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Looking at the extended Du Pont equation, Corrigan's profit margin is significantly lower than the industry average and it has declined substantially from 2004 to 2005. The firm's total assets turnover has improved slightly from 2004 to 2005, but it's still below the industry average. The firm's equity multiplier has increased from 2004 to 2005 and is higher than the industry average. This indicates that the firm's debt ratio is increasing and it is higher than the industry average. Corrigan should increase its net income by reducing costs, lower its debt ratio, and improve its asset management by either using less assets for the same amount of sales or increase sales.
g. If Corrigan initiated cost-cutting measures, this would increase its net income. This would improve its profitability ratios and market value ratios. If Corrigan also reduced its levels of inventory, this would improve its current ratio—as this would reduce liabilities as well. This would also improve its inventory turnover and total assets turnover ratio. Reducing costs and lowering inventory would also improve its debt ratio.
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