Студопедия — Read the text with a dictionary — to make sure you understand it in detail.
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Read the text with a dictionary — to make sure you understand it in detail.

There are certain questions that adults just adore to put to kids. Remember, how many times you have been asked: "Well now, what are you going to be when you are grown up?"

By now I know that the world is much more complicated than I once thought it was. I know, too, there are many more career opportunities than I believed there were and thought about when I was younger.

As for me it was not an easy thing to choose a profession out of so many existing in the world. The process was rather complicated. In the diversity of choice I could take a decision on the future occupation. I could explore those careers that called for the use of the subject I was good at in school.

I was sure there were some hints that could help me find a career that suited me. The first thing to do was self-assessment. To tell the truth I wasn’t floundering around in uncertainty about the career, spiraling into a lack of direction, out-placed and out-etched. I understood there was a special niche waiting for me, some kind of a mission, a purpose to fulfill, and it took more than inspiration to move a dream into reality. Naturally it took self-honesty, strategic thinking, working through emotional blocks, developing an action plan and consistent follow through.

An honest self-assessment meant getting real. The clues were all around me. I looked exactly where I was at, decided what personal traits of character were necessary to work in this or that field and was honest considering if I possessed those very features.

While deciding where to turn, I used that "downtime" to address unfulfilled agendas. It paid to review my skills because it's a sort of a reminder, that I was created to fill a particular niche. Revising allowed me to take a new look at my knowledge, abilities and, - why not? — even some experience.

Building a career of life direction involved considerable emotional clearing. Once I have identified a career idea, the obstacles, emotional and cognitive blocks and personal resistance quickly raised their ugly heads. I thought strategically, brainstormed my plan with my family and even friends, worked backward from my ultimate goal.

One more way was to speak to people I was familiar with inquiring about their occupations and considering if any looks attractive to me. I asked, what their responsibilities were, asked about advantages and disadvantages. At least, that gave me a chance to decide what profession I didn't like and that, in turn, narrowed my choice. The transition to a new life design took time, and even a lot of time, but the result was worth it. My personal interests and values influenced my career decision.

Because of the wide range of possibilities I found out all I could about any job that interested me. I realized that the best way to prepare for any job was to get a good education. So I came to the conclusion to enter the University and study a lot to become a specialist in the State Land Cadastre.

I know activities of Cadastre engineer include legal registration of landholdings and land tenures, recording and evaluation of land lots, governmental supervision of land utilization, requisite surveying provided by land laws for cadastre services in republics, regions/territories, districts, cities/towns, villages and rural inhabited places, land monitoring.

Such experts are trained for committees of land resources and land management of RF republics, territories, regions, autonomous entities, authorities of industrial and territorial land cadastre, scientific departments of RosNIIzemproekt; scientific and research establishments, organizations and departments of Goszemkadastrsyomka, the Russian Institute of Land Monitoring (RosILM), the Federal Cadastre Center “Zemlya”, establishments and land monitoring stations, organizations of land cadastre municipal service connected with trade, mortgage, leasing of land lots, establishing of land tax rates etc.

Well, these are my visions of what my job and career will be like after I graduate from the university.

Actually at present it’s very difficult to predict anything but I understand that I can be dismissed if I won’t be honest, industrious and efficient. I hate the idea of being unemployed and accepting a part-time job. So I’ll do my best not to be sacked or made redundant.


Reading comprehension

Дата добавления: 2015-10-12; просмотров: 1385. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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