heard. At the end of the lecture he came to Sir Humphry Davy, the great English scientist, and showed him his notes. Davy was surprised. Later he made Faraday his assistant and helped him in his education. Faraday had many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic "lines of force", production of new kinds of optical glass, and research on electrolysis. Faraday produced the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modem electric motor is based. Faraday was very modest and he loved his work more than honours. He refused to become President of the Royal Society and also refused to be knighted. 2. Перекладіть в письмовій формі абзаци 1, 2, 3. 3. Заповніть пропускання відповідною активною або пасивною формою дієслова та перекладіть речення українською: 1. The unit of electricity "farad" (was named, named) after M. Faraday. 2. The first lightning rod (was invented, invented) by B. Franklin, the outstanding American scientist. 3. At Cambridge, Newton (was read, read) with great interest the writings of Galileo. 4. Перекладіть речення українською, звертаючи увагу на інфінітивні звороти: 1. Faraday is believed to be a great English physicist. 2. We consider Tsiolkovsky to be the father of astronautics. 3. Popov is known to be the inventor of radio in Russia. 5. Визначте функції інфінітива та перекладіть речення українською: 1. In 1810 Faraday began to attend lectures on natural philosophy. 2. To study the nature of light and colour Newton carried out many experiments with a prism. 3. The lecture to be delivered by a well-known scientist is devoted to the problems of ecology. 6.Поставте дієслово-присудок речення в Future Indefinite Tense (майбутній неозначений час), використовуючи модальні дієслова can, may, must та їхні еквіваленти: 1. Не must check the temperature three times a day. 2. In this figure you can see a diagram of temperature changes. 3. He may use a barometer to measure the atmospheric pressure. 7. Заповніть пропускання неозначеними займенниками some, any, no: 1. The book contained (some, any, no) diagrams. 2. Are there (some, any, no) diagrams in the book? 3. We have (some, any, no) information on this problem. 8. а) Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Виконайте завдання після тексту. The main part of the engine is called the block. It consists of the cylinders and the valves. Air and petrol go into the block by means of the carburetor. The petrol reaches the carburetor from the petrol tank through the action of the petrol pump. There are two main types of petrol engines: 4-stroke and 2-stroke. All cars and larger motor-cycles are known to use 4-stroke engines. But smaller motorbikes use 2-stroke engines. They are smaller and cheaper than 4-stroke engines. б) Визначте функції інфінітива та перекладіть речення українською: 1. It took me an hour to find a fault in the car. 2. The engine to be used in this truck is of a new design. 3. It's dangerous to drive in such bad weather. в) Поставте дієслово-присудок у форму минулого часу, використовуючи еквіваленти модальних дієслів: 1. Не must check a fuel level in his car. 2. You can easily do this work. 3. You may find all the necessary material in the library. г) Напишіть запитання до тексту, що починаються з What? How? How many? Where? Why? TEST 7 1. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповіді на наступні запитання: 1. How old was Lomonosov when he left his native village? 2. When was the first Russian University founded?
M. V. LOMONOSOV M, V. Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the village of Denisovka near Arkhangelsk in the family of a fisherman. At the age of 17 he left his native village and made his way to Moscow. In Moscow he entered the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. Lomonosov didn't finish his last grade, as he was sent with eleven other pupils to St. Petersburg to study at the Academy of Sciences. Less than a year after he came to Petersburg Lomonosov was sent abroad to study metallurgy and mining. In 1741 Lomonosov returned to Russia and began to teach chemistry and physics at the Academy. Lomonosov established the fundamental law of chemical change of substance which is called the Law of Conservation of Mass. Lomonosov founded a new science that we call today physical chemistry. He also studied electrical phenomena in atmosphere of the Earth, the nature of light, and designed an improved telescope. Lomonosov considered nature to be in a state of constant change and development. Coal, oil, etc. were all formed as a result of evolution. Lomonosov was a great scientist. His works in poetry had a great influence on Russian literature. Owing to his efforts, the first Russian University was founded in Moscow in 1755. This university bearing his name became the centre of knowledge and science in Russia. 2. Перекладіть в письмовій формі абзаци 1, 2, 4. 3. Заповніть пропускання відповідною активною або пасивною формою дієслова та перекладіть речення українською: 1. In 1745 Lomonosov (was appointed, appointed) a professor at the Academy of Sciences. 2. The first electric lamp (was invented, invented) in 1873 by A. N. Lodygin. 3. In 1911 Marie Curie (was received, received) the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 4. Перекладіть речення українською, звертаючи увагу на інфінітивні звороти: 1. Lomonosov considered chemistry to be his "main profession". 2. The air is known to be a mixture of gases. 3. Lomonosov is considered to be a great Russian scientist. 5. Визначте функції інфінітива та перекладіть речення українською: 1. Lomonosov began to work at an early age. 2. Edison founded an electric company to supply electricity to New York and other places. 3. The experiment to be made by this scientist will give us important information. 6.Поставте дієслово-присудок речення в Future Indefinite Tense (майбутній неозначений час), використовуючи модальні дієслова can, may, must та їхні еквіваленти: 1. They must solve a number of scientific problems. 2. She can do this work in time. 3. You may use this method in your research. 7. Заповніть пропускання неозначеними займенниками some, any, no: 1. There were (some, any, no) other higher schools at that time in Russia. 2. Can you give me (some, any, no) magazines? 3. They carried out (some, any, no) experiments yesterday. 8. а) Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. Виконайте завдання після тексту. Electricity is made in many ways. One way is a battery, as used in a transistor radio. A simple battery has a positive terminal, connected to a carbon rod. The carbon rod is placed in a chemical paste inside a zinc container. Any material which will allow electricity to flow through it is called a conductor. Most metals are good conductors. A simple battery converts, or changes, chemical energy into electrical energy. Other forms of energy, such as heat and light, may be converted into electricity. The most common way of making electricity is by the conversion of mechanical energy. б)Виберіть необхідний займенник: 1. If the petrol tank is empty, pour (some, any, no) petrol into it. 2. There was (some, any, no) water in the radiator, so we had to refill it. 3. This mechanic can repair (some, any, no) type of engine.