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Перевести условно и дать возможность для исправления задолженностей до 01 октября 2013 года следующим учащимся:

1. Миндиярова Максима Альфредовича - русский язык, литература, физкультура, ПМ.02

Впредь именовать группу № 35


Директор: ____________________ С.В.Вахрушев





(a) The Participle

(b) The Absolute Participial Construction

(c) -ed and its functions

Active Vocabulary

1. achieve, v достигать, добиваться achievement, n достижение, успех

2. anxiety, n тревожность, тревога, беспокойство

anxious, adj тревожный, беспокойный; беспокоящийся, трево­жащийся, волнующийся

3. attitude, п 1. установка 2. отношение

4. constant, adj постоянный, непрерывный constant, п, мат. постоянная величина, константа constancy, п постоянство, неизменность

5. convergent, adj конвергентным, сходящийся; ~ thinking конвер- гентное мышление

convergence, п конвергенция

6. cramming, п зубрежка (перед экзаменом) cram, v наспех зазубривать

7. desire, п (сильное) желание

desire, v желать; испытывать желание, хотеть desirable, adj желательный

8. distribute, v распределять

distribution, п 1. распределение 2. мат. дистрибуция distributive, adj распределительный

9. divergent, adj 1. расходящийся 2. спец. Дивергентный; ~ thinking дивергентное мышление

divergence, divergency п 1. расхождение, отклонение 2. спец. ди­вергенция

10. effort, n 1. усилие 2. попытка; to make an ~ сделать попытку,

попытаться, постараться 11 excite, v 1 возбуждать, волновать 2. возбуждать, вызывать; to ~ interest (curiosity, envy) вызывать интерес (любопытство, зависть) excitement, п возбуждение, волнение

12. external, ^'внешний

13. feature, п 1. особенность, характерная черта; признак, свойство

2. pi. черты лица

14. internal, adj внутренний

15. latent, adj скрытый, латентный; ~ learning латентное научение latency, п латентность, скрытое состояние

16. manifest, v обнаруживать, проявлять; делать очевидным; to ~ а desire to do smth. проявлять желание делать что-л.

manifest, adj очевидный, ясный, явный; а ~ truth (error) очевид­ная истина (ошибка) manifestation, п проявление; обнаружение

17. occasional, п случайный

occasion, п 1. случай 2. возможность, благоприятный случай

3. событие 4. основание, причина, повод

18. partial, я^/частичный

19. similar, ad/похожий, подобный similarity, п сходство, подобие

20. skill, п умение; опыт; мастерство; to acquire ~ овладевать мас­терством

skillful, adj умелый, опытный; искусный

21. transfer, п перенос, перенесение; переключение transfer, v переносить, перемещать; переставлять transference, «1. перенесение; перешд; ~ from one school to another перевод из одной школы в другую 2. спец. передача



The basic principle of learning is reinforcement. When the stu­dent or learner does something that leads to success he is much more likely to repeat it; when he fails, he is not likely to repeat it. The reinforcements do not necessarily have to occur every time the pupil responds. Occasional, or partial, reinforcement can be some­times more effective than constant reinforcement. The reinforce­ment can be either reward or avoidance of punishment. It is prefera­ble to learn under the incentive of rewards rather than the threat of punishments.

Some degree of motivation is also essential for efficient learning. Human beings can sometimes acquire knowledge without deliberate effort, but the results are limited. This type of learning, which occurs without intention or obvious cause, is called latent learning. One defini­tion of it is: «any learning which is not immediately manifested in performance».

The only way we can be sure that learning has taken place is if it is man­ifested in performance. The performance is brought forth usually under the offer of some sort of reward which the individual is motivated to acquire. So, we may say that we learn better if we want or need to learn.

Many different kinds of conditions of motivation affect the way we learn. If we are trying to teach someone a lesson, his desire to learn will enhance his achievement; but too much motivation can lead to extreme anxiety and excitement which will actually interfere with the learning process. Moderate, not intense desire is needed. External rewards such as marks for classroom work in a school, will be effective only if they are what the student wants. Not only must the reward be desired, but the material to be learned must also have meaning.

Another important condition, especially in the development of skills, is distribution. Distribution of learning and practice allows the material or skill to be much better assimilated. Just as excessive moti­vation interferes with success, so does over-concentrated practice. Study and learning for examinations, for example, should be spread over the entire term and not crammed into the few days before the test. This is not to say that cramming will be ineffective. The performance upon which the student is evaluated is the one he delivers on the examination day. Yi «cramm'mg»Yie'ipsYtim!iortnat 6ay, lYienYte sYioiYi6 do it. If, however, he wants to retain the material and make a more permanent gain in learning, then the learning should be acquired over a longer period.

Transfer of training is another very important concept; what has been learned in one situation can be used in other situations. A person who has learned to drive one model of car is normally able to drive another model. This enhanced learning experience is called positive transfer. Yet, at the same time, interference may also occur. This inter­ference in effective performance, called negative transfer, is accentu­ated by the similarity in situation.

Complex learning is a process of many associations in knowledge, skills, and attitudes. We must also be able to generalize from these associ­ations and apply them in new situations. This process is called conver­gent or deductive thinking.

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We learn to think and solve problems by both convergent (deductive) and divergent (inductive) thinking.

The most important single feature of complex human learning is lan­guage. Languages are made up of signs and symbols, and these must be learned in the same way as other things are learned. Once they have been learned then they and the way the brain associates them directly influence our further learning

(L.S. Skurnik, F. George, «Psychology for Everyman». Penguin Books, 1972, pp. 37 -41)

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