Lexical Exercises. Exercise 1.Find the English equivalents for the words and word-
Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word- combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.
изобрести паровой двигатель; Промышленная революция; увеличиться в пятьдесят раз; модернизированные орудия труда; изобретать; паровой молот; ось (шпиндель); литейный цех; прокатный стан; пудлиргование; выдавливать углубление (полость); отражательная печь.
Exercise 2. Match the English words and word-combinations given below with their Russian equivalents.
1. the latter part of the century 1. производство стали 2. vast quantities of smth 2. наковальня 3. output of metals 3. прогресс в технике 4. to impress visitors 4. качество металлов 5. anvil 5. играть важнейшую роль в ч-л 6. railway lines 6. последняя часть/конец века 7. advances in engineering 7. производство металлов 8. the quality of metals 8. железнодорожные рельсы 9. to play a vital part 9. огромное количество ч-л 10. steel production 10. производить большое впечатление на посетителей
Exercise 3. Answer the following questions
1. When did James Watt invent the steam engine? 2. What was the result of his invention? 3. Where was steam-hammer first used? 4. Who invented the rolling-mill? 5. What is the purpose of the rolling mill? 6. What is the puddling process used for? 7. Were any new metals discovered between 1750 and 1850?
Exercise 4. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
1.... iron is a relatively soft silvery metal. a) clean b) mixed c) pure 2. All but 20 of the over 100 elements identified to date are... a) metals b) gases c) non-metals 3. Only 7 metals are common in the earth’s... a) surface b) crust c) underground 4. Copper was the first metal... by man. a)invented b) opened c) discovered 5. The steam-hammer was... by James Nasmyth. a) elaborated b) designed c) worked out 6. Gold, silver and copper have always been... for their qualities. a)praised b) respected c) valued Exercise 5. Give a written translation of the following passages.
1. Thomas, Sidney Gitchrist (1850 - 1885), a British metallurgist. Educated at Dulwich college. Served as a clerk at the Court of London and attended evening lectures at the Royal Mining School. While looking for ways and means of making steel from high-phosphorus pig iron in the Bessemer converter, he devised (with assistance from his cousin Peter Gilchrist) in 1878 what later became known as the Thomas-Gilchrist process in England or the Thomas process on the continent. Took out several patents covering the process between 1877 and 1882. Predicted that the high-phosphorus slag from his process could be used as a soil conditioner and stimulant to plant growth.
2. Obuhov, Pavel Matveyevich (1820 - 1869), a Russian metallurgist. Graduated from the St.Petersburg Corps of Mining Engineers with honours in 1843. Was sent to work in the Urals. Was appointed Manager of the Zlatoust Arms Factory in 1854, where he completed his improvements of the crucible process. Was granted in 1857 the privilege of using his process for the large-scale production of high-quality cast steel. Designed in the late 1850s a factory to make steel field guns, which went into operation at the Prince Mihail Factory in 1860. This started the use of cast steel for gun barrels and was a turning point for Russian artillery. Obuhov’s steel field gun which had fired over 4000 rounds without damage was awarded a gold medal at the World Exhibition in London in 1862. Elected a corresponding member of the Artillery Committee and appointed Chief of the Zlatoust Mining District in 1861. Headed the construction of a major steel works in St. Petersburg in 1863, later named after him.