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Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of people with health insurance-about 90 percent of the state's residents-in the country. About 11 million of the state's 12 million residents have health care coverage.

According to a study completed for the Commonwealth's Health Care Cost Containment Council, the high
rate of insured in Pennsylvania is due» in part, to Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which provide health care cov-
erage to 5.9 million of the state's 7.3 million Pennsylvanians younger than 65 who have private insurance,
Another 3.2 million are covered fey Medicare (most older than 65) and Medicaid,
Of the state's insured during 1991:

• 7.3 million younger than 65 have private health insurance.

* 5.9 million have Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage.

14Л million have Blue Cross and Blue Shield large employer group coverage.

♦ 1.1 million have Blue Cross and Blue Shield small employer group coverage.

• 225,000 buy Blue Cross and Blue Shield coverage directly for themselves.

* 1.9 million, mostly older than 65, are covered by Medicare.

♦ L4 million arc covered by private Medicare supplemental insurance.

♦ 905.000 are covered by Medicare supplemental insurance from Blue Cross and Blue Shield, including
650,000 who purchase 65-Spectal themselves and 255,000 retirees with employer-paid coverage.

*\A million are covered by Medicaid.

Although Pennsylvania has one of the lowest rates of uninsured in the nation, one out of ten Pennsylvanians
is financially at risk eitfier because of lack of health insurance or coverage that is inadequate. Currently, many I
Pennsylvania citi2m* have no primary care source such as a family physician and ultimately resort to hospital
emergency room care. They are unable to pay for doctor visits, diagnostic tests or needed prescriptions. The cost I
of the uninsured is ultimately shifted to those who can pay. For example, Pennsylvania businesses currently carry
the burden of the cost of health care for tb» uninsured at an annual estimated price tag of $356 million, accord-
ing to Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council reports.

Of the state's uninsured:

* 1.3 million Pennsylvania residents are uninsured.

*6S.5 percent of Pennsylvania's uninsured are adults; more than 50 percent of those adults work full- or


*28.7 percent of the state's uninsured are children (younger than 18).

*Two-thirds of all Pennsylvanians not covered by any health insurance are working or are the dependents

of working people.

* 43 percent of the state's uninsured are 18-34 years old.

• More than 70 percent of the uninsured in Pennsylvania are considered low-income, which is defined as

falling below 150 percent of me poverty income level, or about $20,925 annually for a family of four.

* Id Pennsylvania, a family at 100 percent of the federal poverty level ($ 13,950 for a family of four) is not

eligible for primary care under the Medical Assistance program.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans of Pennsylvania are non-profit companies formed in the late 1930s with

a social mission to make health care coverage accessible to all Pennsylvania», regardless of age, occupation or

medical condition. The Plans continue to develop new programs of coverage designed to make health care cov-

erage more affordable, thus reducing ^ state's rate of uninsured citizens.

I Source for uninsured daia: Employee Benefit Research Institute; Source* of Health Jmuranee and Characterises of the Uatnnmd.




To offer youth a meaningful experience and exposure to issues of cultural

diversity and career exploration.


The Hire-A-Youth program is sponsoring a Career Exploration Fair, The Fair
will also include a full-day series of workshops to:

• Help youth explore how their culture affects their interactions
in the workplace.

• Heighten youth's awareness of their cultural identity.

• Teach youth more about the cultures of others. I

Up to 1,000 youth are expected to participate in a series of interactive

workshops covering such topics as:

• Communicating Across Cultures

• Can We Get Along? Strategies for the Future j • Self-esteem and Culturai Identity

* Reducing Stereotypes and Prejudices

There also will be 100 employers from throughout the county providing information to youth on career opportunities within various industries.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 391. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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