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Pre - reading task

1. What do you know about London?

2. Look through the text and say what new facts about London you have

known from it.



“The city that has everything” probably sums up London’s appeal best of all. It is a tale of two cities: one began as a Roman settlement over 2000 years ago and formed the basis of the City of London - the business heart of the great capital. The other grew up around the abbey which Edward the Confessor founded in 1050: it became the centre of government known as Westminster. Though both these cities have grown and prospered and have lived together for 1000 years they have never made up their minds to become legally married.

The City of London maintains its independence in many ways. For instance, before the Queen may enter the city she must stop at Temple Bar and ask permission of the Lord Mayor of London who, symbolically, surrends the sword of State to her. It is only a formality but it emphasizes the City’s status. It is also a good example of British devotion to their traditions.

The Houses of Parliament make a beautiful view across the Thames. They were built between 1840 and 1860 to replace those destroyed in a disastrous fire in 1834. The Victoria Tower is on the left, the Clock Tower (popularly known as Big Ben) is on the right. Westminster Hall, adjacent to the Houses of Parliament, is the only remaining building of the Palace of Westminster. Here King Charles I was sentenced to death.

The City’s greatest monument is St.Paul’s Cathedral built by Sir Christopher Wren in 17 - 18 centuries. It took him about 35 years to complete his work. The predecessor of the Cathedral was destroyed in the Fire of London (1666). Wren’s tomb in the crypt bears the famous inscription: ” Reader, if you would seek his monument, look around you.”

The Tower of London does not oficially belong to the City, though it stood there for almost 900 years. The White Tower which is part of the present Tower of London, is the earliest surviving building in the City.

Quite an unexpected feature of London is the number, variety and the beauty of the parks. St.James Park was laid out by John Nash as a front garden for Buckingham Palace, but it is open for everyone. Hyde Park is less of a private garden and more of an open space. It is famous for the Serpentine - a beautiful pond, and Speaker’s Corner where anybody can make a speech at weekends. Kensington Gardens adjoins Hyde Park. In both these parks one can find a place where the birds’ singing is the only sound to be heard.

Of course the incredible collection of art treasures and historical objects to be found in the city is the main London attraction. Everybody knows about the National Gallery situated in the north of Trafalgar Square which exhibits all schools of European painting from the 13th to the 19th centuries. The National Portrait Gallery adjoins the National Gallery and exhibits the portraits of British monarchs, statesmen, heroes and other well-known people. The British Museum has a priceless collection of art objects from the Orient. The famous British Museum Library has a unique collection of rare books and manuscripts. The Tate Gallery is the National gallery of British art. It was given to the nation by a rich sugar merchant Sir Henry Tate. Another donation to the people of Great Britain was made by Sir Richard Wallace’s widow in 1897. It contains a fine display of pottery, carved wooden sculptures, miniatures and paintings.

London was probably best characterized by Dr. Johnson who said, “When a man is tired of London he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”

Task 2

Дата добавления: 2014-12-06; просмотров: 747. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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