Task II. Match left and right. Task IV. Finish the following sentences using the text.
Task III. Answer the following questions.
1. What problems are X-ray TV systems designed to solve? 2. What do different corporations offer to law enforcement agencies and security service organizations? 3. What do these devices allow? 4. What are X-ray TV-systems equipped with? 5. What are competitive advantages of the portable X-ray TV systems? Task IV. Finish the following sentences using the text. 1. Great variety of terrorist means and types of camouflage causes ______. 2. These devices allow detecting _______. 3. X-ray TV-systems are equipped with _______. Text 5 Mobile X-RAY Screening system “Z BACKSCATTER VAN” Task I. Study the following words: ZBV reveals “what's inside” with photo- like Z Backscatter 1. 2. ZBV Van – сканирующая рентген -установка обратного рассеивания; 3. C4 – взрывчатое вещество; 4. gamma rays and neutrons – гамма-лучи и нейтроны; 5. a stowaway – 1) безбилетный пассажир (на пароходе, самолете); 2) что-то спрятанное.