Упражнение 37
А. Найдите инфинитив. Определите, в какой из двух функций он используется: как подлежащее или как обстоятельство цели. Для этого надо найти сказуемое и установить, с чем оно согласуется, то есть что является в предложении подлежащим.
То produce a hormone rich in iodine is the chief function of the thyroid gland. To produce an effect a drug must reach its target in adequate amounts.
1. To maintain the pH within normal range there are substances present in blood 2. To maintain normal acid-base balance is the main task of the kidneys. 3. To prevent backflow of blood, the heart is equipped with valves that permit the 4. To develop a vaccine against any parasite is a long-term effort that can take 20 to 5. To suture the wound properly is essential for healing the wound. 6. To stay alive all the cells in the body need continuing supplies of oxygen, energy 7. To make a diagnosis one must know the symptoms of the disease. 8. To determine the proportions of various chemical elements present in the hu 9. The Scanner examines the body in slices, 13 mm thick. To take a picture of a 10. To prevent infection Lister ['hsta] (1827 — 1912) invented methods of using anticeptics during surgical operations. 7.5 Инфинитив-определение