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Comprehension Check. Exercise 1.Here are the answers to some questions about the text

Exercise 1. Here are the answers to some questions about the text.

Work out the questions.


1) The Roman Empire fell in 476 AD.

2) The Romans were skilled in iron-making, tin and lead mining, and the general metal- working.

3) No, there was little progress in the working of metals after the fall of the Roman Empire.

4) The Vikings owed much of their military success to their skill with metals.

5) It was difficult for the Vikings to make swords because of the lack of good furnaces.

6) Yes, the Vikings had their own method of making swords.

7) They heated the iron in charcoal.

8) Yes, this method also created an interesting wavy pattern on the metal.



Exercise 2. Read the text again and agree or disagree with the

statements given below.


1. Between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Vikings invasion there was much progress in the working of metals.

2.The Vikings’ swords were much longer and stronger than those used by the Romans.

3. In those days men possessed good equipment to melt iron sufficiently.

4. The Vikings could turn iron into steel.

5. The Vikings didn’t use reheating and hammering in the process of sword making.


Exercise 3. Look through the text and find the synonyms to the words

given below.


decline; advance; stop; outstanding; construct; expertness; mastery; deficiency; achievement; model.

Exercise 4. Translate the following idioms into Russian. Use them in the

sentences of your own.

a) To have too many irons

in the fire. Заниматься многими делами одновременно.

b) To iron out differences. Сглаживать различия.

c) Strike while the iron is hot Куй железо пока горячо.

d) To rule with an iron hand Править железной рукой

e) Iron will Железная воля

f) Hammer in Втолковывать, вдалбливать



Exercise 5. Arrange the jumbled sentences into the organized text.


1. This was a new method of discovering truth by experiment.

2. One event of his life particularly interested Edison, a great inventor and scientist.

3. One day he invited a number of professors and students to meet him in one of the squares of Pisa where there was a very high tower.

4. It was this method which Edison used throughout his life.

5. Gallileo didn’t believe the scientists of the time that a heavy weight dropped from a height more quickly than a light weight.

6. He went to the top of the tower and dropped two iron balls with different weight.

7. They struck the ground at the same time.

8. Thomas Edison loved to tell the story of Galileo, a great Italian scientist of the 17th century.



Oral Practice


Making an appointment. Telephone calls.



Questions Replies  
1. Could I make an appointment with Mr.Brown? 1. Yes, please. He can see you at 2 o’clock.
2. Could I make an appointment for Tuesday? 2. I’ll have to check it with Mr. Brown, I’m afraid.
3. I’d like to speak to Mr.Brown appointment?   3. Sure. Can I fix an appointment while I’m here. Can I make an for you for 2.30?
4. Should I phone before coming?   4. No, it is fixed. Do please call to confirm the meeting.



Telephone Calls


1. Could I speak to Mr.Brown, 1. Just a minute, please.
2. Could you put me to through Mr.Brown, please? 2. Who is speaking/calling, please?
3. Could I have extension 2345, please? 3.Hold the line, please. I’m putting you through now.
4. Could I leave a message for Mr.Brown? 4. Sure/Yes, of course/certainly.
5. Could you ask Mr.Brown to call me back? 5. I’m afraid he is not available until Sunday.
6. Can I make a collect call? The number is.. 6. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid the line is engaged/busy.
7. Well, thanks for the information. 7. You are welcome. Thanks for calling.

Exercise 1. Learn the dialogues by heart and make up similar dialogues

of your own using the patterns.



1.Peter: Could I make an appointment with Mr.Brown?

Secretary: Certainly. What day would suit you?

Peter: Monday or Tuesday.

Secretary: Let me see. Oh, Monday is busy, I’m afraid. Will Tuesday

2 o’clock be all right with you?

Peter: Thank you very much.



2.Peter: May I speak to Susan, please?

Susan: Speaking.

Peter: This is Peter O’Brien. Can I see you tomorrow? I’d like to invite you

to the theatre.

Susan: Thank you. I’d love to go there with you.

Peter: So, see you at 6 sharp at the entrance.

Susan: Fixed, then. I’m looking forward to meeting you.



3.Ben: Is that Mr. Hardy’s office?

Secretary: Yes.

Ben: My name is Ben Green. I’ve got an appointment with Mr.Holt

for tonight but something urgent has turned up. Could you put

our meeting off till Wednesday night?

Secretary: Hold the line, please. I’ll pass the information on to him...

Oh, yes, Mr.Holt can meet you on Wednesday same time.


Exercise 2. You have an appointment with Mr.Brown, so:


- introduce yourself

- explain that you have an appointment with him

- explain the purpose of your visit

- accept or decline the offers (for example, you have another appointment)

- explain that you need to confirm your return flight for tomorrow evening


Exercise 3. What would you say if somebody is phoning your brother but:


1. he is not in

2. he is in the next room

3. he is coming only tomorrow

4. he cannot answer the call immediately because he is busy


Exercise 4. Practise making arrangements.

You phone someone Someone phones you
a) You want to make an appointment with a dentist. You are free on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Phone the dentst’s secretary and arrange time. a) You are the dentist’s secretary. The dentist is only free on Monday, and Friday. His working hours are 9.30-12.30.
b)You want to invite your friend to a party on Saturday. It begins at 8.00. Phone and arrange when and where to meet. b)Your friend invites you to a party. You’d love to go.Arrange to meet some-where in town. At what time?
c) You need a passport photograph. You are free every afternoon this week. Phone and make an appointment. c) You are a photographer.You are free on Wednesday and Friday this week, between 11.00 and 13.00.


Unit 4


Text 1

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