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  OSAKA ELECTRONICS LTD. 2-33, Namba 4-chome Chuo-ku Osaka 544, Japan  
    Our ref. Your ref. 13 November 200__ Katsumi & Dove Ltd. Import and Export 10 Ichiban-cho Tokyo 102 Japan   Dear Mr. Dove,   Thank you for your letter of 12 November and for the interest you express in our product. We are enclosing   Our latest catalogue in which you will find the technical specification of our electronic air-comfort system; Our proforma invoice: if your clients wish to place a firm order, will they please arrange for settlement of the invoice by draft through their bank, and advise us at the same time; A copy of the report on our equipment published in the September issue of Modern Electronics; Details of our terms of payment.   We can guarantee delivery to Vladivostok within three weeks of receiving your order instructions.     Cont.  


  OSAKA ELECTRONICS LTD.   Continuation sheet No. 2
      As regards discounts for large orders, we would be happy to discuss the matter if you could give us an indication of how large your clients’ orders are likely to be.   We will be able to install the equipment within 3 months of its delivery but would like to send Mr. Hashima, our chief engineer, to look over the restaurants and prepare a report on the installation, taking into account your clients’ particular requirements.   We are looking forward to hearing from you soon, and assure you that your clients’ orders will receive our immediate attention.   Sincerely yours,   A.Tanuki A.Tanuki Export Manager      


If you do not have what the enquirer has asked for but have an alternative, offer it to him.



  AL MELOOS IMPORT Co. P.O. Box 2350 Riyadh 1726 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  
    Our ref. AM/5 Your ref. 6 April 200__ Mr. Thomas Grandy Atlas Photocopiers, Inc. 81 Warren Street New York New York 10003, USA     Dear Mr. Grandy,   We are planning to sign a large contract for office photocopiers with one of our counterparts.   We would like to know whether you can supply us at very short notice with the articles specified on the enclosed list. We require the goods by the end of April. Payment will be made in accordance with our usual terms of business.   Please let us have your quotation as soon as possible.   Sincerely yours, A.Marooch A.Marooch Manager    


  ATLAS PHOTOCOPIERS, INC. 89 Warren Street New York, New York 10003  
    Our ref. 23G/7AP Your ref. AM/5 10 April 200__ Mr. Marooch Al Meloos Import Co. P.O. Box 2350 Riyadh 1726 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   Dear Mr. Marooch,   Thank you for your enquiry of 6 April. Most of the goods you require are available and can be shipped at short notice. However, we are no longer able to obtain the models listed under items 20-25 due to production problems in the country of origin.   We are extremely sorry for this state of affairs and regret that we cannot comply with all your requirements. We suggest that you replace these models with those in the enclosed catalogue under the numbers 21P-24P. The technical characteristics are similar and we can guarantee both the quality of these photocopiers and their availability. At a price of USD 300.00, they also represent the finest value on the market for copiers of this type.   If we are to respect the delivery dates stipulated in your enquiry, please let us know your decision as quickly as possible.   We look forward to your reply.   Sincerely yours, Thomas Grandy Thomas Grandy Sales Manager  


It is possible, of course, that a firm may not be able to answer the enquiry. Your correspondent may be asking about a product you do not make or a service you do not give. If this is so, point out the error and if possible refer him elsewhere. You may try to encourage or persuade your correspondent to do business with you. Be tactful so as not to lose a prospective customer.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 331. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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