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Exercise 5. More about word-building: Prefixes

e-, ex- = out, from, away

emigrate = move out of the country = эмигрировать

eminent = standing out, distinguished = выдающийся

expel = drive out = исключить


ante- = before; post- = after; semi- = half

anteroom = a room forming an entrance to another = прихожая, приемная

postgraduate = a person who continues studying after graduation from a university = аспирант

semicircle = half of a circle = полукруг


Translate at sight:

1. Workers were paid on a semimonthly basis. 2. He has missed so many lectures, I am afraid he will be expelled from the university. 3. Workers who enter a semiskilled occupation do not have to undergo a long period of training. 4. My antecedents settled in London about a century ago. 5. After college Peter hopes to do postgraduate research in Department of Materials Science. 6. Iron is extracted from a rocky material called iron ore. 7. At the end of the lesson a group gathered around the teacher in a semicircle to ask additional questions. 8. You will not have to add a postscript if you plan your letter carefully.


Exercise 5. Give a written Russian translation of the following passages


1.There are carbon steels and alloy steels. Low-carbon steels are tough, yet easy to shape. High-carbon steels are hard and brittle, but can be given sharp cutting edges. Alloy steels contain a range of metals, each giving the steel a special property. Chromium, nickel, and steel make stainless steel, which is hard-wearing and does not rust.


2. Steel can be shaped in a variety of ways. Rolling stretches and squeezes ingots of steel into sheets, tubes, or strips. In drawing, rolled steel is pulled through a hole to make a wire. In casting, it is left to cool in a mould. Forged steel is made by squeezing hot steel.


3. Most iron is converted into steel in a basic oxygen furnace. A mixture of iron and steel scrap is poured into the furnace, and a jet of oxygen is blown over it. Oxygen combines with the carbon in the iron, carrying it away as carbon monoxide. It takes a basic oxygen furnace just 40 minutes to produce 350 tonnes of steel.

4. The ladles of molten steel are poured into moulds to make ingots, or a reservoir that serves a continuous casting process. Most steel is continuously cast because it is cheaper and better quality. These blocks of steel, called billets, can then be shaped by rolling, forging or casting.


Exercise 6. Listen to the short lecture and answer the following questions.


1. What is the main difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?

2. What are the properties of all metals.

3. Why is cast iron chiefly used in building?

4. What is a steel frame used for?



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