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Vocabulary. afternoon [ˌɑːftə'nuːn] n после полудняwet [wet] adj мокрый, влажный

afternoon [ˌ ɑ ː ftə 'nuː n] n после полудня wet [wet] adj мокрый, влажный

breakfast ['brekfə st] n завтрак wide [waı d] adj широкий

bus [bʌ s] n автобус build [bı ld] v строить

bus stop ['bʌ s, stɔ p] n автобус. остан. feel [fi: l] v чувствовать

cards [ka: dz] n карты hear ['hı ə ] v слышать

colleague ['kɔ liː g] n коллега, сослуживец know ['nou] v знать

dinner ['dı nə ] n обед, обеденный lie ['laı ] v лежать, лгать

Friday ['fraı dı ] n пятница like ['laı k] v нравиться

supper ['sʌ pə ] n ужин look for искать

Thursday ['θ ɜ ː zdɪ ] n четверг look through [θ ruː ] просматривать

weather ['weð ə ] n погода open ['oup(ə)n] v открывать

long [lɔ ŋ ] adj длинный play ['pleı ] v играть

poor [puə ] adj бедный, неимущий stand [stæ nd] v стоять

warm [wɔ ː m] adj теплый travel ['træ vl] v путешествовать


Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


1. The poor boy is in the corner. – Why is he there? 2. Go there in the afternoon. 3. Translate the text by Thursday. 4. Are you hungry? Take some soup, it’s warm. 5. Let’s sit down on that sofa and play cards. 6. Where is my book? – Look for it on the shelf. 7. Don’t open this wine; it is for our chief’s wife. 8. Do it on Friday. 9. Stand here and wait for me. 10. Are they rich or poor? 11. I know that he has got a detached house. 12. Look through these old magazines. There are some interesting articles there. 13. The weather is nice this week. 14. I have dinner with my colleagues. 15. My wet coat is on the radiator in the bathroom. 16. There is a hungry wet cat at the bus stop. Let’s take it! 17. Where is she now? – She is at the bus stop. 18. I have got a warm coat. 19. Is your street wide? 20. His Mum is your colleague, isn’t she? 21. There is a long jacket under the chair. Whose jacket is this? – It’s my dog’s bed. 22. Eat some meat and bread for supper. 23. Look at this little girl on the bus, she is so lovely. 24. Our street is very long. 25. Let’s travel there by bus. 26. It is interesting to read books and know much. 27. What have you got for breakfast? 28. I haven’t got dinner today. 29. Don’t eat it! You may feel bad. 30 I can hear you well. 31. Don’t lie to me! 32. Let’s go to the cinema, you may like this new film.


Причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle)

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) образуется от основы инфинитива глагола при помощи окончания -ing. Оно соответствует русскому причастию действительного залога настоящего времени с суффиксами -ущ(ющ), -ащ(ящ): to read читать – reading читающий; to sleep спать – sleeping спящий.
При образовании причастий настоящего времени происходят следующие орфографические изменения: а) если в инфинитиве глагол оканчивается на немое е, то в причастии оно опускается: take – taking, write – writing; б) если односложный глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то при прибавлении -ing конечная согласная удваивается: sit – sitting, put – putting.
В многосложных глаголах удвоение происходит, если ударение падает на последний слог или если основа оканчивается на -1: be'gin – be'ginning (но: 'open – 'opening), travel – travelling; в) если глагол оканчивается на у, то при прибавлении окончания -ing буква у не меняется независимо от того, предшествует ей согласная или гласная: play – playing, study – studying. г) если глагол оканчивается на ie, то при прибавлении окончания -ing буквы ie меняются на y: lie – lying.

Ex. 3. Образуйте причастия настоящего времени от глаголов из уроков 1-18.


PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (Настоящее продолженное время)


Утвердительное Вопросительное Кратк. утв. Кратк. отр. Отрицательное
I am going now. Am I going now? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. No, I’m not going now.
He is going now. Ishe going now? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. No, he isn’t going now.
She is going now. Is she going now? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. No, she isn’t going now.
It is going now. Is it going now? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. No, it isn’t going now.
We are going now. Are we going now? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. No, we aren’t going now.
Youare goingnow. Are you going now? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. No, you aren’t goingnow.
They are going now. Are they going now? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t goingnow.


Present Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в простом настоящем времени и причастия настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола. Основные показатели now, at this moment, still. I am writing now. Я сейчас пишу.


Вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице и числе перед подлежащим. Am I writing now? Пишу ли я сейчас? What are you doing now? Что вы сейчас делаете? Вопросы к подлежащему или его определению начинаются с вопросительных местоимений who кто, what что, какой, which который и др. и имеют прямой порядок слов, то есть порядок слов повествовательного предложения. Это объясняется тем, что подлежащим в этих предложениях или определением к подлежащему являются сами вопросительные слова. Вопросительные слова who, what, which согласуются обычно с глаголом-сказуемым в 3-м лице единственного числа. Who is sitting there? Кто сидит там?


Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола. I am not writing now. Я сейчас не пишу.


Present Continuous употребляется: 1) для выражения действий, протекающих в момент речи: – What are you doing? – Что ты делаешь? – I’m reading a book. – Я читаю книгу. 2) для выражения действий, происходящих в настоящий период времени: My husband is very busy now. Не is writing a book. Мой муж сейчас очень занят. Он пишет книгу.


Следует иметь в виду, что глаголы, выражающие чувства, восприятия и умственную деятельность, обычно не употребляются в формах Continuous. Среди этих глаголов: to hear слышать, to see видеть, to feel чувствовать, to know знать, to understand понимать, to like нравиться. В формах Continuous также не употребляются глаголы to be быть и to have иметь (в значении владеть, обладать).


Примечание. Глагол to have в сочетании с некоторыми существительными (dinner, supper, lesson, classes и некоторыми другими) утрачивает свое первоначальное значение иметь и приобретает значение обедать (to have dinner), ужинать (to have supper), заниматься (to have a lesson, to have classes), обозначая тем самым процесс. В этом случае указанные сочетания могут быть употреблены во временах группы Continuous. She is having dinner now. Она сейчас обедает.

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


A. 1. Miss Grey is writing a letter. 2. Mrs. Ford is cooking. 3. Mike is watching TV with his father. 4. Jane and Mary are reading. 5. Peter and John are going to the canteen. 6. The boys are watching TV.


B. 1. Is Miss Grey writing a letter? – Yes, she is. 2. Is Mrs. Ford eating? – No, she isn’t. She’s cooking. 3. Are Jane and Mary reading? – Yes, they are. 4. Are the boys sleeping? – No, they aren’t.


C. 1. What is Miss Grey doing? – She’s writing a letter. 2. What are Jane and Mary doing? – They are reading. 3. Who is cooking? – Mrs. Ford is. 3. Where are Peter and John going? – They are going to the canteen. 4. Who is Mike watching TV with? – He’s watching TV with his father.


D. 1. Is Miss Grey writing a letter or reading a magazine? – She’s writing a letter. 2. Are the boys watching TV or reading? – They are watching TV.


E. 1. Mrs. Ford is cooking, isn’t she? – Yes, she is. 2. Jane and Mary are reading, aren’t they? – Yes, they are. 3. Peter and John are going to work, aren’t they? – No, they aren’t. They are going to the canteen. 4. Mike is not cooking, is he? – No, he isn’t.

Ex. 5. Listen to the following dialogues, read, translate and act them. Make up your own dialogues:


1. A: What are you doing?

B: I’m cooking.

A: What are Mary and Fred doing?

B: They’re reading an English text.

A: What’s Tom doing?

В: He’s eating.

A: What’s Martha doing?

B: She’s watching TV.

A: What’s your dog doing?

B: It’s sleeping.


2. A: Is Jim very busy just now?

B: Yes, he is. He is having breakfast.

A: And is Jack having breakfast, too?

B: No, he isn’t, he is sleeping.


3. A: What are you reading this week?

B: ‘Lord Jim’.

A: Is it a good book?

B: A very good one.


4. A: What is Jill doing just now?

B: She is reading a book.

A: And Kate?

B: Oh, she is sleeping.


5. A: Jane and Helen are in the garden at the moment.

B: They are working, aren’t they?

A: No, they aren’t. They are playing cards.


6. A: Are you still writing?

B: No, I am not.

A: What are you doing?

B: I’m listening to music.


7. A: Who is playing the piano?

B: My sister is.

A: She is a good pianist, isn’t she?

B: Yes, she is very talented.


Unit 19.


Rules of reading
kn–[n] knee, knife, knock, knew, knell
qu – [kw] quick, quiz, quite, quote, quit
ew– [jυ: ] eu new, few, knew, stew, mew, dew, pew, hew 'neutral, 'feudal, 'Euclid, 'Eugene, 'Europe
igh – [aı ] fight, light, might, night, high, right, bright sight, tight, to'night

Ex. 1. Read the following words:


1. a) knit – knock b) knap – nap c) knap – cat

knife – knave knick – Nick knick – kick

knick – knack knell – Nell knot – cot

knap – knag knack – snack knock – cock

knot – knob knot – not knave – cave

knell – knelt knife – wife knob – rob

knave – wave knoll – lot

2. quill – quilt quick – quip quiz – quit quell – well quest – west


[ju: ] [u: ] [u: ] [ju: ] [u: ]

3. a) feud few grew rue – due drew

deuce new crew flue – sue brew

Zeus hew threw true – dew flew


b) 'neutral – 'newly 'Andrew – 'Lewis

'Newton – 'Euclid 'newish – a'new

'Eugene – 'Newton re'new – 'newel

4. a) wild – child – mild

nigh – sigh – nigh – thigh

fight – night – tight – sight – might

slight – light – right – bright – plight

kind – mind – find – bind – blind – rind


b) file – fight mite – might will – wild c) wink – wing – wind

style – sight tile – tight chill – child brink – bring – bind

Nile – night lime – light mill – mild sink – fling – find

pile – plight think – spring – grind





beer ['bı ə ] n пиво draw [drɔ ː ] v рисовать

call [kɔ ː l] n, v звонок, звать, звонить fix [fı ks] v чинить

dean [di: n] n декан hold [hə uld] v держать

dictation [dɪ k'teɪ ʃ (ə)n] n диктант paint ['peı nt] v, n красить, краска

document ['dɔ kjumə nt] n документ study ['stʌ dɪ ] v учиться, изучать

guitar [gı 'ta: ] n гитара talk (to) [tɔ ː k] v разговаривать (c)

hand [hæ nd] n кисть руки type ['taı p] v печатать

homework ['houmwə: k] n дом. задание wash [wɔ ʃ ] v мыть(ся), умываться

ice-cream ['aı s'kri: m] n мороженое wear ['weə ] v носить (одежду)

idea [aı 'dı ə ] n идея beside [bı 'saı d] рядом с, возле

lunch [lʌ nʧ ] n ленч still [stı l] adv до сих пор, всё ещё

news ['nju: z] n новости

somebody ['sʌ mbə dı ] pron кто-то, некто, кто-нибудь (в утверд. предл.)

something ['sʌ mθ ı ŋ ] pron что-то, что-либо, что-нибудь (в утверд. предл.)


Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


1. I’ve got no idea what to do. 2. It’s very hot. Buy some ice-cream. 3. Have you got a bottle of beer? – Sorry, you can’t have any beer, you are under eighteen. 4. Can you draw, Bob? – Yes, I can. 5. You must paint the fence, Tom! – Oh, must I? 6. I am very busy now. Call after lunch, please. 7. There is somebody in the room. 8. Can Nell type? – No, she can’t. 9. Is he still at the museum? – No, he is already at home. 10. There is no news for you today, sorry, dear. 11. Must we write the dictation today? – Yes, you must. 12. Do your homework now. 13. Must I wear a tie at the party? – No, you needn’t. 14. Come here and sit down beside me. I must talk to you. 15. Your hands are dirty, take some gel and wash them. 16. There is something white in the box. 17. Study well, my dear boy. 18. Where is the dean? – He is in his office now. 19. Can you play the guitar? – Yes, I can a little. 20. Hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left one. 21. Fix my TV set, please. 22. Where are the documents? – They are in your bag. 23. Give me a call on Friday.


Ex. 3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:


1. There is a girl in this picture. What is she doing? She is sitting on a chair. She is reading a book. Where is the chair? It is near the table. There is a cat on the table. There is a dog under the table. The cat is sitting on the table. The dog is lying under the table on the floor.

1. Who is there in the picture? 2. Is the girl sitting or standing? 3. What is she reading? 4. Where is the cat sitting? 5. Where is the dog lying?


2. This is Mary. She is sitting at the table. There is some paper on the table. Mary has a pencil in her hand. What is she doing? She is drawing a picture of a dog. She is holding a pencil in her right hand. Her left hand is on the table. Mary is wearing a white dress.

1. Who is this? 2. What is Mary doing? 3. What’s there on the table? What has Mary got in her hand? What is Mary wearing?

Ex. 4. Describe some pictures according to the model from ex. 3.


Ex. 5. Express your agreement with the following statements:


Model: –Lucy is reading. (a magazine)

–Yes, she is. She is reading a magazine.


1. Dick is writing. (a letter) 2. Donald is working. (in the garden) 3. The girls are playing. (volley-ball) 4. Betty and Kate are typing. (the documents) 5. Jane is washing. (the floor) 6. The men are drinking. (beer) 7. Mary is drawing. (a picture of a house)


Ex. 6. Express your disagreement with the following statements:


Model: –John is reading the Times. (the Telegraph)

–No, he isn’t. He’s reading the Telegraph.


1. They are playing cricket. (basketball) 2. She’s dancing with Paul. (Jack) 3. The Browns are travelling about Italy. (France) 4. Victor is listening to the news. (music) 5. John is sitting beside Ann. (Mary) 6. He is talking to Lucy. (Alice) 7. She is waiting for Jane. (Mary)

Ex. 7. Make up general questions and answer them:


Model: you/watch TV

–Are you watching TV at the moment?

–Yes, I am. or No, I am not. I’m reading.


1. the students/write a test 2. Lucy/have an English lesson 3. Roger/sleep 4. Peter/listen to music 5. You/wait for Alice 6. Mary/do her homework 7. You/look for your book


Ex. 8. Make up alternative questions and answer them:

Model: Helen is reading. (a book or a magazine)

–Is she reading a book or a magazine?

–She is reading a book.


1. The children are playing. (volley-ball or tennis) 2. Mary is typing. (a letter or an article) 3. Mrs. Jones is cooking. (lunch or dinner) 4. The students are writing. (a test or a dictation)

Ex. 9. Make up disjunctive questions and answer them::


Model: Dick is writing. (a letter)

–He’s writing a letter, isn’t he?

–Yes, he is.


1. The Browns are travelling. (about France) 2. The boys are playing football. (in the yard) 3. Jane is reading. (an English book) 4. Anna is cooking. (meat) 5. Miss Gray is typing. (documents) 6. The children are eating. (cheese)


Ex. 10. Make up short dialogues according to the Models:


Model 1: (Nancy – wash her car) – Is Nancy busy?

– Yes, she is washing her car.


You – clean our yard; Bob – fix his car; Lucy and Dick – wash their windows; Henry – clean his garage; Mrs. And Mr. Jones – paint their kitchen; Kate – do her homework; you – fix my TV set


Model 2: (Mike – answer) – Is Mike still answering? – Yes, he is.


Peter – smoke; you – translate the text; Lucy – cook; the children – sleep; Jack – eat; Jane – work; Kitty – watch TV; Mary – type; John – draw


Model 3: Walter /in the kitchen /eat dinner

– Where is Walter?

– He’s in the kitchen.

– What’s he doing?

– He’s eating dinner.


Betty /in the park/eat lunch; Mr. and Mrs. Smith/in the dining-room/eat dinner; you/in the bedroom/listen to the news; you/ in the living-room/play cards; Tom and Mary/in the yard/ play baseball; Miss Jackson/at the bar/drink coffee; Mike/in the library/study English; Gloria/at a discotheque/dance


Model 4: (call – Peter) – Who is calling? – Peter is.


Answer – Mike; play the guitar – my sister; sing – Helen; speak to the dean – John; cook dinner – Gwen; dance – Alice

Ex. 11. Make up special questions according to the Model:


Model: – John is waiting for somebody. (who) – Who is he waiting for?

1. They are talking about something. (what) 2. He is speaking to somebody. (who) 3. She is listening to something. (what) 4. She is looking at something. (what) 5. They are waiting for somebody. (who) 6. She is looking for something. (what) 7. Peter is playing cards with somebody. (who) 8. I’m thinking about something. (what)


Ex. 12. Answer the following questions according to the Model:


Model: – What is Mike doing here? – I’ve no idea what he is doing here.


1. Who is he waiting for? 2. What are they talking about? 3. Where is he going? 4. What is she cooking? 5. Who are they speaking to? 6. What is she typing? 7. Where are they travelling? 8. What is he looking at? 9. What are they looking for? 10. What are they listening to? 11. What is he doing now?


Сокращенные утвердительные и отрицательные предложения типа So am I, Neither is he (Я тоже. Он тоже) Сокращенные утвердительные и отрицательные предложения употребляются для распространения на какое-то лицо высказывания, относящегося первоначально к другому лицу. Если первое предложение утвердительное, то за ним употребляется сокращенное утвердительное предложение, которое состоит из слова so также, соответствующего вспомогательного (модального) глагола и личного местоимения или существительного. I’m a teacher. So is my brother. Я учитель. Мой брат тоже. Jane is a student. So am I. Джейн студентка. Я тоже. Если первое предложение отрицательное, то второе начинается со слова neither. I’m not a student. Neither am I. Я не студент. Я тоже. Vic isn’t at home. Neither are his parents. Вика нет дома. Его родителей тоже.


Ex. 13. Express solidarity:


Model 1: – I am watching TV at the moment. (I) – So am I.


1. We are cleaning our yard. (we) 2. Jane is washing the windows. (Dick) 3. Mike is fixing the TV set. (Roger) 4. The children are eating ice-cream. (their parents) 5. I am studying French. (Lucy) 6. We are playing cards. (we) 7. John is writing a test at the moment. (Bob and Mary)


Model 2: – Mike is not watching TV. (I) – Neither am I.


1. Kate is not eating her breakfast. (Alice) 2. George is not working at the moment. (Harry) 3. Lucy is not dancing. (Mary) 4. Jane is not sleeping. (Helen) 5. Jack is not listening. (Peter and Bob) 6. Jane is not singing. (Kate) 7. I’m not watching the film. (I)



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