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A Pattern of Management Action

“One surprising difficulty” we encounter is convincing managers who are leaders that they learned this ability. It is also a problem of convincing those who have some natural abilities that these can be “leveraged” by learning an orderly process for managing.

Managers must determine what they want people to do. They must learn how to develop clear, precise mental images of exactly what action they would like to have taken. And they must learn how to duplicate these images in the minds of others. In management terminology, this is called planning.

Planning is the first element of a concept called “A Pattern of Management Action”.

This pattern of action is similar to the routine that a doctor follows, when diagnosing an illness, or to the procedure that an engineer follows, when designing a process. A manager also should have a pattern he can follow in approaching the job.

The pattern itself is the result of asking experienced, successful managers – over a period of a quarter of a century – what they considered to be the most valuable advice they could give successors. Significantly, there’s growing appreciation on the part of those who have adopted a management pattern that it is a way to diagnose any problem at any time.

Seven steps are involved in the AMA pattern.

Step 1. Plans. It is said that planning is the first function of a manager. Before other managerial functions can be undertaken, an organization’s objectives – and the means for achieving these – must first be determined. Planning, therefore, begins with the objectives, which are the goals an organization must achieve if it is to exist.

Step 2. Organization Clarification. It closely follows Step 1. The manager must make sure that other people clearly understand their functions, the authority that goes with those functions, and their relationships with others. Plans are, of course, worthless in a vacuum. This is why good communication is so important. Ideally, every employee should know the plans of his or her company and understand the particular contribution he or she is supposed to make toward their attainment.

Step 3. Standards of Performance. This step requires that performance standards to be established and communicated (through the written or spoken word – preferably both), so that every employee clearly understands what constitutes a job well done. Otherwise, Steps 1 and 2 could be performed ineffectually.

Ideally, every person would know – even at the end of each day – whether his performance was more or less than what was expected. This way, even though his supervisor might not become immediately aware of his superior performance, the employee would at least have the satisfaction of knowing that his work exceeded standards.

Step 4. Progress review. This step reinforces Step 3. At this point, the manager analyzes the performance of his organization in light of objectives. Having a pattern of management action ensures that such a review will take place of regular intervals rather than at times of failure. This is important because a discussion between the manager and a subordinate in the midst of a crisis is too likely to be the subject to the emotions of the moment.

Step 5. Action to be taken. It is usually regarded as the last of the elements of managerial control, which many consider the essence of management. Having set the functions of jobs, having established the results to be secured when jobs are well done, and having evaluated how well employees are doing in comparison to standards, the manager now has the information he needs to take action to improve performance. Step 2 through Step 5 are related to the first step because the purpose of managerial control is to ensure that organizational events unfold according to plans.

Step 6. Sources of Action. This step is related to delegation. Having determined what action is requires as a result of the foregoing analysis, the manager next decides the best source from which to secure it. Generally, there are at least four sources of action: the supervisor involved, an outside source that can be brought in, and lastly an outside source (a consultant, for example) that must be gone to (such as a training program or a company that sells supplies that may be needed).

Step 7. Schedule for Action. It underscores the importance of planning. Time is not always easily come by: it must be made available.

When the manager realizes that circumstances call for the assistance of other employees, for example, he must arrange such help in advance so as to lessen the disruption of schedules.



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