Customs Control and Modern Technologies
Task I. Read the text to find its main idea. In 2003 during the meeting in Canada the leaders of the G8 countries suggested the International organizations to develop the measures on ensuring the maximum security of trade interchange. In this connection, in June, 2005 at the session of the World Customs Organization (WCO) the Frame standards on safety and facilitation of global trade have been adopted. It was a new mechanism combining the trade assistance measures with the safety ensuring measures. These standards give wide interpretation of safety - it means not only the safety of the enterprise logistics' chains, but also economic safety of the trade participants and of the states, in the territory of which these operations are carried out. The mechanism will be based on preliminary informing and electronic declaring. The mentioned framework document determines 4 principles: - preliminary exchange of data in respect of commodity deliveries in an automatic mode (the experts of the World Customs Organization think that this principle allows not only to refuse the traditional paper documents, but also to carry out certain preparatory customs operations beforehand, this will essentially reduce the time of customs clearance of goods at their arrival to the necessary place in the country of import); - creation of a risk analysis and management system, which will allow examining only the deliveries constituting real threat; - creation on the border of conditions for efficient control of vehicles and containers (this principle assumes equipping the passing points with special devices - inspection and examination complexes for controlling bulky cargoes); - creation of partnership relations between business community and the State represented by its supervising bodies.
Task II. Find the English equivalents to the following: главы стран ‘ большой восьмерки’; безопасность и упрощение мировой торговли; предварительное информирование; таможенная очистка по прибытии; система анализа и управления рисками; электронное декларирование; контроль транспортных средств и контейнеров; пункты пропуска.
Task III. Answer the questions. 1. What did the leaders of the G8 countries suggest the International organizations at the meeting in Canada? 2. What was adopted at the session of the World Customs Organization? 3. What principlesdoes the mentioned framework document determine? Be ready to describe them.