The Hire-A-Youth program is a partnership of the San Diego Consortium & Private Industry Council and the Employment Development Department. This year's Hire-A-Youth program will provide summer job opportunities to 9,250 youth. The Coalition for Equality is also taking an active role in support of this important day for the youth of San Diego. | Date and location This event will be held on Tuesday, September 1, 1992, at the San Diego Convention Center. Registration will begin at 7 a.m. wilh the first workshops at 9:00 a.m. The Career Exploration Fair will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A partnership program of the San Diego Consortium & Private Industry Council 1551 Fourth Avenue, Suite 600 * San Diego, CA 92101
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS has pleasure in inviting you to a presentation of New ELT Publications at the IATEFL Conference In the Albert Hall, The Grand Hotel, King's Road, Brighton BN12FW On Thursday, 3-d April 7.00 p.m. —8.30 p.m. RSVP: Mary Brown, Cambridge University Press, The Edinbourg Building, Cambridge, CB22RU Tel. (01223).... Fax: (01223)... E-mail... Please bring this invitation with you
OF COPENHAGEN HAS THE HONOUR TO INVITE YOU TO A RECEPTION AT THE CITY HALL Wednesday AUGUST 14™ AT 7.00 p. m. SHARP On the occasion of TENTH INTERNATIONAL EURALEX CONGRESS A light buffet will be served at the reception Please enter through the Main Entrance facing Radhuspladsen (City Hall Square) and present this card, which is strictly personal. Dress: informal