Power Supply Electrical Systems and Networks
I am a second-year student of the Bratsk State Technical University. My future speciality is power supply to industrial enterprises, cities and rural regions. I am also trained to work in the field of electrical systems and networks. I am sure that my speciality is of great importance because power engineering is a key industry. The problems it deals with concern the efficient generation and distribution of electrical power. It is one of the oldest areas of electrical engineering. The power engineers have to do with many problems, for example, with the voltage at which power must be generated; then there are the problems of controlling, the phase, the frequency and the loads of power systems. The power engineer must know high-voltage technique, electric motors, from microscopic ones to giants with high capacity, different types of household electrical appliances, transformers, insulators, switches and other pieces of equipment for power transmission lines. The power engineers are also concerned with feeding sources, step-up and step-down electric substations, various auxiliary installations and erections as well as with feeding distribution electric grids. It is necessary to say a few words about the Unified (or Integral) Power Grid. It covers the entire territory of our country. The work of many power stations is made optimal due to it. And the energy system as a whole is much more economical and reliable. Now as much as 90 % of all electricity generated in the country can be regulated from one control panel. One should add that the work on the further development of Integral Power Grid will be continued. It is planned to build DC power transmission lines of 2, 200 – 2, 400 kilowatts. As for electrical engineering it is planned to expand the production of heat-resistant enamel wires, small high-capacity accumulating batteries and thin foil-covered dielectrics. Taking into account the above mentioned problems the main task of future electric engineers will be to look for efficiency improvements of power sources as well as for new power distribution systems. It is time to give them another look. After graduating from the University I would like to work at a power plant or at a power distribution center.
3. Прочитайте текст еще раз и найдите: а) английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям: ведущая промышленность; электротехника; эффективность производства; источники питания; следует добавить, что; в целом; разные вспомогательные установки; фаза; электрические системы и сети; напряжение; нагрузка; электростанция;
б) русские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям: it deals with; power supply to industrial enterprises; a key industry; power distribution center; household electrical appliances; pieces of equipment; switches, DC power transmission lines, much more economical and reliable, electric engineer, thin foil-covered dielectrics; insulators.