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Comprehension Check. Exercise 1.Here are the answers to some questions about the text. Exercise 1.Here are the answers to some questions about the text.

Exercise 1. Here are the answers to some questions about the text.

Make up the questions.


1. Americans place a high value on education for themselves and their children.

2. By the end of the Civil War in 1865 education was becoming available for all.

3. American education is not highly centralized.

4. Each of the states controls and directs its own schools.

5. Schools have for many years received federal aid for vocational training.

6. American institutions of higher education include technical training schools, community colleges; colleges offering four-year bachelor degree programs and universities.

7. The factors determining an institution’s prestige are the quality of teaching, research facilities, amount of funding available.

8. Four out of five American private schools and universities are run by religious institutions.


Exercise 2. Complete the statements by choosing the right variant.


1. Students in Russian institutions of higher education... on the basis of entrance examinations.

a) are accepted b) enter c) are enrolled

2. Secondary education in the US has been... for all since the end of the Civil War.

a) available b) possible c) difficult

3. American education is characterized by the... of a centralized structure.

a) presence b) absence c) establishment

4. The state... set all educational requirements.

a) authorities b) administration c) legislatures

5. Schools receive federal... for special purposes.

a) aid b) assistance c) help

6. Americans... a high value on education.

a) put b) give c) place

7. Most American states... that children start schooling at the age of 6.

a) demand b) require c) insist

8. Public schools are supported by state and... taxes.

a) federal b) local c) private

9. Only... can offer doctoral degree programs.

a) universities b) community colleges c) vocational colleges


Exercise 3. What makes a good teacher?

Look at the following ideas and say which ones are

important in your opinion.

A good teacher:

- knows his/her subject very well

- gives interesting lessons

- makes sure the classroom is tidy and attractive

- always prepares his/her lessons

Now work with a partner to add at least four more characteristics of a good teacher.

Exercise 4. Find the Russian equivalents to the following proverbs.

Enlarge on them.

Better unborn than untaught.

Better untaught then ill-taught.

Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

Learn to say before you sing.


It is interesting to know that...

At an American college a freshman is a first-year student; a sophomore is a second-year student; a senior is a fourth-year student. All students who graduate from the senior course and who continue studying at a university are graduate students. Some graduate students who receive scholarships are called university fellows. The fellow assists a professor in a special field of research or takes responsibility for some classroom instruction.



Oral Practice

Business Correspondence: a Letter of Application

A Job Interview


The letter of application is also called the covering letter and it is as important as CV. They both provide the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If it is not written properly, it can produce a bad impression. Usually it contains 3 or more paragraphs in which you should:


- confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job;

- say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those

of the company;

- show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant

skills and experience;

- indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly state when

you would be free to attend).


The opening line will be:

“Dear Sir” (addressed to a man); “Dear Madam” (addressed to a woman);

“Dear Sir or Madam” (if you don’t know who you are addressing to)

or just “Dear Mr Brown”/ “Dear Ms Smith”

Here is a sample of such a letter:

Natalie Smith

11 Blackpool Str.

Alfa Ltd



Dear Ms Smith,

I’m writing to you to apply for the position of Public Affairs Associate advertised in the International Herald Tribune last week.

Although I’m presently working for National Trust Fund, it has always been my intention to work in commercial environment. I would particularly enjoy the chance to work for your company and as you will notice on my enclosed curriculum vitae, the job you are offering matches my professional interests.

My work experience has familiarised me with the challenges involved in public relations today. I am sure that this together with my fluent knowledge of French would be extremely relevant to the position.

I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In the meantime do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Particia Flynch

11 High Street

Ramsgate EH 2 2LM



Exercise 1. Write letters of application for the following positions:

1. Accountant: up too 35, degree in Finance/Economics; spoken English

Knowledge of GAAP accounting, software (is a plus)

Preparing accounting documentation & reporting to

Chief Accountant. Preparing documents for tax authorities,

salary calculation.

Contact with the banks for operations and follow up.

Salary up to $500.


2. Chief of Department of Bank Currency Operations:

30 - 40; university degree in Finance; fluent English;

over 3 years experience in currency operations and

international payments. Salary $1000 + bonus.

Tel: 978 - 6842

tel/fax: 978 - 8092

Exercise 2. A Job Interview


Ms Flynch: May I come in?

Mr Smith: Yes, please. You must be Ms Flynch. I’ve got your CV and letter

of application. What’s your background?

Ms Flynch: I’ve got an engineering degree from Imperial College and a

Diploma in Public Relations from London Chamber of

Commerce. Three-year experience with Sheffield silver-works

and two year experience in public relations.

Mr Smith: That’s fine. But you’ve got an excellent job. Why do you want to

change it?

Ms Flynch: Commercial work attracts me more. It is active and imaginative

imaginative. Besides I’m commuting to my present job.

Mr Smith: I see. Do you have any references?

Ms Flynch: Yes, I do.

Mr Smith: Fine. We’ll let you know about the results in two weeks.

Ms Flynch: And will this job include any perks? Are there chances for


Mr Smith: Yes, you’ll have a car. The starting salary is 250 pounds a week.


Exercise 3. Make a dialogue of your own. A student-interviewer fills

in the interview report form

Interview Report Form

1. Job title ___________________________________________

2. Name of applicant __________________________________

3. Address ___________________________________________

 permanent accomodation  temporary accomodation

4. Age  under 20  20 - 24  25 - 30  over 30

5. Educational qualifications _____________________________

details of subjects

6. Foreign languages spoken

_______ Fluent Very good Good Fair




7. Work experience

industrial commercial retail

casual labour voluntary other

details _________________________-

8. General health and fitness:

excellent good fair poor

9. Hobbies

sport music theatre/cinema handicrafts


10. Personality

shy/nervous cold/distant relaxed/friendly

too casual/informal overconfident

11. Details of availability ____________________________

12. Starting salary offered ___________________________


Unit 3

Text 1

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