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Свободи, часовості, стосунків з іншими людьми

Task 1. Check up your home assignment.


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. ‘I’m the fastest runner on the team,” he said.

a) boasted b) suggested c) promised

He _about being the fastest runner on the team.

2. “I didn’t take your jacket,” he said to her.

a) agreed b) denied c) warned

He _ taking her jacket.

3. “You should go to the doctor’s,” Mum said to me.

a) complained b) advised c) reminded

Mum _ me to go to the doctor's.

4. “I’ll call you next week,” she said to him.

a) promised b) accused c) warned

She _ to call him next week.

5. “Yes, I’ll set the table for dinner,” he said to her.

a) agreed b) boasted c) threatened

He _ to set the table for dinner.

6. “He always forgets my birthday,” she said.

a) complained b) accused c) insisted

She_ that he always forgot her birthday.

7. “Let’s go for a walk,” she said.

a) denied b) suggested c) reminded

She _ going for a walk.

8. “Leave, or I’ll shoot,” the man said to them.

a) denied b) warned c) threatened

The man _to shoot them if they didn't leave.

9. “Don’t forget to feed the cat,” she said to him.

a) threatened b) reminded c) advised

She _ him to feed the cat.

10. “You broke my CD player,” she said to him.

a) insisted b) denied c) accused

She_him of breaking her CD player.

11. “Don’t go near the edge of the cliff,” Dad said to them.

a) warned b) complained c) suggested

Dad _ them not to go near the edge of the cliff.

12. “You must do your homework before you go out,” she said to us.

a) reminded b) insisted c) advised

She _ on us doing our homework before we went out.


Task 3. First write an appropriate introductory verb, then report the following situations.


“You should go to a doctor.” advise He advised me to go to a doctor.
“The bread is stale.”    
“I will buy you a present.”    
“You ought to tell her the news.”    
“I’m sorry I insulted you.”    
“Shall I help you?”    
“Give me a statement or I’ll detain you.”    
“Don’t go near the fire!”    
“That’s why I didn't go.”    
“I didn’t steal the money.”    
“Let’s go out tonight.”    
“You must spend Christmas with us.”    
“Please, please give me some money!”    
“Don’t forget to tell Ann!”    
“Yes, she’s a good person.”    
“Shall I call her?” he asked himself.    
“Can you pass me the salt, please?”    
“Yes, I’ll help you.”    
“Would you like a cup of tea?”    
“I’ll never forget your birthday again.”    

Task 4. Turn the following into reported questions.


1. “Why do you want to work for our company?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

2. “How long were you employed at Smithson Steel?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

3. “Can you speak French?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

4. “Are you familiar with the plastics industry?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

5. “Why did you leave your last place of employment?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

6. “Is this the first time you have applied for a managerial post?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

7. “Would you be willing to move to Paris?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

8. “When did you graduate?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

9. “What salary would you hope to receive?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.

10. “May I check your references?” Mr. Roberts asked Fiona.


Task 5. Underline the correct item.

1. I can only help you if you say/tell me the problem.

2. My mother said/told to turn the oven on at 6 o’clock.

3. The doctor said/told, “You’d better stay in bed for two days.”

4. My dentist told/said me to eat less chocolate.

5. Tom told/said he would be late home.

6. The teacher said/told us to do the exercise.

7. I like listening to him when he says/talks about his youth.

8. He won’t be punished if he says/tells what happened.


Task 6. Report the following conversation.


“Oh, I’m sorry to be early, Susan,” said Jane. “Am I the first to arrive?” “Yes, you are,” Susan replied, “but it really doesn't matter.” “No, I am terribly sorry. The babysitter arrived early,” said Jane. “Well, why don't you help me in the kitchen?” said Susan. “Of course. What would you like me to do?” replied Jane. “Oh, no! I can smell the sausages burning,” Susan cried, “I’d forgotten all about them. I hope they’re not burnt.” “You must let me see to them,” Jane said. “Go ahead and greet your guests. I think I can hear the first ones arriving.”


Task 7. Find a mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it.


1. They suggested to see the film.

2. She asked me where was I going.

3. “Can you tell me what time is it?”

4. He told me to not touch the parcel.

5. I wonder why did he lie to me.

6. The suspect denied to murder the young woman.

7. They accused him to have committed the crime.

8. She asked me, “Where the bank is?”


Task 8. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.


1. “How shall I tell Tom the bad news?” she said.

2. “Can I go home now?” he asked.

3. “You can come in but you’ll have to be quiet,” he said to her.

4. “What time shall we arrive in Cairo?” he asked.

5. “She must try harder if she wants to succeed,” he said.

6. “My father will be angry with me if he finds out,” she said.

7. “You shouldn’t drive so fast,” he said to her.

8. “I can meet you on Friday,” he said.

9. “You’d better ask your parents,” she said to him.

10. “I may not be able to meet you at the train station,” he said to her.



Home assignment. Be ready for the test.



свободи, часовості, стосунків з іншими людьми

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 4001. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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