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Two families, the Montagues and Capulets, live in Verona, Italy, but they 1) (get on) don't get on with each other. Romeo, son of Montague, thinks he is in love with Rosaline, but unfortunately she 2) (love) _______ him. He goes to see her at a party at the house of his enemy Capulets, but there he sees Juliet, Capulet's daughter. She 3) (know) _______ his name because he has a mask. Tybalt, one of the Capulet family, tries to fight with Romeo, but Capulet 4) (allow) _______ this. However, Tybalt 5) (agree) _______ with him, and 6) (forgive) _______ Romeo for coming to the house. Romeo manages to talk to Juliet, and he kisses her. They 7) (understand) _______ that their families are enemies. When Romeo learns the truth, he 8) (care) _______ that his love for Juliet could be very dangerous. Later he goes back to the house and stands in the garden. Juliet is standing on the balcony talking to herself about Romeo, but 9) (see) _______ him below in the garden. After he talks to her, they soon show their love for each other, and agree to get married. However, they 10) (realize) _______ that a terrible tragedy is about to happen.


4.5* Complete each sentence using a verb from the list in the present simple form. Then match each sentence a to j with a description 1 to 10 of where you might read or hear it:



a) Mrs Douglas retires at the end of this term, and we wish her all happiness for the future. - 7

b) There has been a change to the schedule and your flight now _______ at 18.40.

c) The exhibition _______ until 31 December. Don't miss it!

d) The match _______ at three o'clock, so please be here by two.

e) The opening ceremony _______ on 27 July.

f) Saturday 18 March. The sun _______ at 6.08.

g) The licence for this software _______ one year from the agreement day.

h) This offer _______ on 30 September so buy now to avoid disappointment!

i) The 4.30 to York _______ from Platform 1. Cross the footbridge at the end of this platform.

j) Doors _______ at 18.00.


1. Cinema door

2. Advertisement

3. Airport check-in desk

4. News announcement

5. Travel information desk

6. CD-Rom leaflet

7. School newsletter

8. Newspaper review

9. Notice on a sports club notice board

10. Diary

Present Continuous



1) temporary situations

They 're staying at the Park Hotel at present.

2) actions happening at or around the moment of speaking

She is looking for a better job.

3) fixed arrangements in the near future

The Browns are visiting ustonight. (It's all arranged.)

4) changing or developing situations

His English is getting better.


Time expressions:now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, today, tonight, always, still etc.

5.1 Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions (Present Continuous):


1. She is watching TV now. (question) – Is she watching TV now?

2. He isn’t staying at his hotel. (positive) – He’s staying at his hotel.

3. She’s reading. (negative) – She isn’t reading.

4. They’re working. (question)

5. He's writing a letter. (question)

6. He's eating. (negative)

7. I'm not working. (positive)

8. She's studying at the moment. (question)

9. I'm sleeping. (negative)

10. You're reading my newspaper. (question)

11. She's writing a letter. (question)

12. He's talking to Mary. (question)

13. They're not playing football. (positive)

14. He's listening to the radio. (question)

15. You're playing with my football. (question)

5.2 Complete the sentence with the affirmative form of the verb in brackets:


1. Look, all the people (leave) are leaving.

2. The Earth's temperature (rise) _______ because people (use) _____ too much energy.

3. She (study) _______ economics and he (study) _______ philosophy.

4. You (stand) _______ too close to the road.

5. We (stay) _______ in a lovely hotel by the beach.

6. I (go) _______ to the supermarket now, do you need anything?

7. The cat (chase) _______ the dog.

8. Technology (become) _______ cheaper all the time.

9. Pawel and Marek (train) _______ for the football game next week.

10. Manuela (listen) _______ to music in her room.


5.3* Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets:


Good afternoon, everybody. I 1) (speak) am speaking to you from Mount Surprising, the giant volcano. A team of scientists 2) (visit) _______ the volcano, and I’m here for Big TV, just in case anything exciting happens. I 3) (stand) _______ here near the top of the crater, and 4) (look) _______ down into the volcano. At the moment the four scientists 5) (climb) _______ down into the crater. It doesn't look very dangerous, I must say, but they 6) (wear) _______ special clothes and a rescue team 7) (stand by) _______ just in case! A little bit of smoke 8) (rise) _______ from the volcano, but that is normal. Now the scientists 9) (set) _______ up their equipment. They 10) (try) _______ to collect some gas, which will help them understand what exactly 11) (go on) _______ under the volcano. Wait a minute! Something 12) (happen) _______! The ground 13) (shake) _______! The four scientists 14) (climb) _______ out of the volcano as quickly as they can. They 15) (shout) _______ something as well. I think it's time to leave!

Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 2472. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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