The instruments used in most classical music were largely invented before the mid-19th century (often much earlier), and codified in the 18th and 19th centuries. They consist of the instruments found in an orchestra, together with a few other solo instruments (such as the piano, harpsichord, and organ). The symphony orchestra is the most widely known medium for classical music. The orchestra includes members of the string, woodwind, brass, and percussion
codified = systemised harpsichord = клавесин; клавикорды percussion
Electric instruments such as the electric guitar appear occasionally in the classical music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Both classical and popular musicians have experimented in recent decades with electronic instruments such as the synthesizer, electric and digital techniques such as the use of sampled or computer-generated sounds, and the sounds of instruments from other cultures such as the gamelan gamelan = гамелан (индонезийский инструмент и способ исполнения)
None of the bass instruments existed until the Renaissance. In Medieval music, instruments are divided in two categories: loud instruments for use outdoors or in church, and quieter instruments for indoor use. The Baroque orchestra consisted of flutes, oboes
timpani = литавры, тимплипито vihuelas = Виуэла (испанский щипковый инструмент, близкий к лютне и имевший шесть двойных настроенных в унисон струн, первая струна могла быть одинарной) hurdy-gurdy = шарманка
While equal temperament
equal temperament meantone = чистый строй