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C. Understanding expressions. These words and patterns are used in the text to describe different aspects of Knowledge Management.

These words and patterns are used in the text to describe different aspects of Knowledge Management.

Which ones are positive and which ones are negative? Translate them.

1. Enable to surprise

2. Only a nicety

3. Without clear business linkage

4. A globally oriented company

5. Sustainable solutions

6. Lack service overview

7. A new phenomenon

8. A predominantly locally based



A Strategic Approach to Knowledge Management

The Company’s business model, to be the local partner with the global knowledge, indicates the importance of its knowledge to business and ability to act in the market. The way in which the company manages its knowledge directly influences to its ability to achieve its vision to the benefit of the company, its customers, its employees, its partners, and society.

Knowledge sharing is not a new phenomenon in each company. However, its development from a predominantly locally based on the company to a globally oriented company presents new challenges also in the way it manages and shares its knowledge. For this reason the company needs to work more strategically with its knowledge management, and needs to maintain a strong business focus in doing so. Moreover as it wants to grow in strength, among other things, requires that it focuses on differentiation vis-à-vis its competitors and its ability to climb the value chain. The cross-fertilization of services and the speed of which the company can deliver service packages will be key determination factors, and its knowledge sharing should directly support these efforts.

The definitions of knowledge management are numerous, but generally knowledge management is perceived as any processes and practices concerned with the creation, acquisition, capture, sharing and use of knowledge, skill and expertise.

To provide guidance in work ahead, the Company’s Knowledge Sharing Vision is identified as:

By sharing and combining knowledge the company is able to provide inspirational and long term, sustainable solutions to the benefit of the company, customers, current and future employees, industries as well as society at large.

Vision also describes all level of ambition in that the company aims at becoming a world leader in knowledge sharing within the coming five years. The Group strategic approach points out that in rough times the fundamentally strong companies will show their ability to cope with the situation, and will be able to grow and strengthen their operational platform. In light of this, an ambitious and progressive attitude to knowledge management is not only a nicety - it is some necessity.

Mission, in turn, expresses the purpose and logic behind strategic approach to knowledge management:

In each company share knowledge is for:

• The company should believe that by combining knowledge and services as One Company, it becomes the best in the markets and within the areas of expertise. This, in turn, enables to surprise, challenge and excel together with the customers.

• The company should believe that combined world class expertise will allow it to become involved in the most interesting and challenging projects and thereby attract and motivate the best people.

• By sharing knowledge and inspirational solutions within and beyond the company, it will continue its internal tradition of team work, having fun and being proud of the good it brings to society.

To supplement broader vision and mission for knowledge sharing in each company, it has identified the mindset for sharing knowledge within and beyond the company. The mindset expresses how to think knowledge sharing and it guides in knowledge sharing actions on a daily basis.

Knowledge sharing mindset also sets out expectations to people. Thus, each company expects all people to live the mindset, and sees this as a requirement for excelling within the company.


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