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Indefinite and Distributive Adjectives and Pronouns


Affirmative Negative Interrogative


some no any

somebody(one) nobody (none) anybody(one)

something nothing anything

somewhere nowhere anywhere


Any and its compounds can be used in negative sentences, if the predicate is negative or with hardly, barely, scarcely.

I don’t want to buy anything here.

I have hardly any time.

Any and its compounds can be used in affirmative sentences in the meaning of ‘ practically every’.

You may take any book you like.

Some is used in questions, when the answer ‘yes’ is expected.

May I take some coffee?

Everyone/ everybody/ everything + singular verb

Everyone wants to go there. Everything is ready.

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with some, any, no, every and their compounds


1. Does... know where he lives? 2.... wants to speak to you on the phone. 3. He is a real..., a man without wealth or... interests. 4. You may borrow... money from me. 5. I have hardly... books which may be of interest to you. 6.... dictionary will give you the meaning of these words. 7. Have you ever heard... of his lectures? 8. Would... like a drink? 9. Do you want... from the chemist? 10. I don’t want to go... this summer. 11. I am sure that... there lives a person who will fall in love with you.


Exercise 2. Translate into Russian. Explain the use of indefinite adjectives

and pronouns.


1. Dr. Greystone is not interested in anything outside his field. He is an atomic physicist and he does not want to be anything else. 2. Professor Mellowson is walking in Kentington Gardens. There are many people here. Some are lying on the grass and others are walking. But Professor does not notice anything or anybody. 3. What book shall I bring you? - Any you like. 4. We looked for the man, but there was nobody around. 5. He comes here every day. You can find him in any time between 2 and 4. 6. I think he has been everywhere. There is nothing to surprise him. 7. The symposium will be devoted to some problems of relationship between science and art. 8. Miss White has no taste at all. Her room is simply awful. 9. I’m very thirsty. Is there any juice in the house? - No, there isn’t any, I’m afraid, but there is some mineral water. 10. I’m very hungry, but I don’t want to go anywhere to eat out tonight. - Then there is some bread and butter in the fridge.


Exercise 3. Choose the appropriate indefinite pronoun or adverb out of those given in parenthesis. Explain your choice. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1.What book shall I bring. – (Some, any) you like. 2. If you have (something, anything) against me, speak out. 3. Why are (some, no) people so boring? 4. I don’t think I’ll go (anywhere, nowhere) this summer. 5. I never put (no, any) sugar in my tea. 6. Where there (no, some) objections? 7. (Sombody, nobody) tells me (nothing, anything). Could you tell me (something, everything)? 8. What books do you need? – (Any, no) you can give to me. 9. He took out (some, no) strange instrument from his bag. 10. I think he knows (everything, something). He is a real Mr. know-all. 11. We have heard (any, some) news that might interest you.

Text 2

Pre - reading task

1. What do you already know about the Crusades?

2. Find the key words in each paragraph and make up a summary of the text.

3. Find the answers to the following questions:

a) Why did the English warriors go to Jerusalem?

b) What does the legend say?

c) What can you say about the level of metallurgical development in the

East at the time of the Crusades?



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