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B Point out the basic purposes of law.

Ex. 41 Study the branches of law and complete the diagram:

Branches of law

Law can be divided into two main branches: (1) private law and (2) public law. Private law deals with the rights and obligations people have in their relations with one another. Public law concerns the rights and obligations people have as members of society and as citizens. Both private law and public law can be subdivided into several branches. However, the various branches of public and private law are closely related, and in many cases they overlap.

Private law is also called civil law. It determines a person's legal rights and obligations in many kinds of activities that involve other people. Such activities include everything from borrowing or lending money to buying a home or signing a job contract.

The great majority of lawyers and judges spend most of their time dealing with private-law matters which are handled out of court. But numerous situations arise in which a judge or jury must decide if a person's private-law rights have been violated. More than 10 million such cases are filed in United States courts each year. These cases are called lawsuits or civil suits.

Private law can be divided into six major branches according to the kinds of legal rights and obligations involved. These branches are (1) contract and commercial law (deals with the rights and obligations of people who make contracts), (2) tort law (A tort is a wrong or injury that a person suffers because of someone else's action. The action may cause bodily harm; damage a person's property, business, or reputation; or make unauthorized use of a person's property. Tort law deals with the rights and obligations of the persons involved in such cases.), (3) property law (governs the ownership and use of property), (4) inheritance law (concerns the transfer of property upon the death of the owner), (5) family law (determines the legal rights and obligations of husbands and wives and of parents and children), and (6) corporation law (governs the formation and operation of business corporations; it deals mainly with the powers and obligations of management and the rights of stockholders). The dividing line between the various branches is not always clear, however. For example, many cases of property law also involve contract law.

Public law involves government directly. It defines a person's rights and obligations in relation to government. Public law also describes the various divisions of government and their powers.

Public law can be divided into four branches: (1) criminal law (deals with crimes, that is, actions considered harmful to society), (2) constitutional law (official rulings on how the principles of a nation's constitution are to be interpreted and carried out), (3) administrative law (centers on the operations of government agencies), and (4) international law (deals with the relationships among nations both in war and in peace). In many cases, the branches of public law, like those of private law, overlap. For example, a violation of administrative law may also be a violation of criminal law.



Ex. 42 Decide which of the law branches deals with the following legal matters:

1) Intellectual property 2) Wills 3) Employment contracts 4) Divorce 5) Robbery 6) War crimes 7) Taxation 8) Corporate finance 9) Civil rights and liberties 10) Traffic accidents 11) Adoption 12) Manslaughter 13) Social welfare 14) Territorial waters


Ex. 43 Study the text below and explain the difference between the common-law and the civil-law systems. Which of these systems is employed in Ukraine?

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