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Distribution of training period

1. Які військові частини, штаби, організації, установи та військово-навчальні заклади становлять гарнізон? 2. Які служби організовуються у кожному гарнізоні? 3. Для чого призначається вартова служба? 4. Які військові частини залучають до гарні­зонної та вартової служб? 5. Назвіть завдання вартової служби. 6. Яке призначення варт? 7. Назвіть склад та озброєння варти. 8. Кого називають чатовим?

9. Розкажіть товаришу про обов'язки чатового. 10. Що називають постом? 11. Розка­жіть товаришу про обладнання поста і облаштування території об'єкта, що охоро­няється. 12. Як проводиться розвід варти? 13. Розкажіть товаришу про порядок прибуття варти у вартове приміщення. 14. Розкажіть товаришу про порядок заря­джання та розряджання зброї. 15. Як проводиться зміна чатових? 16. Яке має бути положення зброї у чатового на посту? 17. Розкажіть товаришу про порядок охорони об'єктів чатовими. 18. Які дії варти у разі нападу на об'єкти, при виникненні сти­хійного лиха та пожежі? 19. Який порядок застосування зброї чатовим?



S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

  APPROVED Technical faculty Dean Dr., professor ___________S.O.Nukeshev «___» _____________20___ year



Of the discipline for students



Discipline: «Fundamentals maintenance of the wheeled-tracked machinery».
Direction: Technical
Speciality code: 5B080600 "Agricultural techniques and technology"

Аstana – 20___

The program of discipline for students (Syllabus) was made on the basis of ______________________________________________________________________


(the name of the standard program of discipline, whom and when it is approved)

for higher educational institutions for speciality (directions) ______________________


(code and name)

and in accordance of the working plan of academic curriculum of speciality by approved on ___________________________________________________________.

(number, month, year,)


The meeting of the Department of the “Agricultural and Grain processing machinery” to considered.

Minutes of meeting №___ “___” _________20___.


Head of the Department,

Dr., professorМ.А.Аduov


Reviewed and recommended at the meeting of the methodical commission of Technical Faculty.

Protocol № ___, of "__" ___________ 20___.



Chairman of the Methods Commission,

Dr., Associate Professor D.B.Kurmangaliyeva




Brief information about the lecturer.

Lecturer:PhD, Associate Professor - Eskhozhin Kairat. “Agricultural and Grain processing machinery” department. Technical faculty, office № 203.

Scientific interests:Techinical.


2. Data about discipline:

Course title – «Fundamentals of the wheeled-tracked machinery». Course code – FWTT
Learning mode - during daylight hours; Number of credit – 3
Number of hours – 175 Lecture hours – 15
Practical/Laboratory hours – 30 Students independent work with lecturer (SIWL) - 15
Students independent work – 75  


Type of control: examination - 1semester

Occupation venue:

Lecture - room № 193А

Practical/Laboratory - room № 193А

Unassisted work of the student with lecturer - room № 193А

Distribution of training period

Subject type week Total hour
                *               *  
Lecture                 DC               DC  
Practical                 DC               DC  
SIWL                 DC               DC  
SIW                 DC               DC  

DC* - During check


4. Prerequisite:

Mathematics. Physics. Chemistry. Engineering Drawing. Strength of Materials. Theory of Machines. Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery. Technical constructional materials.


5. Postrequisite:

Fully familiar with the construction, working and operation of various tractors, maintenance of tractors and repair and overhauling of the same. Tractor engines – deep knows and understands the general principles, operation, types, necessary adjustments, repair of engines. Practical use of the knowled­ge in the design and analysis of tractor engines.


Course shortly description:

The tractor of the most important machinery in a farm and this course covers the fundamentals of construction, working and operation of various tractors, maintenance of tractors and repair and overhauling of the same. It contains types of tractor engines and their main components and their main operations.


Course objectives:

The general goal of this course to give the students the fundamentals knowledge of modern tractors, engines and a understanding of the function of various systems of tractor. The students should also study different types of engines, lubrication systems, cooling systems, electrical systems, transmission, braking systems, an in-depth technical know-how and understand the principles of operation of the compression ignition engine diesel engine and their main components.

Finally, a degree holder in Agricultural Engineering must know the tractor operations, operation of engine, control, maintenance and repairing idea of different systems used in tractor.


As a result of discipline studying the student should know:

- Construction and main adjustment parameters of tractor and those aggregates;

- Classification, principles of operations and work of mechanism and systems of tractor and those engines;

- The cause failure of mechanisms, systems and those external marks;

- Conditions of safe work with tractors and those aggregates;

- Working conditions and technical conditions of machines the influence on environment;

As a result of discipline studying the student should be able to:

- Know the function of an internal combustion engine and various component parts that make up an engine and their functions.

- Explane the two common engine types and the differences in their working.

- Used and drive agricultural machinery;

- Used main adjustment work and check machines and aggregates for technical conditions;

- Determination of cause not corrects working parameters of aggregates and mechanism of tractors;

- Learning and using in operation tractors;

- To estimate quality of operation of agricultural machinery.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 416. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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