My Speciality is Woodworking
The main directions in the economic development of Russia in woodworking are: to ensure a better utilization of forest raw materials and processing of wood, to rise labour productivity and lower production costs. The Forestry Technical Faculty of the Bratsk State Technical University trains highly qualified specialists who are able to fulfil these tasks. One of the most important features of modern woodworking industry is the concentration of production. It means creating large timber industry complexes, such as in Bratsk and in Ust-Ilimsk. They are oriented not only on lumbering, but also on all kinds of processing and waste utilization operations. The Bratsk Timber Industrial Complex not only fells timber, but also produces cord pulp, cardboards, saw timber, plywood, fibre-boards, feed grade yeast, resin, turpentine and other things. Graduates from the woodworking department work as engineers in the technology of woodworking at timber industry enterprises. Since woods are the raw material for woodworking it might be well to learn a little about their structure, names of their parts, classification and identification. In order to be an educated and qualified engineer it is necessary to study about 40 subjects of general education and engineering. The programme includes the study of the physical and anatomical characteristics of hardwood and softwood species, how to manufacture building materials, furniture, TV and radio sets, musical instruments and other things by processing wood, veneer, chips, plastics. All the students learn how to get knowledge for their future work in modern laboratories of the University and industrial enterprises. Many students take part in the research work of the faculty. I am a second-year student and I am eager to master my speciality as it is an important and deficult one.
4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих выражений: Создание лесопромышленных комплексов; ориентированы на лесозаготовку; все виды переработки; использование отходов; валит древесину; производит целлюлозу, картон, пиломатериал, фанеру, волокнистые плиты; лесопромышленные предприятия; овладеть специальностью.
5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. What are the directions in woodworking industry? 2. What department do you study at? 3. What is one of the most important features of modern woodworking industry? What does it mean? 4. What are the timber industry complexes in Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk oriented on? 5. Where do graduates from the woodworking faculty work?