Ex 17 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form
matter n, arrival, arrive, pass v (2), change v (2), cover v, move v (2), truth, whole, hard, awful, exact, dull, sure, true, fast, strange
1. The traffic lights — from green to red and all cars stop. 2. Let's go out on the platform. The train will be — any minute now. 3. The light is too strong, it's bad for the eyes, — the lamp with something. 4. That was an — thing to do! Go and say you're sorry. 5. There's no such thing as easy work. All work is —. 6. She wrote to a friend asking him to meet her daughter on her — in Moscow, giving him the — time, date and place. 7. Some people say that Dickens is too — for the modern reader, but nothing can be farther from the —. 8. I wonder what's the — with John. He's so quiet these days. 9. After a night of heavy rain the roads were very slippery. I — along in my car very slowly, but I was afraid the — time. 10. Did he say he was coming at four? Are you — you heard him right? 11. Several years — before the magazine published the — story of the poet's life. 12. The other day my neighbour came to me with a — story. It was something about noises he heard at night. I didn't know what to think. 13. The boy was learning — but there was still a lot to learn. 14. She telephoned to say that as she was — to another part of the town, she would be also — her place of work. 15. A week —, then another, and still there was no news of the expedition. Ex 18 Replace the Russian words and phrases by suitable English equivalents in the correct form. Retell the passage.
In summer I (поехал) to Scarboro. When I (прибыл) there it was late afternoon. After dinner I put on my raincoat and went out for a walk. It was а (пасмурный) day, the sky (было покрыто) with clouds, and it was raining a little. The wind was very strong and it was difficult to walk, but I wanted some air. (Во время того, как) I (продвигался) slowly along the (тихой) (пустой) street I saw (незнакомого мне человека). Не first (прошел мимо) me, but then he stopped. " Is that you, old man? " he (крикнул). " It's (прекрасно) to see you! I was never so glad to see you in my (всю) life! " I (повернул) my head. It was Jones. " Why, what are you doing here? What's the (дело)? " I said. " And aren't you cold? " Jones (был одет в) flannel trousers and a thin shirt. " Why don't you go home? " " I cannot, " he answered. " I forgot the name of the hotel where my wife and I (остановились). Take me with you and give me something to eat." " Haven't you any money? " I asked. " (Ни единого) penny. We (добрались) here from York, my wife and I, at (около) eleven. We (оставили) our things at the station and went to a hotel. I (сменил) my clothes and (вышел погулять). The sun was shining brightly and there was nothing in the (прогноз погоды) about rain. But I forgot to take the address." " Can you (описать) the street or the house? " " No, " he said sadly. " Well, I'm (уверен) that we'll (выясним) where you live soon (достаточно), " I said. I took him to my hotel and (накормил его). Here we (обсудили) the situation. We then (начали) telephoning all the hotels in Scarboro. We did it so well that next afternoon Jones found both his hotel and his wife. (After " An Absent-Minded Man" by Jerome K. Jerome)
Ex 19 Complete the questions and answers.