Vocabulary. attic ['ætɪk] n мансарда, чердакuncle['ʌŋkl] nдядя
attic ['æ tɪ k] n мансарда, чердак uncle ['ʌ ŋ kl] n дядя cellar ['selə ] n погреб, подвал water ['wɔ ː tə ] n вода chimney ['ʧ ɪ mnɪ ] n дымоход, труба well [wel] n колодец corridor ['kɔ rɪ dɔ ː ] n коридор eat [i: t] v есть, кушать fence [fens] n забор, изгородь go [gə u] v идти, ехать gate [geɪ t] n ворота, калитка see [si: ] v видеть hobby ['hɔ bɪ ] n хобби wait for [weı t] v ждать к-л job [ʤ ɔ b] n работа free [fri: ] adj свободный mark [mɑ ː k] n оценка great [greı t] adj великий month [mʌ nθ ] n месяц hot [hɔ t] adj горячий, жарко nursery ['nɜ ː s(ə)rɪ ] n детская rich [rɪ ʧ ] adj богатый pergola ['pɜ ː g(ə)lə ] n беседка, арка tall [tɔ ː l] adj высокий porch [pɔ ː ʧ ] n крыльцо Tuesday ['tju: zdı ] n вторник problem ['prɔ blə m] n проблема Wednesday ['wenzdı ] n среда running-water n водопровод around [ə 'raund] вокруг, кругом shed [ʃ ed] n сарай away [ə 'weı ] adv далеко, прочь, вон stairs [stɛ ə z] n лестница be away уезжать, наход. не в городе study ['stʌ dɪ ] n кабинет only ['ə unlı ] adv только terrace ['terɪ s] n терраса without [wɪ 'ð aut] без, в отсутствие
Ex. 2. Прочитайте и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, затем сделайте обратный перевод и сравните с оригиналом, проанализируйте ошибки и переведите предложения на английский язык еще раз:
1. His daughter is in the pergola. 2. What colour is your terrace? 3. Give me some water, please. 4. Is this a study or a nursery? 5. What is there in the shed? 6. There is some hot coffee in the cup. 7. Wait for the doctor, please. 8. I have got only a cat and two dogs. 9. It is not a hobby, it’s a job. 10. Reading is your hobby, isn’t it? 11. Don’t be late! 12. Robert’s mark is a “five”. 13. He is your uncle, isn’t he? 14. George is in his study. 15. They have a great problem. 16. Go there on Tuesday. 17. She is rich, isn’t she? – Yes, she is. 18. There are a lot of pictures on the walls at our dining-room. 19. Wait for me at the lake, please. 20. I think that he is away. 21. Where is your watch? – It is on the cupboard. 22. This boy is only 13, but he is very tall. 23. Is your attic large or small? 24. Are you free on Wednesday? – No, I am free only on Sunday. 25. Is there any water in the bottle? 26. Why are you here? – It is hot inside. 27. Are the walls in the corridor white or green? – They are red! 28. The doctor’s dog is in the cellar. 29. There is a fence around our cottage. 30. There are three chimneys on the roof. 31. Is there any running-water in your week-end house? – No, but there is a well in the garden. 32. Go there after the lessons. 33. Give me the answer on Wednesday. 34. Is he busy on Tuesday? 35. Begin this on Monday. 36. Fetch this bottle of milk and that bread to the dining-room. 37. I think that our city is clean and nice. 38. My uncle is on the porch now. 39. It is John’s hobby, isn’t it? 40. Go to the cellar and fetch some apples. 41. It’s rather a difficult task. 42. This is a great day! 43. Where is my dear son? – He is in the tent. 44. Take some fish, it’s tasty. 45. My friend’s family is not very large, he has a mother, a father, two sisters and a brother. 46. How many libraries are there in your city? 47. What is there on the wall? 48. Which pen is Nell’s? 49. They are not engineers, they are students. 50. Is the pilot’s map correct? 51. I have no sisters, I have only a brother. 52. There is no water here, but there is some coffee in the cups. 53. Don’t go there on Tuesday. 54. Read the text, it is rather simple. 55. Are there any people in the park when it is hot? 56. Please, correct the mistakes in text 1. 57. It is not my plan, it is my uncle’s. 58. Don’t go away without me.
Ex. 3. Составьте микродиалоги по образцу:
Model: This is my bag. – But I think that it is my bag! (But I’m sure that) He is in the garden. – But I think that he in study! (But I am sure that …)
Ex. 4. Прочитайте и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык, затем сделайте обратный перевод и сравните с оригиналом, проанализируйте ошибки и переведите предложения на английский язык еще раз:
1. It is difficult to correct mistakes. 2. Is it easy to write an article? 3. It is interesting to watch films. 4. Is it difficult to wait for people? 5. Is it tasty to eat apples with bread? 6. Is it interesting to send letters? 7. He is ready to go. 8. Are you ready to begin? 9. We are not ready to give him this job. 10. Isn’t it nice to have a family? 11. It is nice to see them. 12. It is great to visit them in America! 13. It is not very clever to go there so late. 14. It is bad to be ill. 15. Is it interesting to read magazines? 16. It is nice to be clever and rich. 17. It is difficult to be a nice student. 18. We are ready to finish the task.
Ex. 5. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на английский язык:
А. 1. Мы готовы пойти туда в воскресенье. 2. Вы готовы начать? 3. Они готовы смотреть фильм. 4. Он готов быть серьёзным. 5. Она готова подождать нас. 6. Я готов написать им письмо. 7. Мы готовы навестить Джорджа после уроков. 8. Мы готовы взять кота. 9. Они готовы подумать. 10. Ты готов сидеть за тем столом? 11. Мы готовы сказать это. 12. Ты готов поговорить со своим братом? 13. Они готовы отправить ей письмо. 14. Мы готовы отдыхать в России у Чёрного моря. 15. Я готов выслушать вас. 16. Мы готовы дать вам эту работу. 17. Они готовы изменить свой план. 18. Он готов проверить это. 19. Он готов уехать. 20. Она готова ответить им. 21. Вы готовы читать этот текст? 22. Он готов спросить их. 23. Она готова исправить свои ошибки. 24. Вы готовы дать ему работу? 25. Она готова навестить нас? 26. Мы готовы завершить это.
В. 1. Интересно смотреть замечательные фильмы. 2. Интересно читать сложные статьи? 3. Трудно читать карты? 4. Вкусно есть рыбу? 5. Не очень умно идти туда с родителями. 6. Легко быть талантливым? 7. Здорово быть богатым! 8. Не очень здорово ждать. 9. Интересно быть серьёзным? 10. Просто ли быть свободным? 11. Не очень умно давать малышу кофе и чай. 12. Плохо ли быть с друзьями? 13. Здорово иметь друзей! 14. Интересно ли быть инженером? 15. Неинтересно быть машинисткой. 16. Умно взять два торта! 17. Интересно иметь хобби?
Ex. 6. Прочитайте текст и расскажите о семье и доме Евгения:
My name is Eugenie. I am from Belarus. I am from Kalinkovichi. I am 17. I am a student of Mozyr University. I have a family. It is rather large. I have a mother, a father, a sister and two brothers. My Mum is a nurse. Her name is Tatiana. My Dad is a doctor. His name is Dmitry. My brother Misha is a pupil. His is 8. My sister is a student of Gomel University. Her name is Olga. She is 20. My brother Vania is a baby. He is 10 months old. We are a happy family. We have a house. There is a fence with a gate around it. There is an attic and a cellar in our house. The colour of the house is light green. It is rather large. There are five rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in it. The walls in the kitchen are white. There is a table, some chairs, some cupboards, a fridge and a cook there. The walls in the rooms are green, white and red. These colours are very nice. There is only a bed, a lot of shelves, a table and a chair in my room. It is my study and my bedroom. It is very small, but rather nice. There are some pictures on the walls. My sister’s hobby is painting and her pictures are great. My hobby is reading. My mother’s hobby is gardening and our garden is very nice. There are a lot of apple-trees there. It is great to have a house with a garden!
Ex. 7. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Where is Eugenie from? 2. How many people are there in his family? 3. What is his mother? 4. What is his father? 5. His sister is a doctor, isn’t she? 6. His younger brother’s name is Stas, isn’t it? 7. How old is his youngest brother? 8. Is their house small? 9. Now many rooms are there in the house? 10. What is there in the kitchen? 11. Eugenie’s room is small, isn’t it? 12. What is his hobby? 13. What is his sister’s hobby? 14. What’s his Mum’s hobby? 15. Have they got many apple-trees in their garden? 16. Are they happy in their house?
Ex. 8. Расскажите о своей семье и своем доме (квартире).
Ex. 9. Опишите различные типы зданий и укажите их отличия друг от друга.
Ex. 10. Опишите дом (квартиру) вашей мечты.