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Exercise 1. Translate into Russian. Comment on the use of Tenses


1. Stainless steels have successfully made their way into engineering applications. 2.The working of metal in some form has engaged man’s efforts for thousands of years. 3. The electrical power industry has traditionally faced corrosion problems. 4. Although many scientists studied motion, it was the great Sir Isaak Newton who formulated the theories of motion. 5. Studies have also shown hardness of stainless steels. 6. Chemistry students put some water into a tube, added some sodium hydroxide and dissolved it. 7. They have recently examined several modern molding machines. 8. The scientists have been working on this problem since 1998. 9. Have you finished your report on resource-saving in non-ferrous metallurgy? You have been working on it for two weeks. 10. For these reasons traditional moulding has taken an advantage over the new methods. 11. The new tecnique resulted in a wide range of material flexibility. 12. Stainless steels have successfully made their way into engineering applications.



Exercise 2. Put the verb into the correct form (Past Simple or Present


1. I... (to see) her recently. She... (to change) a lot. 2. John... (to move) to a new house three days ago. 3. She... (to work) at this office for 10 years. Now she... (to decide) to retire. 4. I don’t think I... (to know) your wife. I... (not to meet) her. 5. John... (to see) Susan last week but he... (not to see) her since. 6. This African boy... (never to see) snow. 7. It... (to happen) when I was out. 8. She... (to take) the envelope,... (to open) it and... (to take) a small sheet of paper out. 9. I... (not to see) him of late. 10. When you... (to see) Mr.Brown? 11. You are late for the classes again. You... (to be) already late once this week. 12. Jill... (not to write) to me for nearly a month. 13. It... (to be) cold in winter in Moscow as a rule? - Yes, generally it... (to be), but this winter it... (to be) very warm. 14. Where is Peter? - He... (to go) to the library. 15. You... (to read) anything by Mark Twain? Which of his novels you... (to read) when a child? 16. I... (to be) recently to this picture gallery. There... (to be) a very interesting exhibition on. 17. Tom... (to lose) his key and can’t open the door. He... (to lose) his key yesterday. 18. I (to phone) him an hour ago, but he (to be) at home. 19. You (to meet) Peter yet, but I am sure you will like him. 20. I (to start) learning English at school and then (to go on) studying it at the Institute.


Exercise 3. Replace the infinitives by the Past Indefinite, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:


1. At last you (to open) the door. I (to ring) for an hour at least, I think. 2. Here you are at last. I (to wait) for you for ten minutes. 3. The workers (to work) hard since Tuesday. 4. The scientists (to carry out) a lot of experiments before they (to get) positive results. 5. It (not to rain) for a long time. 6. He (to work) at this project for a long time and (not to finish) it yet. 7. How long you (to know) her? I (to know) her for three years. 8. Last night my friends and I (to decide) to stay in town for the summer. 9. They (to discover) diamonds in South Africa in the 19th century. 10. The concept of the atom (not to exist) before 1804.

Exercise 4. Learn the following dialogues by heart and make up a dialogue of your own using the model



1.A. Have you ever been to the Swiss Alps?

B. Yes, I have. I went there last winter.

A. And I’ve never been there. I’d like to go there next year. Did you

ski much when you were there?

B. No, I didn’t. I can’t ski. I’ve never skied in my life.

A. I can. I learnt to ski in Canada three years ago.



2.A. Have you heard the latest news?

B. What latest news?

A. John has got married at last.

B. Really? And whom did he marry?

A. Ann Simmons.

B. That girl? I’ve never liked her, you know.

A. Yes, but he loves her a lot, and it’s the most important thing.


Text 2

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