Facts and Figures about Sheffield University
§ The University grew out of the Sheffield Medical School (founded in 1828), Firth College (1879) and the Sheffield Technical School (1884). These three institutions came together in 1897 to form the University College of Sheffield, which in turn became the University of Sheffield in 1905. § 70 Academic Departments and Sections are grouped in the 7 Faculties (Architectural Studies, Arts, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Pure Science, Social Sciences). § 54 Research Units are conducting interdisciplinary research across a broad range of subject areas. § 10 specialist advisory services for industry and commerce operate within the University. § The University's income for the financial year ending 31 July 2003 was £ 261 million. § 19, 587 full-time students were registered for degree, diploma and certificate courses in the session 2003-04. Of these, 16, 070 were undergraduates and 3, 517 were postgraduates. § 4, 087 part-time students were registered for degree, diploma and certificate courses in the session 2003-04. Of these, 2, 067 were undergraduates and 2, 020 were postgraduates. § 5, 569 people were employed at the University on 31 July 2003. Of these, 1, 228 were full-time academic staff. § 4, 371 First degrees, 1, 591 Masters degrees, 469 Doctor of Philosophy degrees, and 34 other Doctors degrees were awarded by the University in the session 2002-03. § 3, 820 international students from 116 countries were registered in the session 2003-04. The largest national groups were from China (721); Malaysia (538); Greece (189); Germany (149); and India (143). § 32, 977 applications were received through UCAS for undergraduate entry in September 2003. § The ratio of male to female undergraduate students is 47%: 53%. § The average A level entry score for September 2003 was 25.3 § 4, 878 student places are available in University halls of residence (2, 863) and flats (2, 015) in 2003/04. § Over 1.4 million books, periodicals and other items are held in the University. § More than 70 concerts and plays are organized each year by University students and staff.
III. a) Before you listen to the student speaking about student’s life, use the words and phrases in the table to complete the sentences below. Translate these sentences into Russian.
1. If you ________ something or someone, you discover it/them unexpectedly. 2. __________ are useful pieces of information. 3. The____________ is the amount of money someone needs to live on. 4. If you can ____________ something you have enough money to pay for it. 5. If something is more than you can usually afford we say this is. 6. The ______________ is a place on campus that hosts student services such as a canteen, bar, lounge, health facilities etc. 7. If you don't have much available income to spend we say that you are ___________. 8. ____________ means fashionable or up with the latest ideas. 9. ____________ is the day after Christmas day. In the UK most shops have a sale which begins on this day. 10. If you __________ something, you steal or obtain it illegally. 11. An _________ is one in which you have a sudden desire to buy something that you see in a shop.
b) 1. More than three quarters of all university students in England and Wales borrow money to study. 2. Students tend to buy a house soon after graduating. 3. Paying back a student loan is always voluntary. 4. A degree gives people an advantage when applying for white collar jobs. 5. Graduates often feel their first job doesn’t live up to their expectations. 6. Numbers of British university students began to decline after the credit crunch. 7. Students sometimes break the law to finance their studies. 8. More international students are coming to Britain because the UK currency is weaker
c) 1. We will lend you £ 3, 000, which you will need to repay with of 3% after three years. 2. Paying my fees every year has been a constant _______. 3. With such a small loan, I don’t know if I’ll be able to pay the_______. 4. I’ve got a good job, but I just wish the work was more_______. 5. When term ends, I’ll have to get___________ just to make ends meet. 6. The_______ is £ 140 a week, but it’s cash-in-hand, so you don’t pay tax.