Rapiscan 620DV
Rapiscan 620DV provides both a horizontal and vertical X-ray view of carry-on luggage. These two perpendicular views provide a complete perspective regardless of their orientation inside the system. Automated explosives detection software is also applied to scanned images. NOTE: Rapiscan – Rapiscan Security Products Ltd; является лидером в области разработки и производства многоэнергетических рентгено-телевизионных систем и систем с автоматическим определением взрывчатых веществ. Rapiscan предлагает широкий спектр досмотровых систем, базирующихся на применении современных технологий.
Task II. Match left and right.
Task III. Answer the following questions. 1. What do advanced X-ray technologies provide? 2. What will a group of advanced X-ray technologies improve? 3. Where and when can AT systems be widely deployed? 4. What does Rapiscan 620DV provide? Task IV. Finish the following sentences using the text. 1. AT is a catch phrase for ______. 2. AT systems are highly ______. 3. ATs provide high-definition X-ray images that improve TSA security officers’ ability ______. 4. Rapiscan 620DV provides _____. Text 4