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Present Simple Tense. Простое настоящее время


Утвердит. Вопросит. Кратк. утв. Кратк. отр. Отрицательное
I work. Do I work? Yes, I do. No, Idon’t. No, I don’t work.
He works. Doeshe work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. No, he doesn’t work.
She works. Does she work? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. No, she doesn’t work.
It works. Does it work? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t work.
We work. Do we work? Yes, we do. No, we don’t. No, we don’t work.
Youwork. Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don’t. No, you don’t work.
They work. Do they work? Yes, they do. No, they don’t. No, they don’t work.


Употребляется для выражения постоянного либо регулярно повторяющегося действия. Употребляется со следующими словами-указателями: usually обычно, always всегда, sometimes иногда, often часто, seldom редко, every day каждый день, every week каждую неделю и т.д.


Все лица имеют одну форму (основу глагола), кроме 3 лица ед. числа, которое образуется так же, как и мн. число существительных – путем прибавления окончания –sили-es. I (you, we, they) speak English. He (she) speaks English.


Вопросительная форма Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do (в III лице ед. числа – форма does[dʌ z]). Do I swim? Does he swim?
Отрицательная форма Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do (в III лице ед. числа – форма does) и отрицательной частицы not. I do not (don’t) swim. He does not (doesn’t) swim.
Если глагол оканчивается на букву y, которой предшествует согласная, то yменяется на ie: study – studies (Но: play –plays) Особые случаи образования 3 лица ед. числа: go - goes do - does[dʌ z] have - has say - says [sez]

[s] [z] [iz]

spea ks rea ds dres ses

c)cut – cuts leave – leaves fix – fixes

point – points beg – begs rise – rises

paint – paints wave – waves fetch – fetches

drink – drinks drive – drives match – matches

stop – stops run – runs dress – dresses

wait – waits ring – rings breeze – breezes

suit – suits carve – carves brush – brushes

flirt – flirts answer – answers dash – dashes

hope – hopes spoil – spoils kiss – kisses

vote – votes hear – hears force – forces

take – takes try – tries watch – watches

weep – weeps serve – serves close – closes

creep – creeps join – joins miss – misses

count – counts fly – flies rush – rushes

bite – bites dry – dries change – changes

wake – wakes rain – rains dance – dances


Ex. 3. Study and practise:


1. Ann’s parents live in Moscow. She visits them every year.

2. I finish work early. As a rule I come home at 4.

3. We play football but we don’t play golf.

4. Lily speaks German but she doesn’t speak English.

5. She gets up at 6.30 from Monday to Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday she gets up at 10 o’clock.

6. She usually goes to bed late at night.

7. They like films. They watch all the new films. They often go to the cinema.

8. He’s got a radio and a TV set. He sometimes listens to the radio, and he sometimes watches TV.

9. Her brother lives in London. She doesn’t. She seldom sees him.

10. He doesn’t usually smoke, but at Christmas, after dinner, he has a cigar. He rarely smokes cigars.

11. She doesn’t like beer. She never drinks beer.

12. – Do you read much, Tom?

– Yes, I do. I’m very fond of reading.

13. – Bob is fond of playing football.

– Is he? Does he play football every day?

– Yes, he does.

14. – Do you like jazz?

– Not very much, I’m afraid.

– Do you?

– Yes, I do.

15. – What are Ned and Mary doing this evening?

– They are going to the theatre.

– Do they go to the theatre every evening?

– No, they don’t.

16. – Do you play chess every day?

– No, I don’t, but Jim does.

– Does he really?

– Yes, he does, he is very fond of it.

17. – Where are you going to spend your summer holidays?

– In Germany.

– Do you usually spend your holidays in Germany?

– No, I don’t.

18. – Does Susan like dancing?

– Yes, she does, but she prefers reading.

19. – What time do you usually get up?

– About seven o’clock.

– And what about John?

– Oh, he never gets up before eight.

20. – When do your classes begin?

– At 8.30.

21. – Where do you work?

– At a plant.

– What do you do?

– I’m an engineer.

22. – Why does Paul come home so late?

– He is very busy at his office.

23. – Which of you speaks French?

– Nell does.

24. – Bess doesn’t want to take part in the picnic, does she?

– No, she doesn’t. She says she’s too busy.

25. – You don’t know Mary Smith, do you?

– Yes, I do. She lives next door.

26. – You like detectives, don’t you?

– Yes, I do.

Ex. 4. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Simple:


1. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 2. She (to be) a pupil. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Ann (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 5. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 6. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 7. She (to speak) French well. 8. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At 7.30 we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o’clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o’clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).


Ex. 5. Read the text and answer the questions:


Every Day

Alan’s a driver. He’s twenty-eight years old. He works five days a week. He gets up at six o’clock every day. He eats a big breakfast. He drinks two cups of tea. He leaves for work at half past six. He has lunch in a transport cafe. He comes home at five o’clock. In the evening he goes to the bar. He goes to bed at ten o’clock.


А. What does Alan do? How old is he? How many days a week does he work? What time does he get up? How many cups of tea does he drink? When does he leave home for work? Does he come home at five or at seven? What does he do in the evening? What time does he go to bed?


B. Say what Alan usually does on week-days.


Ex. 6. Tell about these people:


Judy Peter and Ned
secretary schoolboys
the office/five days a week school/five days a week
7.30 eight o’clock
nothing cornflakes
orange juice milk
the office/8.15 school/8.45
in the canteen at school
home/5.30 home/four o’clock
evening classes TV
eleven o’clock nine o’clock


Ex. 7. Answer the questions:


What do you do? Where do you work? How many days a week do you work? What time do you usually get up? Do you eat a big breakfast? Which do you prefer for breakfast: tea or coffee? What time do you leave home for work? How do you get to work? Where do you have lunch? What time do you come home from work? What do you do in the evening? Does your mother (brother, etc.) work? What does she/he do? What is her/his working day like? What does your mother (brother, etc.) like to do in her/his spare time?


Ex. 8. Answer the questions using the Models:


Model 1: – I read the Times. And Tom? (the Daily Telegraph)

– Tom reads the Daily Telegraph.


1. I study English. And Mary? (Cerman) 2. I spend very little. And Jack? (much) 3. Mary teaches French. And her sister? (English) 4. We live on the top floor. And Peter? (on the ground floor) 5. I visit my parents every year. And Mike? (every month) 6. They want to study English. And Helen? (German) 7. I finish work at 7. And your sister? (at 6)


Model 2: – Victor goes to work by bus. And his parents? (by car)

– His parents go to work by car.


1. I like tea. And.you? (coffee) 2. We begin our work at 8. And they? (at 9) 3. They leave home at 7. And you? (at 10) 4. They spend their holidays in the country. And your parents? (in town) 5. I collect records. And you? (stamps)


Model 3: – Jack works hard. And his brother?

– His brother doesn’t work hard.


1. My daughter reads much. And Peter? 2. Roger plays golf. And David? 3. I come home late on Monday. And Helen? 4. As a rule I have dinner at home. And John? 5. I get up early. And your brother? 6. Mike swims well. And his friend? 7. I make a lot of mistakes in my dictations. And Helen?


Model 4: – Robert likes football. And his friends?

– His friends don’t like football.


1. My children go to school. And Mr Brown’s children? 2. We write much at our lessons. And they? 3. Alice studies French. And her sisters? 4. Jack gets up early. And his parents? 5. Tom works on Saturdays. And his friends?


Наречия образа действия Наречия образа действия отвечают на вопрос как?, каким образом? и ставятся после глагола, который они определяют, а если есть прямое дополнение, то после прямого дополнения. Большинство наречий этой группы образуется от прилагательных при помощи суффикса-ly: bad плохой – badly плохо; cold холодный – coldly холодно; easy легкий – easily легко. Имеется ряд наречий и прилагательных, форма которых совпадает: fast, hard, early и др. It is hard work. He works hard. He is a fast runner. He runs fast. Прилагательному good хороший соответствует наречие образа действия well хорошо. She is a good singer. She sings well.


Ex. 9. Paraphrase the sentences using the Model:


Model: Tom is a good tennis player. Tom plays tennis very well.


1. Mrs Green is a very good typist. 2. My wife is a good cook. 3. Jack is a hard worker. 4. Helen is a slow reader. 5. The girls are good singers. 5. Mary is a fast runner. 6. Mr Robinson is a good speaker. 7. John and Tom are good drivers. 8. Betty is a good student. 9. My friends are good swimmers. 10. Mr Jack’s son is a good writer. 11. Ann is a good skater.


Ex. 10. Complete the sentences using the Model:


Model: Jack knows French... (Italian)

Jack knows French but he doesn’t know Italian.


1. We write dictations... (grammar tests). 2. They play hockey... (cricket). 3. She likes tea... (coffee). 4. He skates well … (ski). 5. Mrs Smith teaches Spanish... (French). 6. My friend speaks Italian... (English). 7. We collect stamps... (records).


Ex. 11. Express your agreement using the Model:


Model: – You get up early, don’t you? (at 7 a.m.)

– Yes, I do. I get up at 7 a.m.


1. Harry finishes work late, doesn’t he? (at 9 p.m.) 2. Mr Robinson lives in London, doesn’t he? (in King Street) 3. Your brother teaches German, doesn’t he? (at London University) 4. You go to work by bus, don’t you? (by the 8 o’clock bus) 5. Your parents often visit you, don’t they? (every week) 6. You often watch TV, don’t you? (every evening)


Ex. 12. Express your disagreementusing the Models:


Model 1: – Mike finishes work at 5, doesn’t he? (at 6)

– No, he doesn’t. He finishes work at 6.


1. Betty likes tennis, doesn’t she? (volley-ball) 2. Mrs Smith teaches Spanish, doesn’t she? (Russian) 3. Mr Baxter works at a factory, doesn’t he? (at an office) 4. Jack makes many mistakes in his dictations, doesn’t he? (few) 5. You usually travel by bus, don’t you? (by train)


Model 2: – Mary doesn’t speak Italian, does she? (very well)

– But she does. She speaks Italian very well.


1. Your friend doesn’t drive, does he? (very well) 2. Mike doesn’t skate, does he? (very well) 3. Jim doesn’t work much, does he? (a lot) 4. Victor doesn’t smoke, does he? (a lot) 5. Jack doesn’t like hockey, does he? (very much) 6. Your son doesn’t read much, does he? (very much) 7. You don’t travel much, do you? (a lot)


Ex. 13. Express solidarity using the Models:


Model 1: – I get up early. And Tom?

– Tom also gets up early. (or Tom gets up early, too.)


1. Jack works in London. And Mary? 2. I come home by bus. And Peter? 3. We start work at 9. And they? 4. I have a cold bath every morning. And you? 5. I read a lot. And Helen? 6. My brother smokes a lot. And you?


Model 2: – I walk to my office. And you? – So do I.


1. Ann likes pop music. And Betty? 2. I know French. And your brother? 3. We go out in the evening. And you? 4. I spend very little. And Mary? 5. We watch football on TV. And you? 6. They go away for weekends. And the Robinsons? 7. I often write to Peter. And Helen? 8. Tom collects stamps. And Jack? 9. My sister teaches English. And Lucy? 10. I sleep with the windows open. And you? 11. I want ice-cream. And you? 12. My son studies English. And your daughter? 13. The boys swim well. And what about the girls?


Model 3: – Gemma doesn’t speak French. And Lucy?

– Lucy doesn’t speak French either.


1. I don’t know him. And you? 2. Jack doesn’t smoke. And his brother? 3. I don’t type. And Mary? 4. Nick doesn’t play cricket. And his father? 5. I don’t see anything there. And you? 6. My sister doesn’t read much. And your brother?


Model 4: – I don’t go to work on Saturday. And Helen?

– Neither does Helen.


1. I don’t do morning exercises. And you? 2. Mike doesn’t write to her. And Peter? 3. I don’t like football. And you? 4. Henry doesn’t know Italian. And Roger? 5. I never read in bed. And you? 6. Mr Green doesn’t smoke. And Mr Smith? 7. Kate doesn’t play the piano. And her sister? 8. The Browns don’t travel much. And you? 9. I don’t speak Chinese. And Alec?



Unit 23.




business дело, занятие imagine представлять себе, воображать

on business по делу miss пропускать, скучать

copy копия, копировать respond to отвечать

example пример share владеть совместно, разделять

for example например angry сердитый, недовольный

fact обстоятельство, факт dangerous опасный

in fact фактически, в действит. following следующий

on foot пешком intelligent умный, смышлёный

(security) guard охранник lazy ленивый

humour юмор polite вежливый

journalist журналист (be) proud of гордиться

mechanic механик true верный, правильный, верно

plane самолёт be in a hurry торопиться, спешить

question вопрос go out выходить, бывать в обществе

sense чувство, смысл go shopping ходить за покупками

choose выбирать on weekdays в будни

drive ездить, водить автомобиль stay in оставаться дома, в помещении

enjoy наслаждаться ever когда-либо

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


1. Jane enjoys reading interesting books. 2. We usually drive to the country on Sunday. 3. She drives a car very well. 4. I’m going to stay in to wait for his telephone call. 5. She works on weekdays. 6. It is difficult to choose among so many nice houses. 7. She usually goes shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. 8. I can’t see the sense in leaving all the work to you. 9. He’s got a good sense of humour. 10. Are you going out tonight? 11. Is anyone going to respond to my question? 12. He is in a hurry again and he isn’t going to have breakfast. 13. Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane? 14. It’s true that he’s got a detached house. 15. She is a true friend. 16. He works as a mechanic at a big factory. 17. Mr. White is very proud of his pretty and intelligent daughter. 18. A journalist is a person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news for radio or television. 19. They think she isn’t right but are too polite to tell her this. 20. It’s impolite to ask a woman her age. 21. Hurry up or you may miss the train. 22. I am missing my dear mother. 23. He is too lazy to be a good guard. 24. Why are you standing at the bus stop? You can go to work on foot. 25. You must check all the facts. 26. What are you doing in the library? – I am collecting facts from newspapers and magazines for my report. 27. I am rather glad to see you, in fact. 28. He must come the following day. 29. It is a bad example for everybody. 30. For example, you can go for a walk or to the cinema. 31. It is dangerous to go there late at night. 32. Why are you angry with me? 33. She shares the house with four people. 34. You can copy this article, if you want. 35. Can you ever imagine her as a mother? 36. What is your brother’s business? 37. Tom is in Kiev on business. 38. How many copies have you got?

Ex. 2. Read the text and aswer the questions:


Steve at Work

Steve Baxter: I am a journalist. I work for the Daily News. The work is interesting and I enjoy it. I travel a lot. My office is in Fleet Street. I share it with Barbara Robson. She’s new and I help her. My chief is Mr Short. I like him. Mr Short and my friend Harry Turner help me with difficult articles and I help them, too. We are all very busy people.


A. Questions.

What does Steve do? Is his work interesting? Steve travels a lot, doesn’t he? Where is his office? Who does he share his office with? Who is Steve’s chief? Does Steve like him? Do Steve and his colleagues help each other with difficult articles? They are all very busy people, aren’t they?


B. a) Imagine you are Steve Baxter. Tell us about your work.

b) Imagine you are Barbara Robson. Tell us about you and your colleagues.


C. Teacher (addressing one of the students): Mike, tell us some words about your father’s/mother’s work:


What does he do? Where does he work? Is his work interesting? Is he very busy at work? Does he often travel on business? Where is his office? Who does he share his office with? Who is his boss? What is he like? How old is he? Does he and his colleagues help each other?


D. Teacher (addressing another student): Helen, what do you know about Mike’s father’s work? And where do you work, Helen? What do you do? Do you like your work? Why/Why not?


Ex. 3. Listen to the text and do the tasks after it:


A Good Secretary

Marsha is a secretary. She enjoys her work, and she always works hard. She is always on time for work. In fact, she is often early. She is never late, and she is never ill.

Marsha usually types letters and answers the telephone. She sometimes files and makes copies. She seldom makes mistakes when she types or files. She always answers the phone politely.

Marsha is intelligent, and she has a good sense of humour. She is never angry. Everybody in the office likes Marsha.


A. Choose one of the adverbs (never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always):


1. Marsha works hard. 2. She is on time for work. 3. She is late or ill. 4. She is early for work. 5. She types letters. 6. She files. 7. She makes copies. 8. She makes mistakes when she types. 9. She answers the phone politely. 10. She is angry.


B. Talk about these people. Use one of the adverbs: never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always:


1. David is a music teacher.

He is... angry.

He... enjoys his work.

He... writes on the blackboard.

He... listens to his students.


2. Oscar is a doctor and Lucy is a nurse.

They are... tired.

They... make mistakes.

They... go to work at night.

They... work in a hospital.


3. Susan is a photographer.

She is... unhappy with her job.

She... meets a lot of interesting people.

She... sits at her desk.

She... travels.


4. Dick is a mechanic.

He is... lazy.

He... wears dirty clothes.

He... works in a garage.

He... fixes cars.


5. Marco is a security guard.

He is... busy.

He... sits down.

He... does dangerous work.

He... works alone.


Ex. 4. Respond to the following statements:


Model 1: – I sometimes have dinner at this cafe. And you?

– I always have dinner at this cafe.


1. I sometimes do morning exercises. And you? 2. I sometimes invite Mary to my parties. And you? 3. I sometimes go out in the evening. And you? 4. I sometimes go to work on foot. And you? 5. I sometimes get up early. And you?


Model 2: – Bill sometimes washes the dishes.

– No, he doesn’t. He never washes the dishes.


1. Mike sometimes plays golf. 2. Helen sometimes takes part in school concerts. 3. You sometimes walk in the park late at night. 4. Harry sometimes smokes. 5. They usually spend their holidays in Spain. 6. Jack often visits them.


Model 3: – Mr Smith often drives to work. (walk)

– No, he doesn’t. He rarely (seldom) drives to work. He usually walks.


1. Mrs Baxter often drinks coffee. (tea) 2. Robert often comes home late. (early) 3. She often travels by bus. (by train) 4. Peter often does his homework in the evening. (in the morning) 5. The Jacksons often go out at the weekend. (stay in). 6. They often go to the theatre. (to the cinema)


Model 4: – Joe always walks to work.

– No, that’s not true. Joe doesn’t always walk to work. Sometimes he drives.


1. Helen always gets up early. (late) 2. Betty always goes to work by bus. (by metro) 3. Harry always has dinner at a canteen. (at a cafe) 4. They always visit her on Friday. (on Saturday) 5. You always travel by train. (by plane)


Model 5: – Jane seldom has dinner at home. And Mary?

– Mary doesn’t often have dinner at home either.


1. Harry seldom plays golf. And Robert? 2. We seldom watch TV. And you? 3. I seldom go out. And Jane? 4. I seldom have dinner at home. And Mary? 5. We seldom go fishing. And Jack? 6. Alice seldom stays at home at the weekend. And Lucy?


Ex. 5. Answer the questions using the Model. Use different adverbs:


Model: – Do you ever study in the library?

– I always (usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) do.


1. Do you ever spend your holidays at the sea? 2. Does your brother ever play tennis? 3. Does Mike ever go to the theatre? 4. Does Janet ever study at night? 5. Do you ever miss your English classes? 6. Do you ever go away on business? 7. Does your wife ever go shopping on Sunday? 8. Does your father ever go fishing? 9. Do you ever listen to the news in the morning?


Ex. 6. Complete the sentences:


Model 1: – Susan often plays chess... (seldom, cards).

– Susan often plays chess but she seldom plays cards.


Model 2: – Mike is often late... (Peter, never).

– Mike is often late but Peter is never late.


1. Robert always speaks English... (never, Italian). 2. My mother is usually at home in the evening... (seldom, in the afternoon). 3. I don’t often travel by bus... (usually, by train). 4. They are always at work at 5... (seldom, at 7). 5. I don’t often have coffee in the evening... (always, in the morning). 6. Betty always plays volley-ball... (never, basket-ball). 7. Jill is never late for work... (Steve, sometimes). 8. We always have our classes on weekdays... (never, at the weekend). 9. It is often hot here in July... (seldom, in September). 10. Peter is always on time... (Tom, never). 11. He usually gets up at 7 … (sometimes, at 9). 12. Marian often visits us... (her brother, seldom). 13. I never read in bed... (my sister, always). 14. My father doesn’t often have dinner at home... (always, have breakfast). 15. This shop is always open on Saturday... (never, on Sunday). 16. We are usually free on Monday... (never, on Tuesday). 17. They are always at work at 5... (seldom, at 8).


Ex. 7. Answer the questions:


1. When do you usually get up? 2. What time do you have breakfast as a rule? 3. Are you always in a hurry in the morning? 4. When do you usually leave home for university? 5. How do you get to university? 6. You are never late for university, are you? 7. Are you usually very busy at university? 8. You don’t often have dinner at home, do you? 9. When do you usually finish studying? 10. Do you ever stay at university late? 11. What do you do at home in the evening?


Ex. 8. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:


A. 1. Jack often (be) late. 2. Mary and John often (go) to the cinema. 3. Mike never (be) home at this time of the day. 4. Betty sometimes (phone) me. 5. They sometimes (be) at the sea in summer. 6. Alice usually (be) at home at 9 p. m. 7. Ned often (come, not) to see us. 8. Jane always (visit) her parents in summer. 9. James often (watch, not) TV. 10. Donald (know, not) French, he (speak) Italian.


B. It (be) Saturday. It (be) 9 o’clock in the morning. Mary and James Wilson (be) home. James (be) an engineer. His wife (teach) English at school. The Wilsons (go, not) to work at the weekend. At the moment they (be) in their kitchen. They (have) breakfast and (listen) to the BBC news. They always (listen) to the news at breakfast. Their son Peter (be, not) at home. He (be) at school. He (do) very well at school and his parents (be) proud of him. Peter’s hobby (be) tennis. He often (play) tennis after school.


Ex. 9. Translate into English:


1. Виктop не хочет exaть за город. – Я тоже. 2. Мой брат не курит. 3. Иногда я хожу на работу пешком. 4. Я много читаю. – Я тоже. 5. Моя сестра обычно занята по понедельникам. 6. Он не всегда отдыхает на море. 7. Мне не нравится эта картина. – Мне тоже. 8. Мы никогда не ездим на море летом. 9. Мой сын часто навещает меня. 10. Мы обычно дома в воскресенье вечером. Я люблю проводить вечера дома, послушать музыку, посмотреть телевизор или почитать книгу. Я ложусь спать не поздно, но люблю рано вставать. 11. Роберт не играет в теннис. – Нет, играет. 12. Он. очень занят сейчас. – Я тоже. 13. Мой сын учится в университете. – Моя дочь тоже. 15. Ты когда-либо видишь Виктора? – Редко.


Ex. 10. Tell about your working day.



Unit 24.




abroad за границей, за границу strong сильный, крепкий

air воздух, проветривать weak слабый, некрепкий

by air воздушным транспортом afford позволитьсебе, быть в состоянии

art искусство close закрывать

bicycle велосипед cost стоить

chemistry химия deceive обманывать

coin монета deliver доставлять

comedy комедия earn зарабатывать

gallery галерея hope надеяться, надежда

history история last длиться

language язык use использовать

mail почта regularly регулярно, постоянно

mathematics, maths математика once один раз

member of the club член клуба twice дважды

poetry поэзия What kind of books Какие книги

foreign иностранный, зарубежный be absent отсутствовать

(be) interested in интересоваться be present присутствовать

so так, так что, поэтому, такой be over заканчиваться, завершаться

come from происходить, быть родом

Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian, then back into English. Analyze your mistakes and translate the sentences into English one more time:


1. We usually go abroad for a week in May. 2. I’d like a cup of strong coffee. 3. He is so strong! 4. The doctor tells me to get some fresh air. 5. Air your room regularly. 6. It is rather expensive to travel by air. 7. Не is too weak to walk. 8. My sister likes weak coffee with milk. 9. He’s weak in mathematics. 10. I can’t afford to buy a new flat. 11. Many flowers open in the morning and close at night. 12. She studies art in Paris. 13. Let’s go to the lake by bicycle. 14. This car costs only $ 1000. 15. How much does it cost? 16. He is interested in chemistry and maths, but doesn’t like languages. 17. It is no good to deceive your parents, Freddy. 18. Do you collect coins? – No, I don’t, but my brother does. 19. When do they deliver mail? – At 10.45. 20. Do you like comedies? – Not very much. 21. How much money does he earn? 22. A gallery is a room or building for the display or sale of works of art. 23. I hope you like poetry. – No, I don’t. 24. How long does this lesson last? – It lasts 45 minutes. 25. She is interested in history and foreign languages. 26. Mr. Johnson is a member of the club, so he may come in. 27. Do you use this gel regularly? 28. Do it once or twice every day. 29. What kind of books do you like to read? 30. Why is Ned absent? – He is ill. 31. All are present. 32. Where does he come from? – From Canada. 33. The teacher said to the pupils: “The lesson is over, you may be free. Good bye.”


Ex. 2. Study and practice:


1. – Do you often travel by air?

– No, I don’t.

– Don’t you like it?

– Yes, I do, but I can’t afford it.

2. – Is Pete a member of the Sports Club?

– No, he isn’t.

– Doesn’t he like sports and games?

– No, not very much.


3. – Miss Brown is interested in modern art.

– Does she go to art galleries regularly?

– No, she doesn’t. She is too busy.


4. – I need some sugar.

– How much do you need?

– Two kilos, please.


5. – What kind of films do you like best?

– Westerns. And you?

– I like all sorts of films.


6. – How do you come to school?

– By bus.

– How much does it cost?

– Only 20 p.

– How long does it take?

– About twenty minutes.


7. – Is Maria Italian?

– Yes, I think so.

– Does she speak English well?

– No, I don’t think so.

– Is she coming to the dance tonight?

– I hope so!


Ex. 3. Respond to the following statements:


Model 1: – I know French. (you)

– Do you know French?

– Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)


Model 2: – Peter knows French. (his sister)

– Does his sister know French?

– Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)


1. Mrs Robinson types well. (Miss Smith) 2. Mike enjoys pop music. (you) 3. Jane often watches TV. (her husband) 4. He likes his work. (you) 5. My son goes to school. (your daughter) 6. Mary plays the piano. (Lucy) 7. I smoke much. (your father) 8. I like my tea strong. (you) 9. Alice works at an office. (her sister) 10. Peter teaches Spanish. (Victor) 11. The Browns travel a lot. (the Baxters)


Ex. 4. Respond to the following statements:


Model 1: – I speak English. (French)

—Do you speak French, too?

—Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)


Model 2: – She speaks English. (French)

– Does she speak French, too?

– Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)


1. Steve listens to the radio every day. (watch TV) 2. They like English tea. (English coffee) 3. Tom reads the Times. (the Guardian) 4. They speak English. (other languages) 5. I like English people. (the English weather) 6. Steve cooks Chinese food. (Italian food) 7. We visit our friends at the weekend. (during the week)


Ex. 5. Respond to the following statements:


Model 1: – We speak English at our English lessons. (Russian)

– Do you ever speak Russian at the lessons?

– Sometimes we do.


1. Mrs Wilson often travels around the country. (abroad) 2. I often translate English texts. (French texts) 3. They usually go to the University in the morning. (in the evening) 4. He usually has dinner at 2. (at 4). 5. She often goes to the cinema. (theatre) 6. Mary usually spends her holidays in the country. (in town)


Model 2: – Ned comes home late. (often)

– Does he often come home late?

– Yes, he does.


1. They go for a walk in the evening. (often) 2. I go to the sea for my holidays. (always) 3. He leaves home at 10. (always) 4. He sometimes visits me. (often) 5. They sometimes play golf. (often)


Model 3: – Mike leaves home at 7. (you)

– When do you leave home? – At 8 as a rule.

1. Ann usually finishes work at 5. (Fred) 2. My mother usually goes shopping on Tuesday. (you) 3. Lucy has dinner at 2. (Mary) 4. Donald comes home at 7. (his father) 5. Jane has her classes in the morning. (you) 6. My son goes to bed at 9. (your children) 7. Our classes begin at 10. (your classes)


Model 4: – My sister lives in Moscow. (your brother)

– Where does your brother live?

– In Brest.


1. John works at a factory. (his wife) 2. I have dinner at the canteen. (you) 3. We rest in the country. (the Browns) 4. I do my homework in the reading-room. (you) 5. Mike keeps his bicycle in the garage. (Peter)


Model 5: – My sister studies art. (you)

– What do you study?

– Chemistry.


1. Donald collects coins. (Sam) 2. Betty likes comedies. (Helen) 3. Mrs Smith teaches English. (Mrs Robinson) 4. I have a sandwich and coffee for breakfast. (you) 5. I prefer fish to meat. (you) 6. Mr Smith writes poetry. (Mr Wilson) 7. Mrs Morgan types letters. (Miss Green)


Model 6: – Mike trains every day. (Steve)

– How often does Steve train?

– Twice a week.

1. Donald plays golf once a week. (Peter) 2. Jill phones her parents every week. (Mary) 3. I go to the pictures once a month. (you) 4. Betty has music lessons once a week. (Jane) 5. I go shopping twice a week. (your mother) 6. Victor works in the library every day. (Roger)


Model 7: – I get to work by bus. (Mike)

– How does Mike get to work?

– By car as a rule.


1. Mrs Smith spends her weekends gardening. (your mother) 2. I go to the sea by air. (you) 3. Donald does very well at school. (Mary) 4. John drives carefully. (his friend) 5. Harry travels by air. (his wife)


Model 8: – It usually takes me an hour to do my homework. (you)

– How long does it take you to do your homework?

– About an hour and a half.


1. It takes John half an hour to get to work. (his father) 2. Ned stays at work till 5. (Peter) 3. We walk in the park about an hour. (you) 4. We stay at the sea for a month. (Your parents) 5. My working day lasts eight hours. (your day)


Model 9: – It’s too cold in the room. (close the window)

– Why don’t you close the window?


1. It is 12 o’clock. (go to bed) 2. The working day is over. (go home) 3. I am free today. (go to the cinema) 4. Mary is very busy. (help her) 5. It’s ten o’clock. (have breakfast) 6. Tom is absent. (phone him)


Model 10: – I want to go to the cinema. (to the theatre)

– Who wants to go to the theatre?

– Peter does.


1. She likes pop music. (classical music) 2. I know Mr Smith. (Mr Black) 3. We want to play volley-ball. (tennis) 4. Peter studies German. (French) 5. Mrs Smith teaches history. (maths) 6. Ned speaks Spanish. (German)


Model 11: – Someone phones Mary every day.

– Who phones her every day?


– She meets someone every day.

– Who(m) does she meet every day?


1. Someone sends her flowers every day. 2. Someone always waits for her every evening. 3. Betty goes out with someone every Saturday. 4. She loves someone. 5. Someone sends her letters every week. 6. She talks to someone on the phone every day. 7. Someone visits her every week.


Model 12: – I see Robert every day. (where)

– Where do you see him?

– In the library.


1. I come home late. (why) 2. Mike has supper at home. (where) 3. It doesn’t take him long to get to work. (how long) 4. Mary often writes to her sister. (how often) 5. Betty usually invites a lot of guests to her parties. (whom) 6. Arthur earns а lot. (how much) 7. We often play tennis in the evening. (where) 8. My brother smokes much. (how many cigarettes a day) 9. Harry doesn’t come to us. (why) 10. I see Robert every day. (where) 11. I come here very often. (why) 12. Alex doesn’t like tennis. (what games) 13. My sister studies foreign languages. (what foreign languages) 14. I want to take some books. (which books) 15. I sometimes see Mary. (how often) 16. We rest in the country. (how long) 17. This tape-record costs a lot. (how much) 18. Victor works hard. (how many hours a day) 19. I go to the cinema. (how often) 20. I have dinner in the evening. (what time)


Model 13: – I like tea. (strong or weak)

– Do you like your tea strong or weak?

– I prefer my tea strong.


1. Alice enjoys music. (pop music or classical music) 2. Smith delivers mail. (letters or telegrams) 3. Donald collects records. (old or modern) 4. Henry plays tennis. (big tennis or table tennis) 5. Roger always goes to the sea in summer. (in July or August)


Model 14: – My sister teaches German. (at school)

– She teaches at school, doesn’t she?

– Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t. She teaches at the Medical Institute.)


1. Mary often goes to the country. (on Sunday) 2. Alec lives River Street. (with his parents) 3. John plays football. (well) 4. Betty enjoys music. (jazz) 5. We usually walk in the evening. (in the park)


Ex. 6. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:


1. The swimming pool (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 19.30 every day. 2. I have a car but I (use, not) it very often. 3. – How many cigarettes you (smoke) a day? 4. – What you (do)? – I’m an engineer. 5. – Where your father (come) from? – He (come) from Scotland. 6. If you need money why you (get, not) a job? 7. I (play) the piano, but I (play, not) very well. 8. I (understand, not) the word ‘deceive’. What ‘deceive’ (mean)? 9. What time the banks (close) in Britain?


Ex. 7. Translate into English.


1. Ты часто видишь моего брата на заводе? – Да. 2. Роберт никогда мне не пишет. 3. Почему ты не печёшь торты? – У меня нет времени. 4. Когда ты ужинаешь? – В 8 часов. 5. Почему Виктор мне не звонит? 6. Твой сын любит смотреть телевизор? – Да, он смотрит телевизор каждый день. 7. Он знает ее адрес? 8. Ты не знаешь, он курит? – Не имею ни малейшего представления. 9. Ник живет далеко отсюда, не так ли? – Да, очень. 10. Иногда я хожу на работу пешком. А ты? – Я всегда езжу на машине. 11. Где ты обычно проводишь отпуск? Как правило, на море. 12. Разве ты не знаешь моего брата? – Нет. 13. Пит не говорит по-немецки, не правда ли? – Нет, говорит. 14. Ты обычно обедаешь дома или в столовой? – Как правило, дома. Я живу недалеко от университета. 15. Тебе нравится ее квартира? – Нет. – Мне тоже.



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