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What is English for “шановні панове (пані)”?- *dear sirs/ madams

What is English for “Шкода, що я завдав Вам стільки клопоту”?- *I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble

What is English for “ярмарок”?- *fair

What is English for „ магнітофон ”- *tape-recorder

What is English for „буфет”?- *cupboard

What is English for „крісло”? - *arm-chair

What is English for „полиця”?- *shelf

What is English for „посудомийна машина”.- *dish washer

What is it necessary to do before dropping a letter into ___?- *a pillar-box

What is the coldest season of the year?- *Winter

What is the English for “бутерброд”?- *sandwich

What is the English for “перець”?- *pepper

What is the English for “снідати”?- *to have breakfast

What is the English for “аптека”?- *chemist’s

What is the English for “афіша”?- *poster

What is the English for “балакун”?- *chatter-box

What is the English for “босоніжки”?- *sandals

What is the English for “випускати”?- *to turn out

What is the English for “виховний”?- *educational

What is the English for “вишивка”?- *embroidery

What is the English for “відтоді, з того часу”?- *since

What is the English for “вольовий”?- *strong-willed

What is the English for “головний герой”?- *main character

What is the English for “грудка цукру”?- *a lump of sugar

What is the English for “декларація”?- *declaration

What is the English for “документальний фільм”?- *documentary film

What is the English for “дуже захоплений”?- *crazy

What is the English for “зачіска”?- *hair-do

What is the English for “зворотний квиток”?- *return ticket

What is the English for “змагання”?- *race

What is the English for “камера схову”?- *check-room

What is the English for “марка”?- *stamp

What is the English for “мати важливе значення”?- *to be of great importance

What is the English for “митниця”?- *сustoms

What is the English for “наклейка”?- *label

What is the English for “намагатися робити всеможливе”?- *to try to do one's best

What is the English for “науковий”?- *scientific

What is the English for “обстеження”?- *investigation

What is the English for “овочевий магазин”- *greengrocer’s shop

What is the English for “опік”?- *burn

What is the English for “офіціантка”?- *waitress

What is the English for “паспортний контроль”?- *passport control

What is the English for “постачання”?- *supply

What is the English for “пригощайтеся”?- *help yourself to

What is the English for “провідник”?- *guard

What is the English for “рецензія”?- *review

What is the English for “розмова”?- *conversation

What is the English for “смішний”?- *funny

What is the English for “спортивна куртка”?- *wind-breaker

What is the English for “торгівля”?- *trade

What is the English for “транзитний квиток”?- *through ticket

What is the English for “трикотаж”?- *hosiery

What is the English for “у приміщенні”?- *indoor

What is the English for “універсальний магазин”- *department store-food store

What is the English for “чай”?- *tea

What is the English for „відповісти на дзвінок ”- *(to) answer the call

What is the English for „загальний виклик”- *general call

What is the English for „мікрофон”?- *mouthpiece

What is the English for „незнайомець, приїжджий”?- *stranger

What is the English for „пасажир”?- *passenger

What is the English for „пішохід”?- *pedestrian

What is the English for „повідомлення”?- *message

What is the English for „телефонна станція”?- *exchange

What is the first month of the year?- *January

What is the humidity today?- *Яка сьогодні вологість?

What is the last day of a week in Ukraine?- *Sunday

What is the last month of the year?- *December

What is the most convenient means of _____?- *communication

What is the second day of a week?- *Tuesday

What is the third month of the year?- *March

What is the third season of the year?- *Autumn

What is the Ukrainian “dentist”?- *стоматолог

What is the Ukrainian for “accent”?- *вимова

What is the Ukrainian for “appreciate”?- *оцінювати

What is the Ukrainian for “awaken”?- *Пробуджуватися

What is the Ukrainian for “badge”?- *значок

What is the Ukrainian for “carriage”?- *вагон

What is the Ukrainian for “compartment”?- *купе

What is the Ukrainian for “cunning”?- *хитрий

What is the Ukrainian for “deck”?- *палуба

What is the Ukrainian for “department”?- *відділ

What is the Ukrainian for “dew”?- *Роса

What is the Ukrainian for “digestion”? - *травлення

What is the Ukrainian for “enterprise”?- *підприємство

What is the Ukrainian for “entertainment”?- *розвага

What is the Ukrainian for “equipment”?- *обладнання

What is the Ukrainian for “fare”?- *плата за проїзд

What is the Ukrainian for “hardware”?- *апаратне забезпечення

What is the Ukrainian for “herring”?- *оселедець

What is the Ukrainian for “industry”?- *промисловість

What is the Ukrainian for “informative”?- *пізнавальний

What is the Ukrainian for “interpret”?- *перекладати (усно)

What is the Ukrainian for “knife”?- *ніж

What is the Ukrainian for “knitting”?- *в’язання

What is the Ukrainian for “output”?-* вихід

What is the Ukrainian for “output”?- *продукція

What is the Ukrainian for “peculiarity”?- *особливість

What is the Ukrainian for “producer”?- *режисер-постановник

What is the Ukrainian for “raincoat”?- *плащ

What is the Ukrainian for “salesman”?- *продавець

What is the Ukrainian for “schedule”?- *розклад, графік

What is the Ukrainian for “screen”?- *екран

What is the Ukrainian for “sewing”?- *шиття

What is the Ukrainian for “shop-window”?- *вітрина магазину

What is the Ukrainian for “slender”?- *стрункий

What is the Ukrainian for “sound film”?- *звуковий фільм

What is the Ukrainian for “stomach”?- *шлунок

What is the Ukrainian for “to be fond of”?- *любити, захоплюватися

What is the Ukrainian for “to count”?- *рахувати

What is the Ukrainian for “to get colder”?- *Холоднішати

What is the Ukrainian for “to go in for”?- *займатися

What is the Ukrainian for “to make a point of”?- *звертати особливу увагу

What is the Ukrainian for “to store”?- *запам’ятовувати

What is the Ukrainian for “to travel abroad”?- *їхати за кордон

What is the Ukrainian for “to travel by ship”?- *пливти кораблем

What is the Ukrainian for “trade”?- *торгівля

What is the Ukrainian for “well-bred”?- *добре вихований

What is the Ukrainian for “What can I do for you?”- *Чим я можу бути корисний?

What is the Ukrainian for “веселка”?- *Rainbow

What is the Ukrainian for “крига”?- *Icy-sheet

What is the Ukrainian for “прогнозувати погоду”?- *To predict the weather

What is the Ukrainian for “різна погода”?- *All sorts of weather

What is the Ukrainian for „(to) put down ”? - *записати номер телефону

What is the Ukrainian for „buzzing”?- *гудок

What is the Ukrainian for „connection”?- *зв’язок

What is the Ukrainian for „go ahead”? - *говоріть

What is the Ukrainian for „receiver”?- *телефонна трубка

What is the Ukrainian for „route”?- *маршрут

What is the Ukrainian for „terminus”?- *кінцева зупинка

What is the Ukrainian for „vehicles”?- *транспортні засоби

What is the warmest season of the year?- *Summer

What is Ukrainian for “a company”?- *компанія

What is Ukrainian for “air-mail”?- *авіапошта

What is Ukrainian for “avenue”?- *проспект

What is Ukrainian for “chambermaid”?- *покоївка

What is Ukrainian for “environment protection”?- *захист навколишнього середовища

What is Ukrainian for “environment”?- *навколишнє середовище

What is Ukrainian for “hostel”?- *гуртожиток

What is Ukrainian for “house-warming”?- *входини

What is Ukrainian for “iron”?- *праска

What is Ukrainian for “laundress”?- *праля

What is Ukrainian for “limited”?- *акціонерне товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю

What is Ukrainian for “many-storeyed house”? - *багатоповерховий будинок

What is Ukrainian for “marketing”?- *збут

What is Ukrainian for “mirror”?- *дзеркало

What is Ukrainian for “pollution”?- *забруднення

What is Ukrainian for “protection”?- *захист

What is Ukrainian for “rack”?- *вішалка

What is Ukrainian for “receptionist”?- *адміністратор

What is Ukrainian for “to book”?- *замовляти

What is Ukrainian for “to keep the water clean”?- *зберігати воду чистою

What is Ukrainian for “We shall do our best to”?- *ми зробимо все можливе, щоб

What is Ukrainian for “we will be glad to answer”?- *ми будемо раді відповісти

What is Ukrainian for „cupboard”?- *буфет

What is Ukrainian for „night-table”? - * тумбочка

What is Ukrainian for „running water”? - *водопровід

What is Ukrainian for „store-room”?- *комора

When did you have your English _______?- *class

When I come home I have... rest.- *a

When I come home I have __ rest.- *a

When we have toothache, we go to the …- *dentist’s

Who is your (good) friend?- *the best

Who will coordinate the cooperation?- *Хто координуватиме співробітництво

Write ___ on the envelope.- *an address

You ___ over the phone, when your sister comes home.- *will be speaking

You _____ know the difference between the digital and analogue computers.- *must

You can see a ___ on the floor.- *carpet

Вимірювати час- *(to) measure the time

До полудня- *ante meridiem

Закінчити загальноосвітню середню школу.- *to finish the comprehensive secondary school

Застудитися- *to catch a cold

Мій друг ні риба ні м’ясо.- *My friend is neither fish nor flesh.

Моя сім’я складається з п’яти осіб.- *My family consists of five members.

Не мати часу- *(to) be short of time

позавчора- *the day before yesterday

Сказати, котра година.- *(to) tell the time

Хто веде господарство?- *Who does cooking and looks after the house?

Я думаю про це весь день- *I have been thinking about it all day


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