Task 1.Topicalvocabulary.
Task 2. Read the text. The industrial production of pasta A quality pasta product begins with high quality raw material. Durum wheat is ideally suited for pasta because of its unique colour,flavour and cooking qualities.Incoming wheat is weighed, sampled and analyzed, passed through a preliminary cleaner and magnet, then stored according to grade. Meticulous cleaning is required for durum wheat. Cleaners remove weed seeds, dirt and other extraneous material through machines which separate by size (separator), specific gravity (de-stoner and gravity table), and shape (indented cylinder). The next step is tempering the grains. During tempering, water is added to toughen the outer bran coats for easier separation from the endosperm. Milling is essentially a process of grinding and separating. Grinding is done on break rolls, sizing rolls and reduction rolls. A durum mill has an extended break system in which grinding is relatively gradual. Pasta To make the pasta, semolina is mixed with water (and eggs is required) to form a lumpy dough. The dough is not fully developed until it passes from the mixing chamber into the extruder. Dough is forced through various shaped dies, under very high pressures, to produce a wide range of different shapes of pasta products. To prevent the pasta from sticking together in the drying process, long pasta is subject to a blast of air immediately after extrusion. Drying is a crucial part of the process for production of high quality pasta products. Humidity, air flow and temperature are carefully controlled as the pasta passes through several dryers. Modern high temperature drying systems improve pasta colour and cooking quality. Following drying, the pasta is cooled, stored, cut and then packed. An extremely important feature of pasta is the richness and variety of its shapes. Even though all pasta is produced with the same raw materials, each shape, in a certain sense, has its own personality: as regards, for instance, the type of sauce that best goes with it; or the way of using it, with meat or vegetable stock, or drained and served with sauces of every kind. Pasta shapes stimulate culinary creativity because they are themselves the outcome of a creative process. The countless shapes of pasta are the basis for thousands of possible recipes, each one different and characteristic.