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Заезды по воскресеньям с 16 июня по 18 августа 2013 года 28 страница

form. Their own opinion or knowledge of their ability went for



"Where shall I find Mr. Gray?" she asked of a sulky doorman at the

stage entrance of the Casino.


"You can't see him now; he's busy."


"Do you know when I can see him?"


"Got an appointment with him?"




"Well, you'll have to call at his office."


"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Carrie. "Where is his office?"


He gave her the number.


She knew there was no need of calling there now. He would not be in.

Nothing remained but to employ the intermediate hours in search.


The dismal story of ventures in other places is quickly told. Mr. Daly

saw no one save by appointment. Carrie waited an hour in a dingy

office, quite in spite of obstacles, to learn this fact of the placid,

indifferent Mr. Dorney.


"You will have to write and ask him to see you."


So she went away.


At the Empire Theatre she found a hive of peculiarly listless and

indifferent individuals. Everything ornately upholstered, everything

carefully finished, everything remarkably reserved.


At the Lyceum she entered one of those secluded, under-stairway

closets, berugged and bepaneled, which causes one to feel the greatness

of all positions of authority. Here was reserve itself done into a

box-office clerk, a doorman, and an assistant, glorying in their fine



"Ah, be very humble now--very humble indeed. Tell us what it is you

require. Tell it quickly, nervously, and without a vestige of self-

respect. If no trouble to us in any way, we may see what we can do."


This was the atmosphere of the Lyceum--the attitude, for that matter,

of every managerial office in the city. These little proprietors of

businesses are lords indeed on their own ground.


Carrie came away wearily, somewhat more abashed for her pains.


Hurstwood heard the details of the weary and unavailing search that



"I didn't get to see any one," said Carrie. "I just walked, and

walked, and waited around."


Hurstwood only looked at her.


"I suppose you have to have some friends before you can get in," she

added, disconsolately.


Hurstwood saw the difficulty of this thing, and yet it did not seem so

terrible. Carrie was tired and dispirited, but now she could rest.

Viewing the world from his rocking-chair, its bitterness did not seem

to approach so rapidly. To-morrow was another day.


To-morrow came, and the next, and the next.


Carrie saw the manager at the Casino once.


"Come around," he said, "the first of next week. I may make some

changes then."


He was a large and corpulent individual, surfeited with good clothes

and good eating, who judged women as another would horseflesh. Carrie

was pretty and graceful. She might be put in even if she did not have

any experience. One of the proprietors had suggested that the chorus

was a little weak on looks.


The first of next week was some days off yet. The first of the month

was drawing near. Carrie began to worry as she had never worried



"Do you really look for anything when you go out?" she asked Hurstwood

one morning as a climax to some painful thoughts of her own.


"Of course I do," he said pettishly, troubling only a little over the

disgrace of the insinuation.


"I'd take anything," she said, "for the present. It will soon be the

first of the month again."


She looked the picture of despair.


Hurstwood quit reading his paper and changed his clothes.


"He would look for something," he thought. "He would go and see if

some brewery couldn't get him in somewhere. Yes, he would take a

position as bartender, if he could get it."


It was the same sort of pilgrimage he had made before. One or two

slight rebuffs, and the bravado disappeared.


"No use," he thought. "I might as well go on back home."


Now that his money was so low, he began to observe his clothes and feel

that even his best ones were beginning to look commonplace. This was a

bitter thought.


Carrie came in after he did.


"I went to see some of the variety managers," she said, aimlessly.

"You have to have an act. They don't want anybody that hasn't."


"I saw some of the brewery people to-day," said Hurstwood. "One man

told me he'd try to make a place for me in two or three weeks."


In the face of so much distress on Carrie's part, he had to make some

showing, and it was thus he did so. It was lassitude's apology to



Monday Carrie went again to the Casino.


"Did I tell you to come around to day?" said the manager, looking her

over as she stood before him.


"You said the first of the week," said Carrie, greatly abashed.


"Ever had any experience?" he asked again, almost severely.


Carrie owned to ignorance.


He looked her over again as he stirred among some papers. He was

secretly pleased with this pretty, disturbed-looking young woman. "Come

around to the theatre to-morrow morning."


Carrie's heart bounded to her throat.


"I will," she said with difficulty. She could see he wanted her, and

turned to go.


"Would he really put her to work? Oh, blessed fortune, could it be?"


Already the hard rumble of the city through the open windows became



A sharp voice answered her mental interrogation, driving away all

immediate fears on that score.


"Be sure you're there promptly," the manager said roughly. "You'll be

dropped if you're not."


Carrie hastened away. She did not quarrel now with Hurstwood's

idleness. She had a place--she had a place! This sang in her ears.


In her delight she was almost anxious to tell Hurstwood. But, as she

walked homeward, and her survey of the facts of the case became larger,

she began to think of the anomaly of her finding work in several weeks

and his lounging in idleness for a number of months.


"Why don't he get something?" she openly said to herself. "If I can he

surely ought to. It wasn't very hard for me."


She forgot her youth and her beauty. The handicap of age she did not,

in her enthusiasm, perceive.


Thus, ever, the voice of success. Still, she could not keep her secret.

She tried to be calm and indifferent, but it was a palpable sham.


"Well?" he said, seeing her relieved face.


"I have a place."


"You have?" he said, breathing a better breath.




"What sort of a place is it?" he asked, feeling in his veins as if now

he might get something good also.


"In the chorus," she answered.


"Is it the Casino show you told me about?"


"Yes," she answered. "I begin rehearsing to-morrow."


There was more explanation volunteered by Carrie, because she was

happy. At last Hurstwood said:


"Do you know how much you'll get?"


"No, I didn't want to ask," said Carrie. "I guess they pay twelve or

fourteen dollars a week."


"About that, I guess," said Hurstwood.


There was a good dinner in the flat that evening, owing to the mere

lifting of the terrible strain. Hurstwood went out for a shave, and

returned with a fair-sized sirloin steak.


"Now, to-morrow," he thought, "I'll look around myself," and with

renewed hope he lifted his eyes from the ground.


On the morrow Carrie reported promptly and was given a place in the

line. She saw a large, empty, shadowy play-house, still redolent of

the perfumes and blazonry of the night, and notable for its rich,

oriental appearance. The wonder of it awed and delighted her. Blessed

be its wondrous reality. How hard she would try to be worthy of it.

It was above the common mass, above idleness, above want, above

insignificance. People came to it in finery and carriages to see. It

was ever a center of light and mirth. And here she was of it. Oh, if

she could only remain, how happy would be her days!


"What is your name?" said the manager, who was conducting the drill.


"Madenda," she replied, instantly mindful of the name Drouet had

selected in Chicago. "Carrie Madenda."


"Well, now, Miss Madenda," he said, very affably, as Carrie thought,

"you go over there."


Then he called to a young woman who was already of the company:


"Miss Clark, you pair with Miss Madenda."


This young lady stepped forward, so that Carrie saw where to go, and

the rehearsal began.


Carrie soon found that while this drilling had some slight resemblance

to the rehearsals as conducted at Avery Hall, the attitude of the

manager was much more pronounced. She had marveled at the insistence

and superior airs of Mr. Millice, but the individual conducting here

had the same insistence, coupled with almost brutal roughness. As the

drilling proceeded, he seemed to wax exceedingly wroth over trifles,

and to increase his lung power in proportion. It was very evident that

he had a great contempt for any assumption of dignity or innocence on

the part of these young women.


"Clark," he would call--meaning, of course, Miss Clark--"why don't you

catch step there?"


"By fours, right! Right, I said, right! For heaven's sake, get on to

yourself! Right!" and in saying this he would lift the last sounds into

a vehement roar.


"Maitland! Maitland!" he called once.


A nervous, comely-dressed little girl stepped out. Carrie trembled for

her out of the fullness of her own sympathies and fear.


"Yes, sir," said Miss Maitland.


"Is there anything the matter with your ears?"


"No, sir."


"Do you know what 'column left' means?"


"Yes, sir."


"Well, what are you stumbling around the right for? Want to break up

the line?"


"I was just"


"Never mind what you were just. Keep your ears open."


Carrie pitied, and trembled for her turn.


Yet another suffered the pain of personal rebuke.


"Hold on a minute," cried the manager, throwing up his hands, as if in

despair. His demeanor was fierce.


"Elvers," he shouted, "what have you got in your mouth?"


"Nothing," said Miss Elvers, while some smiled and stood nervously by.


"Well, are you talking?"


"No, sir."


"Well, keep your mouth still then. Now, all together again."


At last Carrie's turn came. It was because of her extreme anxiety to

do all that was required that brought on the trouble.


She heard some one called.


"Mason," said the voice. "Miss Mason."


She looked around to see who it could be. A girl behind shoved her a

little, but she did not understand.


"You, you!" said the manager. "Can't you hear?"


"Oh," said Carrie, collapsing, and blushing fiercely.


"Isn't your name Mason?" asked the manager.


"No, sir," said Carrie, "it's Madenda."


"Well, what's the matter with your feet? Can't you dance?"


"Yes, sir," said Carrie, who had long since learned this art.


"Why don't you do it then? Don't go shuffling along as if you were

dead. I've got to have people with life in them."


Carrie's cheek burned with a crimson heat. Her lips trembled a little.


"Yes, sir," she said.


It was this constant urging, coupled with irascibility and energy, for

three long hours. Carrie came away worn enough in body, but too

excited in mind to notice it. She meant to go home and practice her

evolutions as prescribed. She would not err in any way, if she could

help it.


When she reached the flat Hurstwood was not there. For a wonder he was

out looking for work, as she supposed. She took only a mouthful to eat

and then practiced on, sustained by visions of freedom from financial

distress--"The sound of glory ringing in her ears."


When Hurstwood returned he was not so elated as when he went away, and

now she was obliged to drop practice and get dinner. Here was an early

irritation. She would have her work and this. Was she going to act and

keep house?


"I'll not do it," she said, "after I get started. He can take his

meals out."


Each day thereafter brought its cares. She found it was not such a

wonderful thing to be in the chorus, and she also learned that her

salary would be twelve dollars a week. After a few days she had her

first sight of those high and mighties--the leading ladies and

gentlemen. She saw that they were privileged and deferred to. She was

nothing--absolutely nothing at all.


At home was Hurstwood, daily giving her cause for thought. He seemed

to get nothing to do, and yet he made bold to inquire how she was

getting along. The regularity with which he did this smacked of some

one who was waiting to live upon her labor. Now that she had a visible

means of support, this irritated her. He seemed to be depending upon

her little twelve dollars.


"How are you getting along?" he would blandly inquire.


"Oh, all right," she would reply.


"Find it easy?"


"It will be all right when I get used to it."


His paper would then engross his thoughts.


"I got some lard," he would add, as an afterthought. "I thought maybe

you might want to make some biscuit."


The calm suggestion of the man astonished her a little, especially in

the light of recent developments. Her dawning independence gave her

more courage to observe, and she felt as if she wanted to say things.

Still she could not talk to him as she had to Drouet. There was

something in the man's manner of which she had always stood in awe. He

seemed to have some invisible strength in reserve.


One day, after her first week's rehearsal, what she expected came

openly to the surface.


"We'll have to be rather saving," he said, laying down some meat he had

purchased. "You won't get any money for a week or so yet."


"No," said Carrie, who was stirring a pan at the stove.


"I've only got the rent and thirteen dollars more," he added.


"That's it," she said to herself. "I'm to use my money now."


Instantly she remembered that she had hoped to buy a few things for

herself. She needed clothes. Her hat was not nice.


"What will twelve dollars do towards keeping up this flat?" she

thought. "I can't do it. Why doesn't he get something to do?"


The important night of the first real performance came. She did not

suggest to Hurstwood that he come and see. He did not think of going.

It would only be money wasted. She had such a small part.


The advertisements were already in the papers; the posters upon the

bill-boards. The leading lady and many members were cited. Carrie was



As in Chicago, she was seized with stage fright as the very first

entrance of the ballet approached, but later she recovered. The

apparent and painful insignificance of the part took fear away from

her. She felt that she was so obscure it did not matter. Fortunately,

she did not have to wear tights. A group of twelve were assigned

pretty golden-hued skirts which came only to a line about an inch above

the knee. Carrie happened to be one of the twelve.


In standing about the stage, marching, and occasionally lifting up her

voice in the general chorus, she had a chance to observe the audience

and to see the inauguration of a great hit. There was plenty of

applause, but she could not help noting how poorly some of the women of

alleged ability did.


"I could do better than that," Carrie ventured to herself, in several

instances. To do her justice, she was right.


After it was over she dressed quickly, and as the manager had scolded

some others and passed her, she imagined she must have proved

satisfactory. She wanted to get out quickly, because she knew but few,

and the stars were gossiping. Outside were carriages and some correct

youths in attractive clothing, waiting. Carrie saw that she was

scanned closely. The flutter of an eyelash would have brought her a

companion. That she did not give.


One experienced youth volunteered, anyhow.


"Not going home alone, are you?" he said.


Carrie merely hastened her steps and took the Sixth Avenue car. Her

head was so full of the wonder of it that she had time for nothing



"Did you hear any more from the brewery?" she asked at the end of the

week, hoping by the question to stir him on to action.


"No," he answered, "they're not quite ready yet. I think something

will come of that, though."


She said nothing more then, objecting to giving up her own money, and

yet feeling that such would have to be the case. Hurstwood felt the

crisis, and artfully decided to appeal to Carrie. He had long since

realized how good-natured she was, how much she would stand. There was

some little shame in him at the thought of doing so, but he justified

himself with the thought that he really would get something. Rent day

gave him his opportunity.


"Well," he said, as he counted it out, "that's about the last of my

money. I'll have to get something pretty soon."


Carrie looked at him askance, half-suspicious of an appeal.


"If I could only hold out a little longer I think I could get

something. Drake is sure to open a hotel here in September."


"Is he?" said Carrie, thinking of the short month that still remained

until that time.


"Would you mind helping me out until then?" he said appealingly. "I

think I'll be all right after that time."


"No," said Carrie, feeling sadly handicapped by fate.


"We can get along if we economies. I'll pay you back all right."


"Oh, I'll help you," said Carrie, feeling quite hardhearted at thus

forcing him to humbly appeal, and yet her desire for the benefit of her

earnings wrung a faint protest from her.


"Why don't you take anything, George, temporarily?" she said. "What

difference does it make? Maybe, after a while, you'll get something



"I will take anything," he said, relieved, and wincing under reproof.

"I'd just as leave dig on the streets. Nobody knows me here."


"Oh, you needn't do that," said Carrie, hurt by the pity of it. "But

there must be other things."


"I'll get something!" he said, assuming determination.


Then he went back to his paper.



Chapter XXXIX



What Hurstwood got as the result of this determination was more self-

assurance that each particular day was not the day. At the same time,

Carrie passed through thirty days of mental distress.


Her need of clothes--to say nothing of her desire for ornaments-grew

rapidly as the fact developed that for all her work she was not to have

them. The sympathy she felt for Hurstwood, at the time he asked her to

tide him over, vanished with these newer urgings of decency. He was

not always renewing his request, but this love of good appearance was.

It insisted, and Carrie wished to satisfy it, wished more and more that

Hurstwood was not in the way.


Hurstwood reasoned, when he neared the last ten dollars, that he had

better keep a little pocket change and not become wholly dependent for

car-fare, shaves, and the like; so when this sum was still in his hand

he announced himself as penniless.


"I'm clear out," he said to Carrie one afternoon. "I paid for some

coal this morning, and that took all but ten or fifteen cents."


"I've got some money there in my purse."


Hurstwood went to get it, starting for a can of tomatoes. Carrie

scarcely noticed that this was the beginning of the new order. He took

out fifteen cents and bought the can with it. Thereafter it was dribs

and drabs of this sort, until one morning Carrie suddenly remembered

that she would not be back until close to dinner time.


"We're all out of flour," she said; "you'd better get some this

afternoon. We haven't any meat, either. How would it do if we had

liver and bacon?"


"Suits me," said Hurstwood.


"Better get a half or three-quarters of a pound of that."


"Half'll be enough," volunteered Hurstwood.


She opened her purse and laid down a half dollar. He pretended not to

notice it.


Hurstwood bought the flour--which all grocers sold in 3 1/2-pound

packages--for thirteen cents and paid fifteen cents for a half pound of

liver and bacon. He left the packages, together with the balance of

twenty-two cents, upon the kitchen table, where Carrie found it. It

did not escape her that the change was accurate. There was something

sad in realizing that, after all, all that he wanted of her was

something to eat. She felt as if hard thoughts were unjust. Maybe he

would get something yet. He had no vices.


That very evening, however, on going into the theatre, one of the

chorus girls passed her all newly arrayed in a pretty mottled tweed

suit, which took Carrie's eye. The young woman wore a fine bunch of

violets and seemed in high spirits. She smiled at Carrie good-

naturedly as she passed, showing pretty, even teeth, and Carrie smiled



"She can afford to dress well," thought Carrie, "and so could I, if I

could only keep my money. I haven't a decent tie of any kind to wear."


She put out her foot and looked at her shoe reflectively. "I'll get a

pair of shoes Saturday, anyhow; I don't care what happens."


One of the sweetest and most sympathetic little chorus girls in the

company made friends with her because in Carrie she found nothing to

frighten her away. She was a gay little Manon, unwitting of society's

fierce conception of morality, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbor

and charitable. Little license was allowed the chorus in the matter of

conversation, but, nevertheless, some was indulged in.


"It's warm to-night, isn't it?" said this girl, arrayed in pink

fleshings and an imitation golden helmet. She also carried a shining



"Yes; it is," said Carrie, pleased that some one should talk to her.


"I'm almost roasting," said the girl.


Carrie looked into her pretty face, with its large blue eyes, and saw

little beads of moisture.


"There's more marching in this opera than ever I did before," added the



"Have you been in others?" asked Carrie, surprised at her experience.


"Lots of them," said the girl; "haven't you?"


"This is my first experience."


"Oh, is it? I thought I saw you the time they ran 'The Queen's Mate'



"No," said Carrie, shaking her head; "not me."


This conversation was interrupted by the blare of the orchestra and the

sputtering of the calcium lights in the wings as the line was called to

form for a new entrance. No further opportunity for conversation

occurred, but the next evening, when they were getting ready for the

stage, this girl appeared anew at her side.


"They say this show is going on the road next month."


"Is it?" said Carrie.


"Yes; do you think you'll go?"


"I don't know; I guess so, if they'll take me."


"Oh, they'll take you. I wouldn't go. They won't give you any more,

and it will cost you everything you make to live. I never leave New

York. There are too many shows going on here."


"Can you always get in another show?"


"I always have. There's one going on up at the Broadway this month.

I'm going to try and get in that if this one really goes."


Carrie heard this with aroused intelligence. Evidently it wasn't so

very difficult to get on. Maybe she also could get a place if this

show went away. "Do they all pay about the same?" she asked.


"Yes. Sometimes you get a little more. This show doesn't pay very

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