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Unit 17


Rules of reading
o, a, u в безуд. полож. –[ə ] 'sofa, 'comma, 'husband, pa'rade a'gain, a'go, to'day, up'on


Ex. 1. Read the following words:


1. a) a'gain 'comma up'on a'gree suc'cess

a'go 'sofa un'less pro'pose 'algebra

to'day a'bout sug'gest o'pinion 'binary

a'gainst sa'lute un'like con'trol 'capital


Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


crystal [kristl] n хрусталь mug [mʌ g] n кружка

dishes ['dɪ ʃ ɪ z] n посуда, блюдо (еда) pot [pɔ t] n кастрюля, банка

frying pan ['fraɪ ɪ ŋ pæ n] n сковорода saucepan [pɔ t] n кастрюля

jar [ʤ ɑ ː ] n банка saucer ['sɔ ː sə ] n блюдце

jug [ʤ ʌ g] n кувшин set [set] n сервиз (посуда, приборы)

kettle [ketl] n чайник whistling kettle ['wɪ slɪ ŋ ] n со свистком


a) 1. I can give her a set of dishes or a tea set or a coffee set. 2. Your can buy crystal in that shop. 3. Wash the dishes, please. 4. Have you got a whistling kettle? – No, I’ve got a simple one. 5. Be careful. The milk in the jug is hot. 6. What is there in that jar? – It’s water. 7. The frying pan is dirty. Wash it. 8. There is some borshch in the saucepan. 9. What is there in that pot? – Some meat. 10. Come here, dear, I can give you a mug of tasty milk. 11. There is some meat on the saucer.


blender ['blendə ] n блендер dishwasher ['dɪ ʃ ˌ wɔ ʃ ə ] посудом. машина

coffee grinder ['graɪ ndə ] кофемолка hand mixer ['mɪ ksə ] n ручной миксер

coffee maker n кофеварка mincer ['mɪ nsə ] n мясорубка

freezer ['friː zə ] n морозил. камера oven ['ʌ v(ə)n] n печь, духовка

grill [grɪ l] n гриль, решетка; жарить squeezer ['skwiː zə ] n соковыжималка

electric mixer n электрич. миксер toaster ['tə ustə ] n тостер

microwave oven ['maɪ krə weɪ v] микроволновая печь

b) 1. Can you give me your squeezer? I’ve got too many apples. 2. The meat in the oven isn’t ready yet, but the meat on the grill is ready. 3. You needn’t take your hand mixer, you may take my electric one. 4. We can wash the dishes in the dishwasher. 5. Where is the meat? – In the freezer. 6. Is the mincer in the cupboard? – It is on the right shelf. 7. We can cook a lot of dishes in the microwave oven. 8. I have got a new coffee maker and coffee grinder. 9. Where can I buy a new toaster? 10. Don’t buy this squeezer, it’s very bad.


broom [bruː m] n метла floor cloth [klɔ θ ] n (половая) тряпка

brush [brʌ ʃ ] n щетка mop [mɔ p] n швабра

bucket ['bʌ kɪ t] n ведро scoop [skuː p] n лопатка, совок

duster ['dʌ stə ] n тряпка (для пыли) vacuum cleaner ['væ kjuː m] пылесос


c) 1. Take the bucket and the floor cloth and wash the floor. 2. Don’t clean the furniture with this duster, it’s too dirty. 3. I must buy a new mop, this one is too old. 4. I can help you to clean the flat. Give me a brush. 5. Fetch me the scoop, please. 6. Don’t take the vacuum cleaner, you may break it.


corkscrew ['kɔ ː kskruː ] n штопор ladle ['leɪ dl] n половник, черпак

fork [fɔ ː k] n вилка spoon [spuː n] n ложка

knife [naɪ f] n (pl. knives) нож teaspoon ['tiː spuː n] n чайная ложка

can-opener ['kæ nˌ ə up(ə)nə ] n консервный нож

tin-opener ['tɪ nˌ ə up(ə)nə ] n консервный нож


d) 1. I have got a fork, give me a knife, please. 2. All the knives and spoons in the house are very old. They are my grandmother’s. 3. Give me a teaspoon. 4. You must have a corkscrew to open this bottle of wine. 5. Take the ladle and give me some borshch, dear. I’m hungry, I can’t wait. 6. I have a can-opener and a tin-opener. Which one must I take to open that can? – Perhaps, a can-opener. – But which one is the can-opener? – Take any.

butterdish ['bʌ tə dɪ ʃ ] n масленка salt shaker ['sɔ ː lt 'ʃ eɪ kə ] n солонка

pepper shaker ['pepə 'ʃ eɪ kə ] n перечница sugar bowl ['ʃ ugə 'bə ul] сахарница

breadbasket ['bredˌ bɑ ː skɪ t] n корзинка для хлеба

ground [graund] молотый, измельчённый


e) 1. I have got all kinds of pepper: black pepper (чёрный перец), ground pepper (молотый перец), hot pepper (острый или жгучий перец, перец стручковый), red pepper (красный перец) and white pepper (белый перец). 2. I’ve got only a dash of pepper (щепотка) on my meat, but I cannot eat it without a drink of water. 3. I must buy a little ground coffee, I’ve got no coffee at home. 4. Give me this pepper shaker and that salt shaker, please. 5. There is little sugar in the sugar bowl. 6. We must buy a new breadbasket and a butterdish. 7. There is a little bread in the breadbasket, but little butter in the butterdish.

back-door ['bæ k'dɔ ː ] n черный ход hall [hɔ ː l] n прихожая, вестибюль, холл

box-room ['bɔ ksruː m] n кладовая landing ['læ ndɪ ŋ ] лестничная площадка

dustbin ['dʌ stbɪ n] n мусорное ведро lawn [lɔ ː n] n лужайка, газон

entrance ['entrə ns] n вход litter ['lɪ tə ] n сор, мусор

exit ['eksit], ['egzɪ t] n выход orchard ['ɔ ː ʧ ə d] n фруктовый сад

flowerbed ['flauə bed] n клумба refuse chute [rɪ 'fjuː z 'ʃ uː t] мусоропровод

garbage ['gɑ ː bɪ ʤ ] n (кухонные) отбросы


f) 1. There is a refuse chute, central heating and running water in our block of flats. 2. Look! There are some chimneys on the roof of that mansion. Have they got central heating? 3. There are a few apple-trees and pear trees in our orchard. 4. There is a lawn and a few flowerbeds in front of our house. 5. Fetch the litter and garbage to the dustbin and the dustbin to the waste bin. 6. Wait for me on the landing, please. 7. Let’s meet at the entrance. 8. Where is the exit? 9. The box-room is on the left of the back door. 10. We can dance in the hall.

Ex. 3. State the topic to which the following words belong:


1. cottage, block of flats, bungalow, mansion

l) flat 2) house 3) room

2. corridor, living room, study, nursery

l) flat 2) house 3) room

3. salt shaker, can opener, bottle, corkscrew

1) dishes 2) furniture 3) garden

4. wardrobe, bedside, cupboard, chair

1) dishes 2) furniture 3) garden

5. armchair, bookshelf, sideboard, shelf

1) house 2) garden 3) furniture

6. jug, bowl, cup, plate

1) dishes 2) furniture 3) garden

7. window, door, window-sill, ceiling

l) flat 2) house 3) room

8. attic, chimney, roof, porch

l) flat 2) house 3) room

9. knife, pot, ladle, teaspoon

1) garden 2) furniture 3) dishes

Ex. 4. From the suggested variants choose the word belonging to the following group of words:


1. attic, cellar, chimney, roof, stairs

1) dining room 2) furniture

3) porch 4) nursery

2. coffee table, fireplace, wardrobe, sofa

1) yard 2) ground floor

3) pantry 4) bedside table

3. squeezer, electric coffee grinder, coffee maker

1) toaster, 2) scoop

3) electric shaver 4) rug

4. tablecloth, napkin, dinner set, serving trolley

1) fork 2) cellar

3) pergola 4) carpet

5. pepper shaker, saucer, mug, glass

1) refrigerator 2) blanket

3) bucket 4) ladle

6. sink, dish washer, waste bin, basket

1) tap 2) blanket cover

3) cellar 4) bedsitter

7. cottage, bungalow, villa, block of flats

1) balcony 2) mansion

3) village 4) stairs

8. living room, bathroom, kitchen, study

1) orchard 2) garage

3) nursery 4) curtain

9. detached house, week-end house, mansion, block of flats

1) dwelling 2) blender

3) whistling kettle 4) attic


Ex. 5. State the group in which not all the words belong to the same topic:


1. 1) kitchen, bedroom, hall, bathroom

2) fence, gate, garage, ladle

3) lawn, flowerbed, orchard, kitchen garden

2. 1) running water, central heating, refuse chute, shed

2) balcony, window-sill, blind, window

3) entrance, exit, downstairs, upstairs

3. 1) ceiling, wall, door, landing, back-door

2) double bed, bedside, sofa, armchair

3) toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving accessories, bell

4. 1) mincer, squeezer, cooker, mixer

2) knife, spoon, fork, pound

3) pot, saucepan, kettle, frying pan

5. 1) teapot, butter dish, bread basket, litter

2) pillow, blanket cover, sheet, pillowcase

3) towel, soap, shampoo, sponge

6. 1) sofa, standard lamp, wardrobe, window

2) mattress, curtain, towel, fire place

3) tea set, sugar bowl, salt shaker, butter dish

7. 1) mansion, bungalow, villa, block of flats

2) study, pergola, garage, shed

3) cooker, gas-burner, oven, microwave oven

8. 1) bookshelf, table, sideboard, wardrobe

2) saucepan, teapot, jug, bowl

3) broom, scoop, brush, crystal

9. 1) downstairs, landing, upstairs, waste bin

2) orchard, garden, flowerbed, kitchen garden

3) blanket, pillowscase, bedspread, mattress


Ex. 6. Make up short dialogues according to the Model. Use the following expressions:

Model: a) – I have got a new blanket. – So have I.

b) – I haven’t got a new bookshelf. – Neither has he.

c) – She can buy a mansion. – So can we.

Ex. 7. Make up short dialogues according to the Model. Use the following expressions:


Model: – Thank you. – Not at all.


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